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Showing posts with label Article. Show all posts

Here’s How Jesus Really Looked Like – FINALLY Revealed After 2,000 Years

Theologians and historians have debated for nearly two thousand years what the historical Jesus Christ might have looked like.

The Son of God is typically portrayed in Renaissance art — and by the Catholic Church — as a towering, hulking European with long, blond hair and piercing blue eyes.

However, most historians agree that a carpenter’s son born in modern-day Palestine would have the same physical characteristics as the natives of that time: a shorter, stockier frame with curly black hair.

But the debate may have been settled once and for all thanks to an innovative artificial intelligence tool deployed by a Dutch photographer and digital artist.

The expert in algorithmic picture synthesis, Bas Uterwijk, used the machine learning capabilities of the program Artbreeder to create a stunning portrait of Jesus.

His “historically accurate” depiction of the Messiah stands in stark contrast to Western art and ecclesiastical depictions of the Messiah.

The real Jesus? The AI-generated image of the Son of God Bas Uterwijk

Mr. Uterwijk stated, “I have a background in Computer Generated images and Special Effects.

“The artificial intelligence software utilises a neural network trained on photographs and paintings of thousands human faces.

“This application makes it possible to combine multiple sources of faces and merge them in a synthesised version, guided by the artistic decisions of the user. I use it to create historical and fictional characters.

“I used several cultural depictions of Jesus of Nazareth of Byzantine and Renaissance origin including Leonardo da Vinci’s “Salvator Mundi”, and the Turin Shroud, tweaking the ethnicity to a more convincing Middle-Eastern face.”

He added: “I was happy with the result as a representation of a collective cultural depiction but at the same time I felt it lacked any historical accuracy.

“So I changed the hair and beard to a more credible length and style for the time and region and I brought in elements found in some Fayum mummy portraits, pushing the renaissance art to the background.

“The result is an artistic impression of how this man could have looked, more than it is a scientific search for an exact likeness.”

Even though the discussion over Jesus’s appearance’s veracity has been going on since Christmas 2020, this magnificent image has resurfaced this year.

According to the Bible, Jesus was born to a Jewish family in Bethlehem in 4 BC, raised in Egypt, and eventually settled in the city of Nazareth in what is now Israel.

What did Jesus really look like: Traditional images seen in paintings in churches are ‘wrong’

The garments Jesus wore are described in several gospels, yet he is rarely depicted in any detail.

Longtime researcher and author of What Did Jesus Look Like Joan Taylor estimated that Jesus was probably around the average height for a man of his time, which was 5 feet 5 inches.

Taylor writes that mummy images, ancient literature, and other artifacts indicate that the people of Judea and Egypt had dark olive skin, dark black hair, and brown eyes.

She remarked, “Everyone can imagine what Jesus looked like. We have the image of Jesus everywhere. It’s a global image. It’s a phenomenon.

“So we think we can recognise him. We don’t even have to work at it.

“But the traditional images in paintings, in fact, date to the 4th or 5th Century – the long hair, the robe, the beard.

“In reality, that’s not what he looked like at all. Jesus was not a pale person. He was not a European. He was a Jewish man of his time. He was very much of his time and place.”

The scholar, an expert in Christian origins, added: “He would have had dark skin and probably had shortish black hair – long hair was very unusual in the 1st Century – a beard and wore sandals.

“He was a wanderer. He was on the streets. He accepted charity from strangers. He was with the poor.

“The 2nd Century philosopher Celsus said Jesus was shabby, a vagabond who was unkempt – he looked like a beggar. That tallies with everything else we know about Jesus.

“He even described himself as homeless. As he said: ‘Foxes have dens and birds have nests, but the Son of Man has no place to lay his head’.”

A 2001 image of Jesus released by a forensic facial expert supports the newer reconstruction
Richard Neave

Even though Jesus would have had some cultural exchange with Europeans (who would have had lighter skin) and Africans (who would have had darker skin), Taylor still thinks he would have looked like a normal Jewish guy of the 1st century.

It’s likely that Jesus looked like the average person of his time in the Middle East due to the high intermarriage rate among Jews in Judea and Egypt.

According to archives, Judeans typically kept their hair and beards short and well-combed to combat the prevalence of lice.

The image has strong parallels to the work of forensic facial reconstruction expert Richard Neave, who in 2001 sought to reproduce the look of a first-century Judean man like Jesus.

His likeness was based on a first-century Israelite skull and was shown in the BBC documentary Son of God.

