Pregnant Woman Sees An Angel Kissing Her Unborn Child In Sonogram


Five month into her pregnancy, Shantel Carrillo posted an image on her social media profiles of an ultrasound photo of her unborn child. Some congratulated her in the comments section, but others noticed something strange: “it looks like a person is kissing the baby on the photo.” When she got a closer look, it took her breath away, she told Inside Edition.

Looking at the photo she realized the angel kissing her baby was somehow familiar. Looking closer, it was not even a question. It was her deceased father. “It was honestly like a punch in the chest, like, how awesome it was to see that. It’s nice to look at and it’s a great story to tell,” noted Carrillo, who immediately got a hold of her dad’s old photograph with her first daughter.

The resemblance of the images is uncanny. In the video below it’s clear as a blue sky that the images are almost the same. “It has his nose, his little chubby cheeks, his little double chin, and my dad wore a hat like all the time. It looks like the bill of his hat and his lips are just touching hers so perfectly,” she told Fox5.

Carrillo’s father passed away from a heart attack back in 2016. But his daughter is now sure that his soul looks after them. When they asked her if she really thinks her father is in that ultrasound image she said: “I can’t really think of it as any other way, if you knew my dad he loved to be the center of attention. Makes me feel like he is watching over my new daughter. It’s just a beautiful thing.”
Watch the video below:

A Study Reveals: Your Body Knows When Death Is Near, And It All Begins In The Nose

Death of a loved one can hit us hard. It leaves us feeling lost and dejected in life. It is the most difficult thing in the world to cope from as it leaves a mark on us mentally, emotionally and spiritually.

You can’t just expect to cope from it in a day. It takes time to heal what is broken by the loss of the loved one. It even takes years to fully come out of the mental trauma you must have endured during that time.

However, some may argue it is a coincidence, while others are confident – people know when death is near.

It is natural to try and understand the death of someone we love or just imagine what happens in those final moments. Scientists know when someone dies, the body immediately begins to disintegrate.

Putrescine, for example, is a foul and toxic scent; the result of decomposition. Researchers have come to realize humans subconsciously recognize this putrefying odor. Not only that, the scent, when released, causes an immediate response.

Animals have the ability to smell the odour of others, causing them to react accordingly.

This is identical to sensing danger, whether from a predator or stronger and bigger animal from their pack.

A study conducted by Arnaud Wisman from the University of Kent’s School of Psychology in Canterbury, UK and Ilan Shira from the Department of Behavioral Sciences in Arkansas’ Tech University in Russellville, AK have discovered animals and humans might not be so different after all.

The ability to detect chemical scents is part of survival across the species. The warning of death is revealed through smell to humans.

Putrescine is a foul-smelling organic chemical compound that is related to cadaverine; both are produced by the breakdown of amino acids in living and dead organisms -meaning it is a chemical compound released when a body decays.

It also has a secondary function as a warning signal. People have both a conscious and subconscious reaction when they are exposed to this odour.

There were four different experiments conducted using putrescine, ammonia, and water to study people’s reaction.

One of the experiments included putrescine exposed at a site, people’s immediate response was to move away from the area.

This is the same response around fight-or-flight reaction.

When animals sense they are in real danger, there are only two responses: fight the threat or run away from it. The study revealed people react the same.

There are other odours humans respond to as well like sweat.

Separate studies have shown that sweat taken from people in fearful situations and exposed for others to smell generated an automatic and startled reflex.

“We do not know why we like (or dislike) someone’s smell, and we’re usually not aware of how scent influences our emotions, preferences, and attitudes,” explain Wisman and Shira.

“It is hard to think of a scent as frightening,” say other two leading researchers. These scents make people more aware and vigilant of their surroundings.

Humans’ natural reaction to danger is not to face it and fight.

People tend to avoid any type of confrontation, whether its physical or verbal. For the most part, people choose to distance themselves until fight is the only option on the table.

The responses may be different from each other but putrescine and sex pheromone are based on scent.

Sex pheromones are chemicals released by the body to attract a mate while putrescine works as a warning signal.

“Putrescine signals a different type of message than pheromones, but people’s responses to putrescine (avoidance and hostility) do seem indeed to be the opposite of responses to many sexual pheromones,” explain researchers.

During the study, people were not aware they had a negative reaction to the scent.

“People are not familiar with putrsescine and do not consciously associate it with death or fear,” admits Wisman and Shira.

Image source: Flickr/Wonderlane

Why Do Babies Smile While Sleeping?

Here are the main reasons why your little champ or princess is smiling even when they’re not in for the count.

1- Reflex action

The huge milestone of the first smile of a baby, is simply a reflex action. Research reveals that these little grins can occur from very early on, even before birth and need no external stimulus. They smile simply because the body does it as a reflex, like suck1ng, grasping and kicking. So even when mommy is dropping kisses and if the baby just happens to smile then it’s not because he’s exhibiting the same warmth, yet.

2- Passing gas

Another reason babies could smile is when the gas bubbles finally leave their tummies. Newborns tend to smile when passing gas.

3- REM cycle sleep

When babies are in REM sleep cycle or active sleep they may go through certain physiological changes that initiate involuntary movement in the body and one of them could be smiling or laughing.

4- Social smile

Between 6 to 8 weeks babies start to develop responses to interaction, which means you can coax a grin by tickling them or pulling silly faces. At this stage, their smiles are usually a genuine gesture of warmth to your attention.

