When A Woman Loves A Man

It is easy to understand the emotions of a woman when she is in love. If she loves you then you will always be on her mind every minute of the day and she would love to stay connected to you all the time. If she keeps calling you or texting you it doesn’t mean she has nothing else to do in her life …just remember she is taking out time from her busy schedule just to give her and time and attention to you. If she shows jealousy towards other women in your life it means she just can’t share your attention with anyone else. If she says sorry for no fault of hers it means she just loves you and she doesn’t want to make you feel bad for whatever you did to upset her. If she keeps forgiving you for your mistakes and accepts you back in her life again and again it simply means that she loves you and you are really important to her and she treasure your relationship with her. If she is truly in love with you she can go to any extent to show her love and affection and she wants nothing more than to feel loved. {Aarti Khurana }