Secrets for planting ginger in a pot or your garden for endless supplies at home

Ginger, with its unique flavor and numerous health benefits, is a staple ingredient in many cuisines. Instead of constantly buying ginger from the store, why not grow your own? Whether you have a spacious garden or limited space on your balcony, planting ginger is a rewarding and sustainable endeavor. With a few secrets and tips, you can enjoy a continuous supply of fresh ginger right at home.

1. Choosing the Right Ginger:

Start with a fresh ginger rhizome from a reputable source. Look for plump, firm rhizomes with visible “eyes” or growth buds. Organic ginger is ideal as it is free from chemicals that can hinder growth.

2. Preparing the Rhizome:

Before planting, soak the ginger rhizome in water overnight. This helps to hydrate and activate the rhizome, stimulating the growth process.

3. Selecting a Pot or Garden Spot:

If you’re planting ginger in a pot, choose a container that is at least 12 inches deep to accommodate the rhizome’s growth. Ensure there are drainage holes to prevent waterlogging. For garden planting, select a spot with well-draining soil and partial shade.

4. Preparing the Soil:

Ginger thrives in loose, well-draining soil rich in organic matter. Mix compost or aged manure into the soil to improve its fertility and drainage.

5. Planting the Rhizome:

Place the ginger rhizome in the soil with the eyes facing up. Bury it about an inch or two deep, ensuring that each piece has enough space to grow. If using a pot, you can plant multiple rhizomes, leaving a few inches between each one.

6. Watering:

Keep the soil consistently moist but not waterlogged. Ginger prefers a humid environment, so regular watering is essential. Be mindful not to overwater, as this can cause the rhizome to rot.

7. Providing Shade:

While ginger enjoys warm temperatures, direct sunlight can scorch its delicate leaves. Provide partial shade by placing the pot or planting in an area that receives filtered sunlight or shade for a few hours each day.

8. Temperature and Climate:

Ginger thrives in tropical and subtropical climates. If you live in a region with colder winters, growing ginger in a pot allows you to move it indoors during the colder months. Maintain a temperature between 75-85°F (24-29°C) for optimal growth.

9. Fertilizing:

Feed your ginger plants with a balanced organic fertilizer every 4-6 weeks during the growing season. This provides the necessary nutrients for healthy foliage and rhizome development.

10. Mulching:

Apply a layer of organic mulch around the ginger plants to retain moisture, suppress weeds, and maintain a stable soil temperature. Straw, wood chips, or compost make excellent mulch options.

11. Patience and Time:

Ginger takes time to grow, so be patient. It usually takes a few weeks for shoots to emerge from the soil. Ginger plants can take 8-10 months to reach maturity, but you can harvest young ginger earlier if desired.

12. Harvesting:

Once the ginger plants have matured, you can start harvesting. Gently dig around the plant to unearth the rhizomes. Take what you need and leave some rhizomes in the soil to continue growing. Remember to replant for a continuous supply.

13. Storing Ginger:

To store harvested ginger, wash and dry the rhizomes thoroughly. Store them in a cool, dry place or refrigerate them in a paper towel inside a plastic bag. This helps retain their freshness for several weeks.

14. Propagating:

As your ginger plants grow, they will develop more rhizomes. You can separate these rhizomes and replant them to expand your ginger garden or share with fellow gardening enthusiasts.

15. Experiment and Enjoy:

Ginger is a versatile ingredient in the kitchen. Use it in teas, stir-fries, curries, desserts, and more. Explore different recipes and savor the unique flavor of your homegrown ginger.

Growing ginger at home is a fulfilling experience that allows you to enjoy a continuous supply of this aromatic and medicinal root. By following these secrets and tips, you can successfully cultivate ginger in a pot or your garden. Embrace the joy of homegrown produce and add the vibrant flavor of ginger to your culinary creations.

8 Things No One Tells You About Cheating On Your Partner

By now, we all know what cheating is, and perhaps some of us have been cheated on or have even cheated. While from the outside looking in, cheating is one thing, when you are tied into a situation that involves cheating, the reality goes much deeper than most imagine.

When you choose to cheat on your partner, it changes everything. It is not a ‘mistake’ that you can easily bounce back from. The thing is, once you’ve done the deed, it is done. No amount of covering it up, lying, or pretending it didn’t happen can change the reality of it all. I do not say that in an attempt to judge, I am merely stating facts. Unfortunately, when most people cheat, they are not thinking about the consequences of their actions entirely. Below, I am going to explain 8 things no one tells you about cheating.

