Showing posts with label Family. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Family. Show all posts

A True Friend

A true friend will see the good in every situation and bring
out the best in you when you are facing your worst.

A true friend is very hard to find

Love is not only made for lovers,
 it is also for friends who love each 
other better than lovers. 

A true friend is very hard to find, 
difficult to leave and impossible to 

Why Women are special

Why Women are special… (Read this complete)

Husband & Wife were watching TV when Wife
said, “I’m tired, and it’s getting late. I think I’ll
go to bed.”

She went to the kitchen to make sandwiches for
the next day’s lunches.

Rinsed out the bowls, took vegetable out of the
freezer for morning, checked the cereal box
levels, filled the sugar container, put spoons and
bowls on the table and started the coffee pot
for brewing the next morning.

She then ironed a shirt and secured a loose

She picked up the game pieces left on the table,
put the phone back on the charger and put the
telephone book into the drawer.

She emptied a wastebasket and hung up a towel
to dry.

She yawned and stretched and headed for the

She stopped by the desk and wrote a note to the
teacher and pulled a text book out from hiding
under the chair.

She signed a birthday card for a friend,
Addressed and stamped the envelope and wrote
a quick note for the grocery store.

She put both near her bag.
Then she washed her face,
put on her moisturizer,
brushed her teeth…..

Husband called out,
“I thought you were going to bed.”
“I’m on my way,” she said.

She put some water into the dog’s dish, and then
made sure the doors were locked.

She looked in on each of the
kids and turned out their
bedside lamps and radios,
and had a brief conversation with one kid who is
still up doing homework.

In her own room, she set the alarm; laid out
clothing for the next day.

Said her prayers, and visualized the
accomplishment of her goals. About that time,

Husband turned off the TV and announced to no
one in particular. “I’m going to bed.”
And he did… without another thought.
Anything Extraordinary Here?

Share this to phenomenal women today… they’ all
love you for it!

And Forward this to as many men as you can so
that they know why women are so special……!!!

A Special Friend

Sometimes in life you will find a special 
friend that you can count on.

Someone who changed your life
simply by being a part of it.

Someone who makes you feel good,
smile at will and laugh uncontrollably.

Someone who will show you there are
still some good people in the world.

Someone who will stand by you at
times when you feel you are all alone.

Someone who will make your life better,
just by being a part of theirs.

The 10 qualities of perfect friend

The 10 qualities of perfect friend

1 Great and brave heart
2 Sweet and soft voice
3 Sharp and fast brain
4 Cute and stupid smile
5 Loving and caring
6 Confident
7 Attractive
8 Deep connectivity
9 Power of speaking truth
10 Power of hearing lie about their self

What Is family All About?

Isn't always about the people in you life
who are blood relations.
It's about the people in your life who
want you to be in theirs.
It's about the people in your life who accept
you for who you are, support you in the things
you choose to do and no matter what are there
for you. It's the people in your life who love you,
respect you and who you can depend on.

Now That's FAMILY.

I'm Thankful For My Family and Friends

My house isn't fancy, I don't have much money,
I've had to struggle for all the things I have in my life,
but I am thankful for all the love and support I have had
over the years from my family and friends, because without 
them, things would have been much harder.

Thanks To Friends On Facebook

For each and every one of you on my friends list, I love looking 
at your pictures, sharing jokes and news with you all, as well as 
support during good times and bad. 

I am so happy to have you among my friends. 
We will see who will take the time to read this message until the end. 
If you appreciate your friends from all over the world, go ahead 
and share this onto your profile. 
I'm going to be watching to see who takes care of and who 
appreciates their Facebook friends. 

Thank you all for being a part of my life.

Long Distance Relationship..

Long distance relationship is one of the best relationships.
 It’s really sweet to see two patient hearts that are willing to wait 
because they think that everything is worth it anyway. Yes, it’s 
hard not being together physically, you cannot kiss and hug 
each other, but still you know that one day you will…

brothers week ..

If you have a brother,
whom you love a lot ...
who made you cry sometimes ...
pulled your hair ...
fought with you ...
stood up for you ...
drove you crazy ...
watched you succeed ...
saw you fail and laughed,
picked you up,
scolded you ...
made you strong ...
and you can't do without them !!
Share this if you have the BEST BROTHER in the world !