Showing posts with label Relationship. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Relationship. Show all posts

6 Signs Your Partner Is Manipulating You

1. You find yourself emotionally volatile.

The one thing the manipulator enjoys more than anything is to guilt you. When you're made to feel guilty about something, you often find yourself feeling self-hate. Self-hate leads to emotional volatility. One thing you'll notice is a sense of stability returning to your life.

2. You're finding your relationships with others are getting worse.

Your manipulating partner may have, without you even really realizing it, pulled you away from people you love. Those friends you lost contact with are probably still ready and willing to be around you. Try reconnecting with people.

3. You have a horrible sense of self.

The presence of a manipulating person in your life can be a large one. In the same way the earth casts a shadow on the moon, blacking it out fully during a solar eclipse, the manipulator can cast a shadow over you and your personality. Without them blocking out the sun, you remember who you are and have a better sense of yourself.

4. You forget things you once enjoyed.

The manipulator probably took you away from your favorite hobbies in the same way they took you away from people you love. When you leave them, suddenly you remember how much you enjoy chess and hiking and you fully understand you've left a manipulator.

5. You never feel at peace.

With a manipulator in your life, you never truly feel at peace with yourself and the world you live in. If you escape the manipulator, it may take time to find inner peace, but it'll happen.

6. You feel like you can't trust anyone.

It may take time, but your trust in others will be restored eventually.

8 Signs You Have A Man Who Will Love You Forever

There is nothing better than being in love. You have a bounce in your step, and simply thinking about him sends you to Cloud 9. Finding Mr. Right can be challenging, but if you are fortunate enough to pin him down, here are eight definite signs that he is yours for keeps.

Pampered Princess
Does your guy make you feel like royalty even when you are not so charming? If so, then it’s a pretty good sign he wants to be with you forever. Most men will be nice, but it doesn’t mean he is thinking long term. It’s when he has no problem showing you and the rest of the world (even his friends) that you are his queen.

The Couple
When a guy uses “we” instead of “me”, it’s a surefire sign he is head over heels in love. Men who only refer to themselves aren’t really worried if it turns sour. Men who are committed want people to know he is off the market and has no problem saying it.

Let Me Help You
You can bet your bottom dollar that if your Prince Charming is all ears when you have a problem, he is in it for the long haul. When he stays awake wondering how to solve your problems only to make you happy, he is in love.

Have You Found Mr. Perfect? Six Ways To Know

There are no fairy tales in relationships, no knights in shining armor. Some men may seem like a dream – especially at first – but there will be red flags as you learn more about him. Take your pitter-pattering heart out of it and think practically. Ask yourself these questions to see if he really is right for you.

Is passion too important?

If you two are like rabbits, it could be that your relationship is (and may always be) shallow. He could want nothing but a fling. For that matter, maybe it’s a fling for you, too, and you just don’t know. Compatibility in the passion department is key to a healthy relationship, especially after the newness wears off.

Is he too demanding of your time?

Does he want to be with you every minute? Does he take your “me time”? Jealousy almost always causes problems in the long term. Don’t be fooled into thinking that kind of control is flattering. If he can’t let you be you, run! Run straight back to your friends.

Is he too smart? Does he want to tell you allllll about it?

You might first be impressed with his stories and infinite knowledge, but if he takes it to an extreme, it’s a character fault. His boastful behavior may mean he feels the opposite – very unsure of himself. That’s another red flag. When he pretends to be something he’s not, it’s fraud. Don’t fall for it!

Is money an issue?

The most common arguments in relationships involve money. If you two are on totally different pages, beware! No matter how uncomfortable this discussion may be, talk about it. Being cheap is a red flag; it may mean his IRA is lacking. On the flip side, his generosity may be a red flag, too. Work it out the way that feels most comfortable to you.

15 Things Men Really Want In A Relationship

What men really want in a relationship are not superficial things in a relationship, such as the most beautiful girl with the best hourglass figure and looks, and a woman that is going to perform the best sexually. Men are looking for more complex attributes in a relationship.

1. Most times women hold back on taking the lead in a relationship, whereas men prefer his woman to take a lead occasionally. Even if he is a born leader this does not mean that, he expects to and enjoys this position all the time.

2. Men enjoy receiving respect. The other side of this is that women must win respect for the man and the man must win the respect of the woman. Very few people enjoy being belittled, being the butt of a joke or being mocked at. No one is perfect, this both the man and woman needs to be respected for who they are and both appreciates this set of values.