1. Your partner will likely leave you.

Not all people leave their partners because they cheat, but eventually, most do. Even the best-hearted individuals who think they can accept and forgive have a hard time doing so. In many cases, the partner of a cheater will end up having to leave.

2. If they don’t leave you, the trust is destroyed.

For those who don’t leave, it will take time for them to trust you again. Even if they believe they can ‘get over it,’ I assure you, this isn’t something you can just ‘get over.’ In some cases, it can take years to fully recover.

3. Even if your partner forgives you, you will struggle to forgive yourself.

In the case in which your partner can forgive you, you will struggle to forgive yourself. Especially if cheating is not something that is typical behavior for you.

4. You will likely do it again.

Most people who cheat once end up cheating multiple times. I won’t say that is the case in all circumstances, but usually, cheating is brought on by a part of yourself or your relationship that needs to be worked on. Until it is, the behavior will likely resurface.

5. You will feel misaligned with your core values.

Unless you have no soul, you are going to feel out of line with your core values. What I mean, is that if you are inherently against cheating, but end up cheating, you are going to feel misaligned with your true self and this can cause problems.

6. It messes with your head.

Cheating changes the way your brain works. The thing is, you are going to want to bring yourself back to equilibrium, either by stopping the behavior or rationalizing it. If you choose to rationalize it, you are repaving your brain to accept cheating behaviors.

7. You may get more than you bargained for.

Oftentimes, even if your intent was for ‘casual’ sex, one or both parties who are involved in the affair end up falling in love. You may end up with someone who refuses to let go, or you may have a hard time letting go.

8. Consequences.

There are consequences of casual sex, which involve pregnancy and STDs. Be wary of having sex with someone outside your relationship, because if someone ends up pregnant or with an STI, the consequences could end up lasting a lifetime.

What happens to your skin if you rub an ice cube on your face

What is Skin Icing?

The most basic form of skin icing is when you use an ice cube to reduce under-eye or facial puffiness. It has long been a staple of skincare wisdom (we’ve all used a refrigerated spoon or cucumber slices on our eyes in the past, right?).

Far from being an old wives’ tale, there’s science behind this age-old advice. When actual ice is applied to the skin, it causes blood to rise to the surface (think of that rosy glow you get after a brisk winter walk), which soothes and tightens the skin. Also known as an ice facial, skin icing is a cryotherapy treatment where vaporized nitrogen is used to cool the skin of the face, scalp, and neck area.

Ice has long been a secret to clear skin and a healthy-looking glow.

Skin Icing Benefits

As mentioned, the technique has a wide range of benefits for our facial skin. It’s not a full-blown de-aging method, better take a look at skin icing before and after pics online and you’ll see that it can tighten the skin pretty nicely. Here are some of its benefits:

– Fights wrinkles
– Eliminates blemishes and acne
– Promotes blood circulation in the face
– Refreshes the skin
– Shrinks enlarged pores

These are just some of the benefits of this great technique. It has been used for quite a long time and the skincare industry is just now recognizing skin icing benefits.

Below we take a look at the biggest skin icing benefits when you use the technique properly.

Glowing Skin

When applied to the skin, the ice cubes help boost blood circulation which gives it a healthy natural glow. To give the skin a more radiant glow use ice fruit cubes.

Dark Circle Treatment

A combination of rose water and cucumber juice when frozen can be used under the eye circles. This combination will reduce the puffiness in your face and make you look better.

Reduces Blemishes

Ice cubes can help reduce the redness and inflammation caused by blemishes and pimples. You can apply them directly on the affected areas just for a few seconds until it feels numb. You can do this every other day at night.

Skin Toner

Ice cubes are a cheap toner or skin smoother. You can use this method before applying the makeup. It will minimize the pores and leave your foundation flawless and smooth.

Prevents Wrinkles

Skin icing reduces the appearance of wrinkles just like the popular Tanaka facial massage. This technique will also ease the signs of aging.

Makeup Substitute

If you don’t have time to put on makeup, apply the ice cubes with a cloth wrap in order to get the fresh and radiant look without the traces of makeup. You will get a more natural look.
Skin Icing Tips

– Skin icing can be done without the use of cloth wrap, but remember to wear the gloves in order to hold the ice properly.
– Use cloth wrap or wash cloth to apply the ice on the skin. That will have the same effect like when you apply the ice directly on the face.
– The extreme cold can easily break the capillaries under the skin, so don’t use the ice cubes directly from the freezer if you want to use a bare ice cube.
– If the cold from the ice cube becomes too uncomfortable, stop the process. Avoid icing one place for more than 15 min.
– Don’t use bare ice cubes on the skin that has already broken capillaries or don’t use the ice for a long time.
– Fill the water for the ice cubes with cucumber, lemon, rose water, green tea, chamomile tea and other safe ingredients depending on your type of skin.