5- Emotions

Infants start expressing their emotions from early on with their facial expression and voice. As their interaction with the world increases so does their response rate and behavior. If you notice your baby smiling in the sleep he’s most probably processing some happy emotions in his sleep.

6- Other medical causes

In rare cases, medical conditions like se1zure dis0rder, fits and c0nvulsions may cause unceasing laughter. If uncontrollable laughter is accompanied with weight loss, irregular sleep schedule and bouts of frequent irritability, it would be best to visit the doctor.

Why Do Babies Laugh While Sleeping?

1. Hypnagogic or dream laughter: Dreams are most vivid during REM and this controls the muscles for smiling in the babies which evokes bursts of laughter during sleep.

2. Adult attention: Toing and froing with the baby at a level where they can understand and making an intentional connection with them elicits laughter from them. Adult attention is like gold dust for the babies. They love adult attention and laughter is their kind payment.

3. Happiness: Babies don’t chase happiness, they’re happy. Studies show that babies wake up in a good mood every day. There is no one happier than a milk drunk newborn, woozy and snoozy after a stomach full feed and a big ear to ear grin.

How to maintain a baby’s sleep cycle?

With a newborn baby, sleepless nights are not news. There is a sea of books written about sleep training for the babies, but with the strategic few sleep training methods it’s easier to get the baby on a good sleep schedule. It’s very common for infants to wake up in the middle of the night for a few sessions of feeding and nursing but with time it’s promised to get better. Before getting started with sleep training it is imperative to make sure that you’ve a night time routine in place. 

1. Regular schedule: Put the babies to bed at an early and consistent time each night. This will help their bodies to associate a ‘shutting time’ every night and establish a calm and regular night routine.

2. Shush-pat technique: Since the little one is still trying to adjust to the environment outside the womb, prop the baby onto his side and recreate the baby whisper’s to gently put him to sleep in a safe environment.

3. Low-key night time care routine: When the baby needs care or feed in the middle of the night, keep the environment restrained in lighting, voice and movement. This will prevent overstimulation of the baby and convey them the message that it’s time to sleep.

4. Be a realistic parent: It’s easier to get bogged down by the exhaustion of the unplanned and sporadic sleep of the baby but remember to be patient and have realistic expectations from your energizer bunny. Snatch some pockets of sleep time for yourself from the baby’s sleeping pattern, because that might be the only rest you make for a while.


Dr A sues said,”Being person is a person no matter how small you are”

Smiling or laughing is an important developmental milestone. It’s an obvious indication that the child is growing physically and emotionally healthy. In most cases there is nothing to worry about, you can gush over your little honey bun smiling or laughing in their sleep.

But pay attention when any other unusual symptoms start showing along with the laughter, it’s usually a red flag for seeking medical attention. Smiling, kicking, squirming are responses that babies express to the external stimuli once they’re 6-8 weeks old. This helps the adults to start off by building a social and emotional connection with the babies.

That being said, it’s also important to remember that every child is different and so is developmental progress. If a child is not smiling or laughing then there is nothing worthy about it.

One Month Before A Heart Attack, Your Body Will Warn You Of These 7 Signs


Did you know that the main cause of death in the US are heart attacks? The stressful way of life and the junk food we keep eating is a great contributor for this illness becoming so common and so dangerous over the last years.

Leading a healthy lifestyle and trying to decrease the levels of stress in your life can help protect you from heart failure, but another thing that can be very useful, even lifesaving, is knowing the symptoms of heart failure a month before it happens.

These are the symptoms that you might have a heart attack in a month. Make sure you always treat these as red flags.

1. Swollen Feet

If you have congestive heart failure, one or both of your heart’s lower chambers lose their ability to pump blood effectively. As a result, blood can back up in your legs, ankles and feet, causing edema.

2. Fatigue

When the arteries become narrow your heart receives a lot less blood than it is used to. This makes the heart work a whole lot harder than it normally would have to, leaving you feeling overly tired and drowsy just about all of the time.

3. Shortness of breath

When your heart is getting less blood this means it your lungs are not going to be able to get as much oxygen to the lungs as you normally would.

The two systems depend on one another so without one you can’t have the other. If you have been having trouble breathing it is best to consult a doctor as soon as possible, this could mean it is getting close to time for your attack.

4. Weakness

When your body becomes weak, all of a sudden it is because the arteries becoming more narrow are not allowing blood circulation properly. Your muscles aren’t getting what they need, and this could cause you to fall even for what may seem like at first no reason so be especially careful.

5. Dizziness and Cold Sweats

The poor circulations is also causing the blood flow to your brain to be restricted. This is very life threatening. This will at first cause dizziness and clamminess. You should not ignore this.

6. Chest Pressure

If you are having onset symptoms of a heart attack chances are you have been experiencing discomfort in your chest, whether it’s minor pain or built-up pressure. This will constantly increase until the attack itself happens.

7. Flu or Cold Symptoms

If you feel as if you are having flu symptoms out of nowhere this could be because the attack itself is about to happen within the near future. Many people feel they have developed a cold just days before their attacks.

How to handle this:

If you or someone you know is experiencing these symptoms, please see a doctor as soon as possible. The best way to prevent a heart attack is by noticing the symptoms early on.

Dr. Travis Stork on the Symptoms of Heart Attack:

Heart Attack Cough (Self Aid) Demonstration:

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