3. People in general enjoy the admiration for whom and what they are and have accomplished. All a man wants is the admiration of his woman in all phases of his life.

4. Men enjoy his woman to be gentle with him. He does not enjoy the fact that because he is the man of the house he needs to keep a stiff upper lip. Cuddling, hugging, reassurance of the woman’s love for him goes a long way in a relationship.

5. Men feel confident when they know their partner accepts for who they really are. Men feel secure when they know the woman understands them. It is only when the man knows he is accepted for who he is that he tries to make changes.

A good relationship is when.

A good relationship is when two people accept each other’s past, support each other’s present, and love each other enough to encourage each other’s future. So don’t rush love. Find a partner who encourages you to grow, who won’t cling to you, who will let you go out into the world, and trust that you will come back. This is what true love is all about, and it’s always worth the wait.

7 Things Never To Do When Relationships End

Many believe love is the most wonderful feeling in the world. When you’re in love your on cloud 9, you love your partner with all your heart and things seem perfect, but sometimes as your relationship grows feelings start fading and you no longer feel the same love for your partner. Reality takes over and you see the truth about your partner. Doing silly things from the trauma is normal, but there are a few things you should never do when your relationship ends:

• Beg for love
This is the worst thing you can do. Don’t beg your partner, this shows you are weak and vulnerable. Later on you will probably regret this and hate yourself for doing it. It’s not going to help, if they are going to change their mind they will do it without you begging.

• Stay lonely
Don’t be a loner. Hang out with friends, enjoy parties, go to clubs, play your favorite sport, pursue hobbies, and spend time with your family These things will help you get your happy back, now you are free and single. Let your former partner see you happy.

• Fight your emotions
You may be emotionally shattered, and it’s natural to feel sad, and that’s okay. You may feel mixed emotions like anger, frustration, sorrow, fear, confusion, or relief. Identify your feelings and act wisely, suppressing your emotions will only prolong the grieving process. Have a good cry then don’t cry again over it. When you can’t laugh at the same joke repeatedly why cry for the same sorrow?

• Try to be friends
It’s often said that exes can never really be friends except in extraordinary cases. When you learn your ex is dating or marrying someone else it can be frustrating. Accept that this is a past chapter in your life, start fresh and make it worth having.

3 Main Reasons Why Most Relationships End Up Failing

In America, the divorce rate is at all-time highs. Long term relationships are fewer and further between. Breakups happen for a variety of reasons, but these are the big 3:
1. No communication.
Lack of communication happens for a variety of reasons. Sometimes we don’t want to hurt each other with negativity, sometimes we don’t want to create conflict, and worse, sometimes we just don’t care to communicate our feelings! But for a long term relationship, it’s necessary to keep those channels open.
2. Not actually being in love.
I’ll admit it, it’s hard to define how love feels. Is it a warm feeling inside? A sense of strength in your partner? It’s a little different for everyone I’m sure, but many relationships don’t end up getting into that deep love you see in people who’ve been together for 50 years. It can’t always be attained.
3. There’s no trust.
We live in a world of Tinder and Grindr and OkCupid; it’s easier now than ever to find someone to spend a night with and that leads to mistrust in relationships. Just knowing how easy it is to cheat and how easy it is to conceal. That distrust can bleed into other parts of life too, from finances to long term plans to the character of your partner.
Ultimately, we’re in control of all 3 of these things. We hope this will help you on your emotional journey.

Never Ask The Man Who Loves You These 10 Things

In every relationship, there are questions asked simply to fill the silence, in the heat of the moment, there are questions that are used to wound and there are always questions asked to eased one person’s anxiety about the relationship. However, psychologically speaking, there are some questions which can be harmful to your guy and harmful to your relationship. Here are ten questions you should never ask the man who loves you:

1. Do you really love me? You may say this out of insecurity, but this may make him insecure. If he feels he shows you his love, and you ask him this, he will start reflecting on what he’s done wrong for you to think he may not actually love you.
2. Why don’t you ever listen to anything I have to say? Chances are he has listened to more about you than he cares to know. This may make him defensive since he actually spends a lot of time listening to you.
3. How do you know her? Unless you have some reason to doubt his commitment to you, don’t offensively inquire about someone he was talking to. This will make him feel like you don’t trust him, and trust is so imperative to a healthy relationship.

How to keep a relationship:

“How to keep a relationship: communicate talk about things the good and bad build trust be honest be faithful be there for one another make time for one another leave the past in the past, which includes ex's know that having arguments are normal know that you won't always be happy don't expect change appreciate the flaws appreciate each other become best friends lastly, love each other unconditionally!”