8 Reasons Why A Woman Will Leave The Man She Loves

Sure, there are a lot of things a woman will put up with for the man she loves, but there are also quite a few that she will leave him over. Just because you love someone doesn’t mean you are meant to be with them forever.

Below, I am going to go over some of the instances in which love just doesn’t cut it. These are things that just don’t make carrying the baggage of a relationship worth it. Sure, we can hang in there for a while, but unless these things are resolved, they will ultimately cause the relationship to go sour.

8 Reasons Why a Woman Will Leave The Man She Loves:

1. He doesn’t make her feel valued.

When we are with someone, we want to feel like we matter. The longer we are with them, the worse we will feel. Eventually, she will get tired of feeling this way and jump ship. You cannot plan on sinking her for the rest of her life, she will not let that happen.

2. His and her long-term goals conflict.

They just conflict with one another. She is headed in one direction, and he is headed in another. She might end up leaving him to pursue her goals and dreams. She isn’t going to let him rule her life forever. She wants to stand on her own two feet.

3. He is not emotionally compatible with her.

His and her emotions do not mesh. They are constantly clashing and causing problems. This makes things much harder on everyone involved in the relationship.

4. The relationship is overwhelmingly negative.

The more negative the atmosphere, the worse things will be. She isn’t going to want to stick around when all she is dealing with is someone who brings her down. Once she hits bottom, if you aren’t willing to come back up with her, she will find her way out and leave you behind.

5. He is not physically there.

Distance can ruin a relationship. Sure, some people can handle it and do well, but not everyone. Distance makes things hard, and even the best couples end up having to part ways because of it.

6. He refuses to pay attention to her words.

He doesn’t spend enough time listening to her. She tries to talk to him about their problems, but he refuses to actually hear her out. The more she tries, the further away he gets, and the distance causes a lot of problems. She just wants to make things work, and he isn’t trying, she will stop trying as well.

7. He is not there for her when she needs him the most.

If he is not going to be there when she needs him, eventually she will get tired of the lack of emotional support. She wants someone who is going to be there for her when times get rough, not someone who half-asses everything. Relationships are about sharing the ups and downs, not making her ride the downs out all on her own.

8. He does not excite her, and she feels like she needs excitement.

We all need a little excitement in our lives, some more than others. If she is someone that feels like she is not getting the excitement she needs, eventually she might just get bored. Not everyone is meant to be together forever.

8 Ways to Get Rid of Body Acne

Many people suffer from body acne. Acne affects 9.4% of the world’s population, according to research. It is usual to have them, yet they might cause some people to lose confidence.

“Embrace yourself,” 

I want to say to anyone with acne. ACNE IS JUST A CONDITION, AND YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL! AND NOTHING ELSE.” many ways to get rid of body acne. Maintain an optimistic attitude!

Don’t let the sweat dry out on your skin! Take a shower!

Sweat is created significantly while exercising and maintaining your body’s health regimen. Avoid letting it dry on your skin by showering as soon as you finish your workout.


Exfoliating scrubs should be included in your skincare regimen. It can remove dead skin cells and clean your skin of sweat, debris, and anything else that clogs your pores.

Wear breathable outfits

Some textiles and clothing may irritate your skin. Wear breathable clothing to stay comfortable and avoid skin concerns.

Hair off your back!

Long hair can collect grime on your back. Please keep it to the side and off your back to avoid unpleasant acne.

Choose your skincare products carefully.

Take care when using skincare products. Examine the ingredients and choose acne-prone skin care products. Acne can be treated with salicylic acid, tea tree oil, and white willow bark.

Stay hydrated!

Remember that moisturized skin is healthy! Increase your water intake because it aids in immune function and washes out bacteria that cause acne.

Add anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant foods to your diet.

Including anti-inflammatory items in your diet helps to lessen the appearance of acne. Berries, whole grains, beans, certain nuts, and various other foods all contribute to this aim.

Do not pop the zits!

Avoid touching or popping the zits. It can result in scarring or even infection. If it itches excessively, consult a dermatologist and obtain a topical spray for a speedier recovery.

