What Your Birthday Color Says About You.

Pick your birthday from the list below and read what the color says.

December 23rd until January 1st = Red
January 2nd until January 11th = Orange
January 12th until January 24th = Yellow
January 25th until February 3rd = Pink
February 4th until February 8th = Blue
February 9th until February 18th = Green
February 19th until February 29th = Brown
March 1st until March 10th = Aqua
March 11th until March 20th = Lime
March 21st = Black
March 22nd until March 31st = Purple
April 1st until April 10th = Navy
April 11th until April 20th = Silver
April 21st until April 30th = White
May 1st until May 14th = Blue
May 15th until May 24th = Gold
May 25th until June 3rd = Cream
June 4th until June 13th = Grey
June 14th until June 23rd = Maroon
June 24th = Grey
June 25th until July 4th = Red
July 5th until July 14th = Orange
July 15th until July 25th = Yellow
July 26th until August 4th = Pink
August 5th until August 13th = Blue
August 14th until August 23rd = Green
August 24th until September 2nd = Brown
September 3rd until September 12th = Aqua
September 13th until September 22nd = Lime
September 23rd = Olive
September 24th -October 3rd = Purple
October 4th until October 13th = Navy
October 14th until October 23rd = Silver
October 24th -November 11th = White
November 12th until November 21st = Gold
November22nd until December 1st = Cream
December 2nd until December 11th = Grey
December 12th- December 21st = Maroon
December 22nd = Teal

Cute and lovable type. You are picky but always in love…and like to be loved. Fresh and cheerful, but can be “moody” at times.