Showing posts with label Attitude. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Attitude. Show all posts

If You Don't Understand My Silence...

If you don't understand me during
the times when I'm silent,
you'll never truly understand
the words that I speak.

They say TREAT people

They say TREAT people the way you like to be treated. 
I say treat people the way they treat you!

I am who I am Like Me

I am who I am. Like me, love me. Take me, leave me. Know that I am a true friend to the end & ask for nothing in return except two things, don’t hurt or use me.

they start to smile :)

“I admire those people who can stay calm despite of too much pain. 
But, I love those who cry for a while, but after the tears have fallen, 
you’ll see a real fighter the moment they start to smile.”

Did you know that ??

Did you know that ??
hat the people who usually are the strongest
are the most sensative?
Did you know that ??
the people who exhibit the most kindness are
usually the first to be mistreated?
Did you know that ??
the one who takes care of others all the time
is usually the one who needs care the most?
Did you know that ??
the 3 hardest thin
gs to say are; I love you,
I am sorry and Help me? If you agree with this
please post this as your status.

It's Them - Not You...

Hey, If someone treats you like crap, just remember 
there is something wrong with them, not you.

Normal people don't go around destroying
other human beings.

no one can hurt you

Sometimes it's better to be alone.
No one can hurt you that way.

Seven Complicated Facts About Women

Seven complicated facts about Women:

1. They believe in saving.

2. Believe in saving but buy expensive clothes.

3. Buy expensive clothes but never have anything to wear.

4. Never have anything to wear, but always dressed beautifully.

5. Always dressed beautifully, but never satisfied.

6. Never satisfied, but still expect men to compliment them.

7. Expect men to compliment, but don't believe them if complemented.

Extremely Complicated! :D

i'm a very patient person

I'm a very patient person and I give plenty of second chances
But I am not a saint, I have my limits...

life is full of fake people ...

Life is full of fake people. It is so easy to believe someone when they tell you exactly what you want to hear. When a person shows you who they really are, believe them the first time. Some people are only nice for their own convenience. You have to distance yourself from these people otherwise they will hang around as long as you let them. The type of people who only call when they need something or come around when it's beneficial to them.

Not everyone has your best interests at heart. Sometimes the one person you'd take a bullet for ends up being the one behind the gun.

Give Us Opportunity to Improve

"We'd Be Thankful that We have Haters & Critics,
They are the Ones, Who Spend their Precious Time to Watch & Talk about Our Wrong Moves 
& Give Us Opportunity to Improve"

When To Close The Account

If you allow the people in your life to make more emotional
with drawls than deposits, you will soon find yourself
in negative equity.
You need to know when to close the account.
Don't allow anyone to drain you emotionally.

The Most Painful Thing

People Always Think That The Most Painful Thing Is Losing The One You Love In Your Life …The Truth Is, The Most Painful Thing Is Losing Your Self In The Process Of Loving Some One Too Much, Forgetting That You’re Special Too .

Sorry Doesn't Always Mean You Were Wrong

Saying sorry doesn't always mean that you were wrong.

Sometimes it means you value your relationships
more than your ego.


we fight we argue we cry

We fight. We argue. We cry. We shout at each other and we have our share of misunderstandings too. I think it’s normal because all relationships have to go through tears and laughter, fights and make up, arguments and agreements. This happens with all the couples in the world. But the best part of our relationship is that we don’t take any grudges to heart and we don’t carry out fights to our bed. This makes our relationship extraordinary and special. The essence of our relationship is love and we have deep faith in our strong bond. I know our feelings for each other are true, honest, deep and pure. We are madly, deeply and crazily in love with each other. We make a great couple.