6 Tips for Growing Avocado in a Pot and for it to bear fruit

Exploring the growth of an avocado seed at home can be a fascinating endeavor, whether it’s driven by curiosity or as part of a school experiment. While observing the seed’s transformation from a mere root to its first tender leaves can be an engaging process, cultivating an avocado tree to fruition demands infinite patience.

Avocado trees thrive best in tropical regions, benefiting from the warm climate necessary for their optimal growth. However, even in colder areas, it’s possible to cultivate these trees with proper shelter and protection from inclement weather and frost.

1. Mastering the Art of Germination

To initiate the germination process, it’s crucial to thoroughly clean the avocado seed before carefully pricking it with four toothpicks. This allows for easy placement in a glass of water, with the pointed end facing upward. Regular water changes on a weekly basis are essential to prevent rotting, and after approximately three weeks, signs of germination should become evident. Springtime is particularly favorable for this phase. Once the seed sprouts its initial leaves, it’s time to transfer it to a pot.

2. Potting Matters

In regions where temperatures frequently drop below 10ºC (50ºF), it is advisable to select a manageable pot that can be kept indoors. Avocado trees are highly susceptible to cold, so offering them warmth and protection is crucial. In tropical countries, larger pots can be utilized initially, with the option to gradually increase the pot size as the tree grows.

3. Creating an Optimal Growing Environment

Avocado trees thrive in acidic substrates with a pH level ranging from 5 to 7. To achieve this, a well-balanced mixture of peat, coconut fiber, and earthworm humus should be combined. Adding a few handfuls of perlite ensures proper aeration within the mixture. This not only creates an ideal pH environment but also prevents waterlogging, which can be detrimental to the plant’s health.

See also Accelerate Tomato Growth: Incorporate These 8 Ingredients for Rapid and Exceptional Results!

4. Essential Care Guidelines

Cold Protection: During colder periods, it’s crucial to move the plant indoors and position it near a well-lit window. Thermal blankets designed for outdoor use can also be employed to insulate the plant from the cold.

Heat Management: To shield the delicate leaves from scorching sunlight, a shading mesh can be utilized, creating a suitable environment for healthy growth.

Watering: Adequate drainage is essential for the pot, as it prevents water accumulation. Properly draining excess water is crucial, as the tips of the leaves may turn brown if the plant lacks sufficient hydration.

5. The Art of Fertilization

To support the tree’s growth and development, fertilization should take place during the warmer seasons, such as spring and summer when the plant is most active. Applying a layer of earthworm humus on the surface of the pot provides a nutrient-rich boost to the avocado tree.

6. Pruning for Success

When the avocado tree reaches approximately one year old and reaches a height of around 60 cm (24 inches), it is advisable to prune it. Pruning encourages branching, preventing the tree from growing solely in one direction and promoting a more desirable shape. It’s recommended to trim the tree until it reaches a height of 5 or 6 meters (16-20 feet). After pruning, the tree requires time to recover, during which new shoots will emerge, heralding further growth and vitality.

Embarking on the journey of cultivating an avocado tree from a seed is a rewarding and educational experience. By following these guidelines for germination, potting, creating an ideal growing environment, providing essential care, fertilization, and proper pruning, you’ll pave the way for a healthy and thriving avocado tree, eventually bearing the fruit of your labor.

6 amazing benefits of burning bay leaves

Bay leaves, commonly used as a culinary herb to add flavor to various dishes, have been cherished for their aromatic properties since ancient times. However, you may be surprised to learn that burning bay leaves can offer a range of benefits beyond their culinary usage. In this article, we will explore six amazing advantages of burning bay leaves and how this simple practice can positively impact your well-being.

1. Aromatherapy and Relaxation:

Burning bay leaves releases a pleasant and calming aroma, which can help create a relaxing ambiance in your home or workspace. The scent has been associated with reducing stress, anxiety, and promoting relaxation. Inhaling the fragrance of burning bay leaves can uplift your mood and provide a soothing atmosphere, making it an excellent addition to your self-care routine.

2. Improved Respiratory Health:

The smoke generated by burning bay leaves contains beneficial compounds such as eucalyptol and linalool, known for their potential respiratory benefits. When inhaled, these compounds can help alleviate congestion, open up airways, and provide relief from respiratory issues like coughs, colds, and bronchitis. Burning bay leaves can be particularly beneficial during the winter months when respiratory ailments are common.

