10 Warning Signs of Colon Cancer You Shouldn’t Ignore

How to prevent colon cancer? Colon cancer is one of the most common and lethal cancers these days. Fortunately, you do get early warnings and signs to make you aware of this deadly disease. Not only elderly people but youngsters in their 20s are also diagnosed with colon cancer every year.

Even though the exact cause of colon cancer is still unknown, it is believed that the accumulation of cells in the lining of the colon can lead to the development of this type of cancer.

Research has found that many people don’t take the symptoms seriously. Many people who had colon cancer have told that they observed the signs but they chose to ignore them thinking that it might be some other small health issue.Risk Factors for Colon Cancer Include:Obesity

  • Smoking
  • Family history of cancer
  • Unhealthy diet
  • Genetic conditions
  • Excessive alcohol consumption
  • Digestive problems
  • Diabetes

Since colon cancer is the third most common type of cancer diagnosed in both men and women, it is extremely important to know all the signs and symptoms because an early diagnose can save a person’s life.

If you observe any of the following symptoms, contact a doctor and get the required tests done immediately.

Warning Signs of Colon Cancer:

1. Constipation:

Most people are affected by constipation because they don’t take enough fiber and water. But, chronic constipation that persists for weeks may be an early sign of colon cancer.

The tumor present in the further end of the colon makes it very difficult to pass stool. If you feel some sort of obstruction, then it’s time for you to get checked.

2. Rectal Bleeding:

If you see blood in the stool it can be the indication of colon or stomach cancer. The blood can be bright red or maroon in colour.

Bleeding from the rectum happens with more than half people with colon cancer and if you observe blood, do get yourself tested to find the exact reason.

3. Diarrhea:

Regular diarrhoea is a sign of colon cancer. As per studies, almost 1 in 5 people with colon cancer experience diarrhea.

As tumour in the colon can obstruct the bowel, it also makes changes in bowel habits.

Thus if you experience diarrhea for weeks accompanied by pain, nausea, and vomiting, then consult a physician.

4. Narrow Stools:

This is referred to as change in the stool calibre; if the stool is much thinner than usual it may indicate a cancer in colon.

The tumour blocks the colon which leads to release of narrow stools.

5. Nausea and Vomiting:

If you are facing nonstop nausea and vomiting for a long duration without any apparent reason, then get yourself examined because it can be a sign of colon cancer.

Most people tend to think that it might be happening because they ate something wrong and get reluctant to see a doctor.

But if the problem is persistent, you need medical help immediately.

6. Abdominal Pain:

Every one faces abdominal pain once in a while but if you suffer from this pain regularly combined with other symptoms like vomiting and nausea, then seek medical help.

Also, another common symptom of colon cancer is feeling tenderness in the lower part of the stomach when it is touched.

7. Anemia:

If cancer develops in the colon it leads to a low level of hemoglobin in the blood.

When tumour begins to bleed in the digestive tract, it leads to anemia due to the loss of blood.

The symptoms of anemia are feeling tired all the time, pale skin, weakness, cold feet and shortness of breath.

It is advised to take a regular blood test and if you observe lower red blood cell count with other symptoms then get examined.

8. Fatigue and Weakness:

If you feel tired without doing a lot of work and feel out of breath, then it can be because of developing cancer.

Extensive tumour in the colon can cause anaemia which lowers the level of oxygen in the blood making a person weak. Also, colon cancer can cause weight loss even if you are eating properly.

9. Bloating and Gas:

If you are constantly feeling a little crampy, then it can be a sign of colon cancer.

Although a lot of people experience the usual bouts of bloating and gas, if the problem is persisting for a long time, then it can be a reason for concern.

Tumour can block the elimination of gas from the body causing bloating.

10. Unrelieved Urge to Pass Stool:

Cancer can spread rapidly in the colon and create a mass of tumour, and when this tumour grows it stops the stool from passing through the colon normally.

With people who have colon cancer, the tumour grows big enough that they cannot pass stool and have the urge to do so again and again even after going to the washroom.

If you had been experiencing this issue from a long time, then call a doctor for further examination.

You may observe these signs from a long time ad think that it is normal, but sometimes ignoring them can be extremely fatal for your health.

