What Your Sleeping Position With a Partner Says about Your Relationship

The things we use subconsciously can say a lot about us. For instance, when we sleep, the sleeping position and the dreams can say a lot about us. Moreover, if you sleep with your partner, the most usual sleeping position you have can indicate what kind of relationship you have. Hence, we decided to list the most common couple sleeping positions and their meaning. Take a look and learn something new about you and your relationship.


This is a common couple sleeping position. It either indicates that one person is in pursuit of the other or that one partner does not feel like being in a close relationship, while the other one insists. The name itself indicates the meaning of this sleep position.


There is a lot of intimacy going on in this sleeping position. That’s why it is extremely rare! It is typical at the beginning of a romantic relationship. It indicates that the partners are too dependent on each other to sleep apart.


This position starts with the tangle position but unravels after a couple of minutes. It shows that the relationship is strong and there is independence between the partners.


This isn’t a common sleep position, but partners who sleep in this position are usually very protective over each other.


This sleeping position is a sign a mature relationship. Although it is less sexual position than classical spooning, it is a sign of a serious and healthy relationship.


This sleeping position is quite common and shows connection and security.


This sleeping position is a sign of a relaxed and comfortable relationship.


This sleeping position creates a sense of protection, nurturing and strengthening of the relationship.


The partner who intertwines their legs shows that they crave an emotional or sexual connection. It is a good sleeping position as it indicates harmony between the partners.


This isn’t a good sleeping position for partners as it shows that the partner is selfish and dominant. This type of relationship is toxic and should be ended as soon as possible.

12 Signs He Is Not In Love With You

I just want to share to you this post that I read from the internet especially to those women out there who are experiencing these signs at some point in their relationship.

Girls/women can post comments if you have experienced some of the signs and share how you feel and what you do about it.

Boys/men out there, you can write comment if you agree that if you did that sign it only shows that you are not really in to that someone or comment if you have any violent reaction.

Want to know whether he is in love with you or you’re just convenient. Then follow these signs. You will get your answers

1. He never opens up emotionally

Without the pure feeling of love, one can’t open up to someone. Boys only consider tearing their heart out of someone they share their soul with.

2. He only seems close when he wants s3x

S3x is something that can totally change a man’s behavior which is why he acts all cute and sweet when he is craving for some wild fun.

3. He keeps in touch with his ex(s)

A man with no emotions towards you can never get over his ex. Because he is not sure about you, therefore, he keeps a backup. And you don’t need any other signs to know that he is just a jerk who is playing around with you.

4. You sometimes feel like a stranger around him

You can never feel that warmth and concern around a person who has got no interest in you or your love. Just your body is making him stick around.

5. He only knows you on a surface level

He never struggles to explore you when he just considers you convenient. Your man has no love feelings towards you. Note these signs.

6. He always walks away from an argument

Because he thinks you’re just convenient and it is useless to talk over love things with a person who doesn’t mean anything to him.

7. He never seems to care about where the relationship is going

This relationship, gurl, is like a game for him. He doesn’t give a sh*t about it. What other signs do you need?

8. He never seems concerned about you

He would never try to protect you or show care and love towards you. Because, it’s not his fault, that jerk just doesn’t feel that way.

9. He spends more time with friends than you

Because who would like to spend time with someone who is just convenient for them. Obviously, he would prefer his friends over you

10. He never seems invested in the moment

You know that moment when you arrange a candle light dinner with an extreme love for both of you. And he doesn’t even seem excited? I feel you, gurl.

11. You have never met his family

Have you met his family? No? Well, that’s because he’s not serious enough to admit that he is in a relationship with you. This is because he doesn’t have those deep love feelings for you. You’re just convenient. Accept it!

12. You have just got an overall bad feeling

He never makes you feel special. And at a corner of your heart, you’re all aware that these signs clearly say that he is not your one. But you still struggle through that bad feeling