3. Natural Insect Repellent:

Bay leaves possess natural insect-repellent properties, making them a valuable tool in keeping pesky insects at bay. Burning bay leaves can help deter mosquitoes, flies, and other insects due to the essential oils they contain, such as eugenol and myrcene. Instead of resorting to chemical-laden repellents, consider using bay leaves as a natural alternative to keep your surroundings insect-free.

4. Enhanced Focus and Mental Clarity:

The aroma of burning bay leaves is believed to promote mental clarity and improve focus. The scent can help clear the mind, enhance concentration, and stimulate cognitive function. If you find yourself feeling mentally fatigued or struggling with distractions, burning bay leaves can create an environment conducive to productivity and mental alertness.

5. Spiritual and Ritualistic Practices:

Burning bay leaves holds cultural and spiritual significance in many traditions. It is believed to purify the air, cleanse negative energy, and promote spiritual well-being. The act of burning bay leaves can be incorporated into meditation, rituals, or ceremonies to create a sacred space, promote introspection, and invite positive energy into your surroundings.

6. Natural Air Freshener:

With their delightful aroma, burning bay leaves can serve as a natural air freshener, eliminating unpleasant odors in your home. Whether you’re dealing with cooking smells, stale air, or simply wanting to infuse your space with a pleasant fragrance, burning bay leaves can help neutralize odors and leave a refreshing scent behind.


While burning bay leaves can offer numerous benefits, it’s essential to exercise caution and follow safety guidelines. Always burn bay leaves in a well-ventilated area, away from flammable materials. Keep an eye on the burning leaves and never leave them unattended. If you have respiratory conditions or sensitivities, it’s advisable to consult with a healthcare professional before practicing bay leaf burning.

Burning bay leaves is a simple yet powerful practice that can enhance your overall well-being. From promoting relaxation and mental clarity to providing respiratory benefits and acting as a natural insect repellent, the advantages of burning bay leaves are numerous. Incorporate this ancient tradition into your daily routine and experience the remarkable effects of this natural remedy. However, always prioritize safety and consult professional advice if needed. Embrace the aromatic and therapeutic qualities of bay leaves, and unlock a world of benefits in the comfort of your home.

Skin signals used to diagnose serious diseases

When it comes to diseases, it is of crucial importance to detect them as early as possibly. Early diagnosis leads to greater chances of curing the illness or the disease, as well as reducing symptoms which make us feel unwell.

But did you know that it is the skin, the largest organ of the human’s body, that can reveal a lot about overall health?

There are plenty of skin signals that serve as red flags for underlying severe disorders, we just need to learn to listen to our body when it tries to warn us about potential dangers and not ignore the signs.

The following article is of informational nature and it does not intend to give medial advice. For any inconveniences you may feel, please seek medical advice*

1. Dark spots

One of the reasons why dark spots appear on a person’s skin might be Addison’s disease, or adrenal insufficiency, a rare long-term endocrine disorder characterized by inadequate production of the steroid hormones cortisol and aldosterone by the two outer layers of the cells of the adrenal glands.

Of course, the reasons might not be solely related to this disease as other symptoms which usually accompany this condition are loss of appetite, muscle and joint pain, low blood pressure, and low blood levels of sugar, as well as high blood levels of potassium.

2. Discoloration

If you notice skin discoloration or white patches that appear on your skin, it can be a sign of an autoimmune disease known as vitiligo. It can also be a sign of an infection, which is why you should see a doctor as soon as possible.

3. Rashes

A rash is any area of irritated or swollen skin on the body which can be itchy and painful. The reason rashes appear can be various, from bites to chickenpox to serious conditions like drug allergies. Rashes can be also caused by fungal skin infections, and parasites or insects living on the skin. Just to be sure you are not dealing with anything serious or life-threatening, always see a doctor.

4. Edemas

Edemas represent fluid retention, dropsy, hydropsy and swelling. It is the build-up of fluid in the body’s tissue, most commonly of the legs or arms. Symptoms may include skin which feels tight, the area may feel heavy, and joint stiffness. The swelling can be a result of hypothyroidism.

5. Moles

Every person has moles on their body, but in case you notice new moles appear rapidly and they cause pain or their size and color changes noticeably it can be a red flag which requires a medial examination.

6. Acne

Acne is a common inflammatory skin condition that leads to lesions which consist of non-inflammatory comedones, and inflammatory papules, pustules, nodules and cysts. They range from a few spots on the face, neck, back and chest, which most teenagers will have at some time, to a more severe problem that may cause scarring. Acne can be a result of excess skin oil, hormone imbalances, or digestive problems.

