Do You Know The Danger Of Turning On The A/c After Starting The Engine?

Many people turn on the A/C when they sit in their car, even without thinking. But, did you know that this can be really dangerous for you and everyone around you?
This is because whenever we leave our cars outside, we close the windows. Whenever we leave it in the shade, it accumulates 400-800 mg of benzene.
When your car is parked in the sun, on a for example, temperature higher than 16 degrees Celsius, the level of benzene can increase to 2000-4000 mg and that is a staggering 40 times more than the permitted level.
When you sit in the car with closed windows, you inhale the benzene when in fact it affects your liver, bone tissue and kidneys. Our organism needs a lot of time so that it can eliminate it.
The cars’ manuals say that we should open the car’s windows before turning on the A/C, but they don’t tell you why.


Before it starts to cool the air, the air conditioner ejects all the heated air out, and the benzene with it. It’s a toxin that causes cancer.
So, when you sit in the car and you don’t notice any smell of heated plastic, open the windows for several minutes and then turn on the A/C. Leave the windows open for several minutes more when you turn on the car.
You must start practicing this so that you can protect yourself and everyone around you from toxins. The consequences can be fatal.

15 Things Men Really Want In A Relationship

What men really want in a relationship are not superficial things in a relationship, such as the most beautiful girl with the best hourglass figure and looks, and a woman that is going to perform the best sexually. Men are looking for more complex attributes in a relationship.

1. Most times women hold back on taking the lead in a relationship, whereas men prefer his woman to take a lead occasionally. Even if he is a born leader this does not mean that, he expects to and enjoys this position all the time.

2. Men enjoy receiving respect. The other side of this is that women must win respect for the man and the man must win the respect of the woman. Very few people enjoy being belittled, being the butt of a joke or being mocked at. No one is perfect, this both the man and woman needs to be respected for who they are and both appreciates this set of values.

3. People in general enjoy the admiration for whom and what they are and have accomplished. All a man wants is the admiration of his woman in all phases of his life.

4. Men enjoy his woman to be gentle with him. He does not enjoy the fact that because he is the man of the house he needs to keep a stiff upper lip. Cuddling, hugging, reassurance of the woman’s love for him goes a long way in a relationship.

5. Men feel confident when they know their partner accepts for who they really are. Men feel secure when they know the woman understands them. It is only when the man knows he is accepted for who he is that he tries to make changes.

6. Men want to be able to verbally communicate with their partner. Unexpressed communication builds walls in a relationship.

7. Men want women to use some common sense when around other people, knowing when and when not to talk.

8. Women need to know that her partner just enjoys being a man with other men.

9. If the man’s partner has, friends that he really cannot stand being around do not make him spend hours with that person or persons.

10. A man enjoys his partner showing interest in his activities. A man appreciates it when his partner sits down to enjoy what he is doing such as watching a football game.

11. Every couple goes through trying times. Women expect the man to be strong, but secretly the man hopes the same in his partner, to be strong and weather the storm with him. Men do not appreciate being a babysitter for a weak woman.

12. Never let on to the man that his mother is one of the worst human beings on earth. Men want their mother and partner to get along and be happy. Women need to do what they can to prune this relationship.