If you have been noticing any of the above-mentioned signs for a long period, then don’t be shy to consult a doctor for help.

Sometimes early stages of cancer cannot be identified but if you had a family history of colon cancer, then it can be diagnosed with screening.

For people who are aged above 50, it is advised by the doctor to get colon cancer screening done on a regular basis.

The symptoms of colon cancer can be different in different people based on the size of the tumour but if mostly included changes in the bowel movements of the person.

Early diagnosis can save your life! The sooner colon cancer is detected, the better are the treatment options that can be provided.

Health Benefits of Sleeping on Your Left side

There are several reasons why this position may be advantageous for your overall health and well-being. In this article, we will explore 9 compelling reasons why you should consider making the switch to sleeping on your left side.

Benefits of Sleeping on Your Left side

1. Improved Digestion

Sleeping on your left side can aid digestion by allowing food waste to move more easily from the large intestine into the colon. This position encourages the natural flow of waste and helps prevent constipation.

2. Heart Health

The heart is positioned slightly towards the left side of the body, and sleeping on your left side can reduce the pressure on the heart, allowing it to pump more effectively. This position also promotes better circulation and may even help reduce the risk of heartburn.

3. Lymphatic Drainage

The body’s lymphatic system is responsible for removing toxins and waste. Sleeping on your left side can support the lymphatic system’s ability to filter and remove waste from the body more efficiently.

4. Reduced Acid Reflux

If you suffer from acid reflux, sleeping on your left side may provide relief. This position helps keep the stomach below the esophagus, reducing the likelihood of stomach acid flowing back up and causing discomfort.

5. Improved Blood Flow to the Fetus

For pregnant women, sleeping on the left side can enhance blood flow to the fetus, uterus, and kidneys. This position can help alleviate pressure on the back and improve overall circulation during pregnancy.

6. Enhanced Respiratory Function

Sleeping on the left side can help promote better breathing by reducing pressure on the lungs and allowing them to expand more fully. This may be especially beneficial for individuals with respiratory conditions.

7. Better Lymph Drainage from the Brain

The brain has its own lymphatic system, and sleeping on the left side can facilitate the removal of waste and toxins from the brain more effectively.

8. Reduced Snoring

If you or your sleep partner struggles with snoring, sleeping on the left side may help reduce snoring by keeping the airways more open and preventing the tongue from obstructing the throat.

9. Alleviation of Back Pain

Sleeping on the left side can help relieve pressure on the spine and may be beneficial for individuals experiencing back pain.

In conclusion, the way you sleep can have a significant impact on various aspects of your health. While it may take some time to adjust to a new sleeping position, the potential benefits of sleeping on your left side are certainly worth considering.

If you’re looking to improve your digestion, heart health, respiratory function, and overall well-being, giving the left side a try may be just the change you need to achieve a better night’s sleep and improved health.

15 Early Warning Signs of Cancer in your Body Should not Ignore

No one should ignore the warning signs of cancer that might lead to early diagnosis and a cure, maybe. In the case of cancer, there is an uncontrolled growth of cells in the body that occurs when the normal restraining mechanism does not work as expected to lead the formation of new and abnormal cells without recycling the older ones.

The continuous formation of new cells overlaps the older cells forming a huge mass of tissue that is called a tumor. Generally, this is not an instantaneous process and takes time.

While this is happening inside your body, it will try to tell you that something is going wrong inside by various warnings, that must not be taken lightly as there might be the formation of cancer cells taking place.

Warning Signs of Cancer

To help you out we have listed 16 warning signs of cancer you should not ignore, and if you are suffering from any of the below signs, then it’s highly recommended to get yourself checked by your doctor.

1. Formation of Lumps or Bumps in your Body:

Many times there is the random formation of lumps in your body at various places, many of those vanish with time but some remain there and won’t go away, no matter whatever you do to treat them.

These lumps or bumps might be one of the foremost warning signs that a cancer cell is forming and those lumps are the component of the tissue mass. (1)

If you have any strange lump on your body, then you must go straight to your doctor to get it checked as soon as possible.

2. A Cough or Dry Throat

Coughing is quite common these days with cold and flu being the most plebeian disease. However, on average, the symptoms of cold and flu completely fade away within a week.