7. Flaking

The most common reasons which cause flaking are vitamin deficiencies, hormonal imbalances, allergic reactions, and certain diseases. If accompanied with other symptoms, flaking can suggest the presence of a serious underlying condition.

8. Excessive sweating

Sweating is a completely normal reaction of the body when we exercise or when the weather is hot, but excessive sweating can happen for no obvious reason, because of another condition you may have, or as a side effect of a medicine you’re taking. It could also indicate Graves’ disease, an autoimmune disorder affecting the thyroid.

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Brave Marine jumps on grenade to save fellow comrade – wins Medal of Honor

 William Kyle Carpenter. You might know his name, you might not, but you can never dispute the fact he is a certified American hero.

At the age of 21, Kyle earned the rank of Lance Corporal in the United States Marines. In 2010, he was sent into war in Afghanistan.

During a firefight, a grenade landed near where Kyle and another Marine were fighting. Without thinking twice, Kyle leapt into action …

It was a split-second decision that spoke volumes over Kyle’s indomitable strength, but would ultimately change his life forever. Kyle jumped on the grenade, using his body as a shield in order to save his friend.

He offered up his life in sacrifice so that his fellow Marine might be spared.

Naturally, he suffered devastating injuries as a result of the ensuing explosion. His body was riddled with shrapnel and the bones in his skull and face were shattered. On top of that, Kyle lost part of his jaw, one of his lungs collapsed, and he was declared P.E.A (patient expired on arrival) when he got back to Camp Bastion.

Technically, Kyle was dead. Somehow, he survived.

Over the next two years, Kyle was forced to undergo forty different surgeries. He was awarded the Purple Heart for his bravery, as well as becoming a recipient of the prestigious Medal of Honor, bestowed upon him by President Barack Obama.

Today, Kyle is retired from military service and is working towards getting a degree from the University of South Carolina.

A true American hero. Watch the video below for more on Kyle’s story:

Share to show your support for a man who willingly sacrificed himself to save another life.

This strange looking fruit has the most unknown health benefits in the world

Jabuticaba is used to treat hemoptysis, asthma, diarrhea and dysentery, as well as gargling with a caustic decoction of sun-dried skin for chronic inflammation of the tonsils is agreed upon in Brazil. Such use of fruits can also lead to excessive consumption of tannins. jaboticaba contains compounds that have been shown to have positive biological effects in cranberry, grape, and other related species, including anti-aging, anti-inflammatory, and antioxidant properties.

1. Jabuticaba Fruit can be stimulating, opens up bronchial airways, which is good for asthma, and slightly astringent making it great for diarrhea, and also healing those suffering from tonsillitis.

2. Jabuticaba Fruit is anti-inflammatory, and full of great antioxidants.

3. Jabuticaba Fruit an anti-aging fruit with similar health benefits like cranberries.

4. Jabuticaba Fruit contains lots of protein, low in carbs, and high in calcium, iron, phosphorus, and very high in Vitamin C and has some B vitamins, and very low in calories.

5. New studies are being done on the effectiveness of Jabuticaba for fighting cancer… because it contains many anticancer compounds.

6. Jabuticaba Fruit soothes the GI tract, helps with arthritis, and also prevents many skin diseases and even hair loss.

7. Jabuticaba Fruit is also a great detoxing agent.

Shannen Doherty Shares Video Of Her Undergoing Brain Radiation: ‘My Fear Is Obvious’

An update on Shannen Doherty’s health is being provided.

On Tuesday, the 52-year-old actress said a CT scan from January 5 confirmed the presence of brain metastases, adding to her earlier revelation that she was diagnosed with stage 4 breast cancer in February 2020.

If you have cancer and it spreads to your brain, you could develop this illness, says the Mayo Clinic.

“January 12, the first round of radiation took place,” she explained alongside an Instagram video of her receiving radiation therapy. “My fear is obvious. I am extremely claustrophobic, and there was a lot going on in my life.”

“I am fortunate as I have great doctors like Dr. Amin Mirahdi and the amazing techs at cedar sinai,” she continued. “But that fear…. The turmoil….. the timing of it all…. This is what cancer can look like.”

Doherty made the announcement in a June 5 Instagram video in which she is shown having a mask custom-made for use during her treatment, along with the remark “January 9, 2023.”

At the March 90s Con, Doherty updated fans on her health alongside Rose McGowan, Holly Marie Combs, Brian Krause, Dorian Gregory, and Drew Fuller during a Charmed panel led by PEOPLE’s Breanne L. Heldman.

