What You See First In This Picture Reveals Your Subconscious Fear!

Did you know that everyone has a subconscious, hidden fear of something? While we are all aware of the fear of clowns, water, or spiders, few of us are aware of the deep-rooted fears of their subconscious mind.

Look at the painting below, done by Vladimir Kush. What is the thing you noticed first? Remember your answer and read on for an in-depth analysis of your choice.

Scroll down to discover what your subconscious fear is!


If you noticed the knife first, your subconscious/hidden fear is terminal illness. You are afraid that you have a terminal illness without knowing it, and you fear that you might be suffering and die suddenly.


If caterpillar is the thing you noticed first, your hidden fear is ghost, which is also known as phasmophobia. The chances are you fear that ghost or some evil spirits might appear in front of you and haunt you at some of your weakest times, such as when you are trying to fall asleep or when you are confused.


If you saw the butterfly first, your hidden fear is betrayal. It is very likely that you have been already hurt in the past and now you fear that the story might repeat. Maybe you have faced some rejection, whether it be a partner, a job, or a dream. However, you are very good at hiding this weakness. It only appears when you are forced to deal with it.


If you saw the apple first, your subconscious fear is death. However, not your own death, but that of your family members or close friends. It is very likely that you have already lost someone dear to you. With the trauma you have been faced with, it`s no wonder that this shadow keeps haunting you and you cannot bear the thoughts of losing someone else in your life.

What all hidden fears have in common is the combination of guilt and panic. You might wonder why those two feelings in particular… Well, let`s take the fear of economic uncertainty as an example of this. If you have lost your job and others depend on you financially, it is natural to feel guilty. In addition, it is very easy for panic to creep in as you cannot come up with a way to solve the situation. Therefore, the combination of guilt and panic is a deadly one for sure.

Fear and negative energy are like a fungus that thrives in darkness, so as long as you keep these feeling to yourself, they will continue to multiply and haunt you. If something isn’t done to remedy the situation, you might end up paralyzed by those negative emotions.

Psychologists Explain How to Stay Calm In An Argument

Arguments and conflicts are inevitable part of our everyday lives. No matter how hard you try to remain calm, at least once in your life you may get close to the verge of losing your temper. However, many people are unable to control themselves and their emotions during an argument, so if you are one of them you may find the following tips very helpful.

1.Take deep breaths

Taking deep breaths will help you remain calm because slow and shallow breathing are the body’s usual responses when in an argument. Deep breaths are excellent for reducing the production of adrenaline and cortisol which are stress hormones. So, try to take deep and long breaths and you will relax much faster. Inhale through your nose and exhale through your mouth.

2.Focus on your body

Being focused on what happens to your body when in an argument can be very helpful. You may notice that you are breathing shallow and you are very tensed. Once you focus on these physical sensations you will be able to relax faster. Start by relaxing your hands and shoulders and return to a more neutral state.

3.Listen actively

When people feel they are not being listened to, they often initiate arguments or some kind of conflict. Also, an argument can never be settled without active listening. So, make sure you are listening the person and make sure they are aware you are present in the moment. Don’t allow anything to distract you and in the end of the conversation make sure you have the necessary information for an intelligent response.

4.Ask open-ended questions

Asking open-ended questions is a very important part of solving a conflict. They show you have been listening actively and also that you respect the other person enough by allowing them to express their thoughts. Instead of asking “Yes” or “No” questions, try to start with “What”, “Why” and “How”. This way you show the person that you want them to answer longer rather than with just a simple yes or no.

5.Keep your voice down

Raising your voice is the easiest way to start or escalate a conflict. On the other hand, lowering it can be very helpful if you are trying to resolve the conflict. Try to calm the other person first by lowering your voice which can impart a sense of calm that can be a step forward to resolving the issue causing the conflict.

6.Agree to disagree

You can’t expect for every argument to end with results that both sides will be happy with. However, in order to avoid escalating the conflict you should try to end it before things heat up. It takes at least two people to start a conflict, and if you feel that the participant is very hostile or that the conversation is not going anywhere, you should try to separate from the argument.

We hope you will use these tips next time you have an argument and that you will be able to resolve any issues much easier without unnecessary conflicts. Being constantly stressed and angry can have serious negative effects on our health so it is always a better idea to protect yourself from the negativity. Even though you may lose your temper and act in a manner you will never be proud of, you can at least try to calm yourself down in order to avoid making mistakes you are going to regret.