But, if you face the problem of a persistent cough and your throat feels dry and rough, then it might be a symptom of laryngeal, thyroid cancer or lymphoma. (2)

Thus, in such a situation you must go and see your doctor without wasting any time.

3. Recurrent Fever or Infections

If you quite often suffer from fever and other infections, it might be a sign of leukemia or blood cancer.

Blood cancer is one of the most deleterious types of cancer and is not treatable if not detected at an earlier stage.

The formation of this cancer stats from the bone marrow and leads to the production of peculiar WBC or White Blood Cells that obstructs the body’s immune system from fighting infections.

4. Enervation and Fatigue

This can easily be one of the most common symptoms of any type of cancer and usually occur quite often.

If you are frequently feeling too much weakness and fatigue, even after having a proper healthy diet, then you must go and see your doctor for further tests.

These symptoms are seen in combination with other symptoms to figure out the type of cancer.

5. Hindrance in Swallowing Food

If, while eating or drinking any stuff you feel very uncomfortable and unable to swallow your food properly then it’s one of the symptoms associated with throat cancer. (3)

The formation of cancer cells in throat makes it congested and uneasy for anyone suffering from throat to eat or drink.

Many times this difficulty is caused by other factors and vanish automatically. But if it does not, you go and see your doctor for the same.

6. Alteration in Bowel Routine

The bowel movements can be altered for many reasons depending on the type and quantity of food you eat, and the medications that you are using.

Many people often experience the change in the time, amount, and size of their bowels and don’t pay much attention to these minor symptoms. But, these are not really minor and might be a sign of colon cancer.

7. Red Blood Urine

Many people suffer from UTI or Urinary Tract Infections that are most commonly occurs in women. It is not necessary that it will only happen in females but, males can also face this issue.

If anyone is experiencing the UTI, they might see that the color of their urine is red and often feels pain while urinating. The UTI is treatable completely.

Blood in the urine (hematuria) is normally the early warning signs of cancer (Bladder). But, even after taking all the proper medications the blood in urine persists then there might be a chance of having prostate, bladder, or kidney cancer.

8. Drop-in Weight Without Any Reason

Whether you are a fitness-oriented person or a regular one, random weight gain and loss are quite common depending on the diet you are taking.

But, in case you are taking the same diet daily for quite a long without any bodily changes, a sudden you start to lose weight, might be a concern.

This could be the symptom of stomach, lung, pancreatic, or esophageal cancer.

9. Blood while Coughing

Coughing might be annoying at times of cold and flu, but if the coughing persists for a longer period of time, it might be an issue of concern.

If your coughing is persistent and you often see blood in your cough, beware, it might be the beginning of lung cancer (4) and such condition must be get checked by a professional without any delay.

Also Read: Remedies for Cold and Cough in Babies

10. Abdominal Weight Gain

There is a condition where many people complain about getting a bloated stomach or the collection of huge fat in the abdominal area.

This might happen as you grow older and eat a high-fat diet. But, if neither applies to you and you are getting a bloated stomach then you must get it examined by a doctor. This type of condition is an early sign of Ovarian cancer.

11. Red, Inflamed, and Puffy Breasts

With breast cancer being a matter of solicitude among women, men are not spared by this either. Millions of people die due to breast cancer and those who survive might have to lose their breasts.

If your nipple is itchy, red, swollen, turned sideways, or any such anomaly, then it might be a symptom of breast cancer and should not be ignored.

12. Protrusion of Face:

In the condition of lung cancer, many people have reported swollen up or rending of their face.

This happens due to the formation of small tumors in the lungs that hinders the flow of blood from the chest to the head making it swell due to blood deprivation.

If you are suffering from such an unexplained swelling in your face then you must not wait for another day and run to the doctor immediately.

13. Change in the Appearance of Nails

Nails, though small is capable of telling you about three type of cancer including skin cancer in case a brown or black dot is forming under the nails, liver cancer in case your nails have become pale or white and lung cancer if your finger has enlarged with curved down nail tips.

In any of this situation, it is highly recommended to get yourself checked by a doctor.

If you have any of the moles on your body changed weirdly then don’t take it lightly as it might be the beginning of skin cancer.

