I send a balloon to Heaven

I send this balloon with a hug and a kiss, to those in heaven that I love and miss. I'm sharing this balloon in loving memory of my family and friends who have passed away. I miss you, I think about you, I will never forget you.. Gone but never forgotten.

Flowers are the sweetest things God ever made and forgot to put a soul into.

My Angel up in Heaven ~ Written by Dave Hedges

My angel up in heaven, I wanted you to know, I feel you watching over me, everywhere I go.

I wish you were with me, but that can never be, Memories of you in my heart, that only I can see.

My angel up in heaven, I hope you understand, That I would give anything, if I could hold your hand.

I’d hold you oh so tightly, and never let you go, And all the love inside of me, to you I would show.

My angel up in heaven, for now we are apart, You’ll always live inside of me, deep within my heart.

I feel your love from heaven. It guides me through my days. Share if you have someone in heaven that you think about each day.