Transform Your Body in Just 4 Weeks With These Five Simple Exercises!

Nowadays, it seems everyone rave about health and fitness. Some choose expensive gym memberships, magic supplements, and special equipment, while others like to keep it simple – to exercise and eat less, but healthy. Can you guess whose results are better?

It’s the second group of people. They manage to achieve sustainable progress and live happier life by introducing healthier habits into their existing lifestyle, not paying too much attention on the outside tools and trends.
The best solution is often simple, so you don’t have to try out different super foods with “extraordinary” fat loss properties, or do this or that miraculous exercise. Do the 5 exercises we present you in this post on a daily basis, and you will notice improvements in your weight and waistline size in less than a month. To be real, you may not lose too much pounds in such a short period, but you will surely approach one step closer to get the body you desire.
1. Plank
Although one of the most effective, plank is also one of the most underrated exercises ever. The benefits of this one-move static exercise are ripped abs and strong shoulders. Start in a push-up position on the ground with elbows bent to 90 degrees. Form a straight line from head to feet by propping yourself on your elbows, forefeet and forearms. Remain here as long as possible without moving your butt or waist.
2. Push-ups
This exercise helps firm your entire body as it targets every major muscle. Start in a plank position, and put your hands right under your shoulders to push your entire body up. While doing so, keep a straight line with your back, butt, and legs. Get back on the floor in the same way, and repeat.
3. Squats
transform-body-month-5-simple-exercises3-600x375This exercise will strengthen your core, increase the fat burning process, and build your quads, calves, and hams.
Place your feet shoulder-width apart or a bit wider to perform the standard squat. Roll your shoulders down and back away from shoulders, and stretch your arms in front of you. Slowly bend your knees as you bring your hips backward. Your head should be faced forward during the squats, and your spine straight. Keep lowering yourself to bring your thighs in a parallel position to the ground (if you can). Return in the initial position by pressing your heels into the floor.

6 Ways to Make Your Sperm Stronger, Faster, and More Fertile.

If your sperm isn’t making it to the finish line, just a few small lifestyle changes could make a big difference. About 15 percent of couples have trouble conceiving, and at least a third of the time the guy’s sperm is at fault, according to the National Institutes of Health.

Here, are some ways your guy can boost his fertility and increase chances of getting pregnant.


Your sperm must carry out their mission in 12 to 14 hours; that’s how long the egg, once it’s released, remains viable. Success can depend on their swimming speed.
So help them out: Put down the smartphone. In a Cleveland Clinic study, men who used their phones more had decreased sperm mobility, perhaps because of these phones’ electromagnetic waves.


If you need one more excuse to quit, here it is. Smoking cigarettes and marijuana can cause oxidative stress and damage your sperm. What’s more, a recent study in the journal Human Reproduction found that smoking marijuana can change the size and shape of the sperm as well.


Exercise raises your testosterone and that helps you make sperm. Yet excessive exercise or overtraining can deplete vitamins and stored hormones. What’s more, too much time on a bike or in Spinning class can put excessive pressure on the testicles, so consider taking a break for a while.


Instead of taking testosterone to boost the hormone, pomegranate seeds are a better alternative because they’re a natural aromatase inhibitor, which prevents testosterone from being converted into estrogen.


If you’re constantly stressed out or not getting enough sleep, it can take a toll on your adrenal glands, which affects sperm production. Make time to relax, sleep an extra hour and have fun with your buddies and your spouse.


Loose fitting cotton underwear or even no underwear at all occasionally can help sperm production.