If you ask Doherty how she is doing, she will tell you, “I’m feeling great, thank you!” … What a fantastic turnout!

Doherty has frequently updated fans on her health status after her 2015 diagnosis and 2017 announcement that her breast cancer had returned after a remission.

“Is it all pretty? NO but it’s truthful and my hope in sharing is that we all become more educated, more familiar with what cancer looks like,” she wrote on Instagram in October 2021. “I hope I encourage people to get mammograms, to get regular checkups, to cut thru the fear and face whatever might be in front of you.”

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‘Hideous’ baby has grown into a stunning young lady.

Marianna Bowering, a dedicated mother and skilled makeup artist based in Adelaide, Australia, has garnered widespread admiration and support on the internet due to her admirable efforts to raise awareness about port-wine stain birthmarks. In a touching display of solidarity and affection for her daughter, Angelica, this talented mother utilized her makeup expertise to recreate her child’s birthmarks on her own face, aiming to emphasize the beauty and individuality they represent.

On May 6, 2018 Angelica came into the world with a port-wine stain birthmark in the shape of a heart, extending from her forehead to her chin. Although initially taken aback, both her mother, Marianna, and her father, Corey Bowering, embraced their daughter’s birthmark as a distinctive part of her identity, celebrating her unique appearance with unconditional love.

Nevertheless, not everyone held the same understanding, and the family encountered hurtful remarks and bullying from unknown individuals. Marianna recounted instances where people referred to her daughter’s face as “hideous” whenever she shared pictures online. Some commenters even went as far as suggesting that Angelica’s birthmark would hinder her chances of finding a partner in the future due to what they perceived as a “flaw.”

A port-wine stain is a birthmark characterized by its pink, purple, or reddish appearance, resembling spilled wine. As time passes, these birthmarks typically darken in color, leading some individuals to perceive Angelica’s face as if it were “grilled” or singed. While there is currently no known cure for this skin condition, laser procedures may help reduce its visibility. It’s important to note that port-wine stains do not naturally fade away, but for many children, especially when located on other parts of the body, it poses no significant inconvenience.

Children with port-wine stains have an increased risk of developing conditions like glaucoma or a neurological disorder known as Sturge-Weber syndrome as they grow older. Consequently, the Bowering couple has been meticulous in scheduling Angelica’s regular check-ups to ensure her overall well-being and monitor any potential health issues.

Marianna described the incident, saying that the comments and criticism directed at her daughter’s features were upsetting and frightening.

Marianna speak to Mirror that “The most severe comment she received online was from an individual who inquired if her daughter’s face had been forcefully pressed onto a hot skillet, essentially insinuating that her face appeared grilled or burned.”

Furthermore, Marianna shared that “the most hurtful incident she experienced in person was when an individual at a soccer game referred to her daughter as a “defect,” causing significant emotional pain.”

However, Marianna is resolute in her refusal to allow the negativity to shape her daughter’s identity. This determined mother made the choice to stand up against the bullies and actively raise awareness about port-wine stains.

On a particular day, Marianna decided to draw a heart on her own face as a symbol of solidarity, and with great care, she recreated Angelica’s entire port-wine stain using makeup. She shared these photographs on her Instagram and various social media communities, where she received an abundance of encouragement and support.

A commenter on one of Marianna’s posts expressed, “Your daughter is incredibly beautiful! The bond between the two of you is adorable. I admire how you wholeheartedly embrace her and instill proud and confidence in her.”

The immense happiness shining in Angelica’s eyes as she witnessed her mother’s face adorned in a show of solidarity conveyed a powerful message. It served as a resounding affirmation that she is already perfect as she is and that her individuality is a precious attribute to be treasured.

Marianna also disclosed that her daughter takes pleasure in playing with makeup and genuinely enjoys admiring her face with its distinctive birthmark. This fills Marianna with assurance, knowing that Angelica will develop into a self-assured and stunning individual, possessing a deep understanding of the true essence of beauty.

The port-wine stain birthmark will serve as a testament to her strength and individuality, becoming a symbol of resilience. Angelica will remain an inspiration to others, encouraging them to embrace their own distinctive characteristics and honor the inherent beauty that resides within them.

Do you believe that Angelica’s facial birthmark diminishes her beauty? What are your thoughts on her mother’s empowering approach to bolstering her confidence? Can you think of anyone who might resonate with this story? Share this piece with them and spread the message!