14. Heavy Sweating During Night

If you are sleeping in a well air-conditioned room and still sweat abruptly during the midnight, then it might be the beginning of lymphoma.

Many people who have Hodgkin lymphoma cancer sweat a lot during the night that they often have to change their clothes in the midst of the night. If you are one of them, please do consult a doctor as soon as possible.

15. Uncontrollable Pain in Bones or Joints

This is usually a symptom of blood cancer that might be leukemia, lymphoma, or myeloma.

If you are suffering from persistent pain in your bone, joints, ribs, or back then you must, without any further delay, get yourself checked by a doctor. A simple blood test might reveal in case you have blood cancer.
Prevention is Better than Cure

If you are suffering from any of the above conditions then it is highly recommended to get yourself diagnosed by a professional to make sure if there is a reason for concern.

But why wait for cancer to happen if we can prevent it right away with proper measures and diet. One such effective cancer preventive is Vitamin D that is very good at keeping your insulin levels down and preventing you from prostate cancer.

Apart from a healthy diet, regular exercise should be performed to yourself fit and fine that will make your immune system tougher and helpful in fighting the cancer cells.

Show Respect and be Thankful.

Parents' love can't be measured by the age you're. It is for ever until last breath. Be thankful you still have them.

Just because your kid turned eighteen they are still teenagers. and half are not ready for the world being eighteen is learning process. for them to make their own decisions with your approval.

True and set a limit on how often one gives this “love”!! Grown folk (your kids) can wear you out with always needing your money. However love itself for your kids is eternal.

Thank god for my parents and they are the best parents I could have and I love them more than anything in the world.

Truth <3 love my parents for what they've done for me and so much more. Love my kiddos more than they could ever know.

Anything your parents do for you after you are over 18 years old is out of pure love. Respect it and be thankful!

Never sit in a Table that speaks bad about anyone

Never sit in a Table that speaks bad about anyone.
Because when you stand up and leave the Table you are the Next Topic.

“We need very strong ears to hear ourselves judged frankly, and because there are few who can endure frank criticism without being stung by it, those who venture to criticize us perform a remarkable act of friendship, for to undertake to wound or offend a man for his own good is to have a healthy love for him.” —Michel de Montaigne

“We need very strong ears to hear ourselves judged frankly, and because there are few who can endure frank criticism without being stung by it, those who venture to criticize us perform a remarkable act of friendship, for to undertake to wound or offend a man for his own good is to have a healthy love for him.”

“I am a normal person. I have the same life as any human being. When I finish playing, doing my work, I have my family, my friends, and I live like any other person.” – Lionel Messi

If people say something bad about you, Judge you as if they know you, Don't feel bad Just remember "Dogs bark if they don't know the person".

You can not hurt someone

I think you can make fun of anything except things people can't help. They can't help their race or their sex or their age, so you ridicule their pretension or their ego instead. You can ridicule ideas - ideas don't have feelings. You can ridicule an idea that someone holds without hurting them. Ricky Gervais

Science is constantly proved all the time. If we take something like any fiction, any holy book, and destroyed it, in a thousand years' time, that wouldn't come back just as it was. Whereas if we took every science book and every fact and destroyed them all, in a thousand years they'd all be back because all the same tests would be the same result. Ricky Gervais

Hurting them back only means that both of you hurt then, and you caused them hurt. If you love someone you will do all you can to never intentionally cause them pain, even if they have caused you unbearable pain at times, you would rather cut out your own heart than to hurt them. In short, true love doesn’t seek it’s own, rather it seeks the best for the other always. It doesn’t matter in the long run what they may do to you, what really matters is what you about it. You don’t have to put up with their stuff, you can just walk away, and if that hurts them, then they only have themselves to blame, but never hurt back if you truly love them ~ Frank Hancock

When you try to understand why you feel hurt before you blame someone else for your feeling to understand if they really abused you (physically, sexually, psychologically, socially, etc.) or if you are just being jealous, prejudice, demanding something unreasonable, not respecting their boundaries or right to say no, etc. or even misinterpreting the situation. ~ Mari Cammarata

Some people hurt by words, some by action and some by silence. But the biggest hurt is that someone ignoring us when we value them a lot.

You can't hurt someone constantly and expect their energy to be the same. Even people with good hearts have limits.