6 Things Men Like In Women More Than Good Looks

Have you ever sat across the table from a man and wondered what draws him to you? You know you look good and you think that is the only reason he likes you. The fact is it goes deeper than just looks. Here are things men are after in women:

1. Independence
No real man wants to babysit you. Don’t be too needy, or you will chase him away. As much as you are in a relationship, retain your identity and continue being yourself. Being in a relationship doesn’t mean you transfer all your needs to your man.
2. Honesty
Trust in a relationship is everything. Lying to your man makes it hard for him to trust you. You might think the lie is small and harmless, but with time, it breaks down the trust that exists between the two of you. Lack of trust also builds a wall between you and that engagement ring. Make sure you keep all your interactions open and honest. Don’t hide things from him, because one day he might find out and the relationship goes down the drain.

Never leave someone for little Misunderstandings.

There was a couple who decided to end their relationship. 

Boy was not ready to accept it but he had to….....

One day boy got married……

His Ex-Girlfriend approached him and said :- 

How dare you used my favourite colour as the theme for your Wedding!!!

How dare you use my favourite flower as your Decoration!!!

How dare you to set our anniversary as your Wedding Day!!!

The best man

The best man you’ll ever have isn’t the best looking, the funniest, or the richest. He’s the one that makes you feel gorgeous, hilarious and like a million dollars. He’s the one that makes sure you feel loved and wanted.

A real man loves his wife, and places his family as the most important thing in life. Nothing has brought me more peace and content in life than simply being a good husband and father. ~ Frank Abagnale

If you want to be a real human being - a real woman, a real man - you cannot tolerate things which put you to indignation, to outrage. You must stand up. I always say to people, 'Look around; look at what makes you unhappy, what makes you furious, and then engage yourself in some action. ~ Stephane Hessel

15 Secrets For Creating Meaningful Relationships

In today’s fast paced world of OkCupid, Grindr, Tinder, and tons of other apps, it can hard to find meaningful relationships with people. Relationships can be fickle and come with no warranties, so it’s important that we learn to make the most of them and make them as meaningful as possible. Here are 15 tips:

1. Don’t sacrifice who you are. Be yourself. If you pretend to be someone else, you’re building a relationship on lies.

2. Don’t let other people tell you how to feel. You’re smart enough to know how you feel.

3. Accept that others make mistakes. You will too.

4. Don’t let yourself suffer. Suffering is a choice.

5. Don’t try to change your partner. It won’t work unless they want to change.

6. You see others the same way you see yourself. Recognize they’re your flaws, not anyone else’s.

A Real Relationship

A real relationship is the one where your love for your partner is much higher than your ego. Where your understanding of each other’s feelings is greater than your conflicts. Where your emotional bonding is so strong that the fights cannot survive for longer than a few minutes. Where there is so much intimacy, honesty and freedom that there is no room jealousy. Where you respect each others personal space and where there no space for a third person to come in between. A real relationship is the one where you treasure and treat each others heart as your own. A real relationship is not a struggle for control, domination or power. It is a struggle for making your bond stronger and stronger each day with more love, peace and harmony. A real relationship is where both partners get inner peace just by being with each other and where all their conflicts and fights end up in each others arms….Aarti Khurana

8 Signs You Have A Man Who Will Love You Forever

There is nothing better than being in love. You have a bounce in your step, and simply thinking about him sends you to Cloud 9. Finding Mr. Right can be challenging, but if you are fortunate enough to pin him down, here are eight definite signs that he is yours for keeps.

1. Pampered Princess
Does your guy make you feel like royalty even when you are not so charming? If so, then it’s a pretty good sign he wants to be with you forever. Most men will be nice, but it doesn’t mean he is thinking long term. It’s when he has no problem showing you and the rest of the world (even his friends) that you are his queen.

2. The Couple
When a guy uses “we” instead of “me”, it’s a surefire sign he is head over heels in love. Men who only refer to themselves aren’t really worried if it turns sour. Men who are committed want people to know he is off the market and has no problem saying it.

3. Let Me Help You
You can bet your bottom dollar that if your Prince Charming is all ears when you have a problem, he is in it for the long haul. When he stays awake wondering how to solve your problems only to make you happy, he is in love.

Relationship Deal Breakers Based On Your Zodiac Sign

Face it, many of us have real high standards in our daily life and it’s pretty much agreeable for all of us that we end up with a partner that suits us just right. As it turns out, our zodiac signs can determine a lot about our dating life, and our relationship deal breakers.


You’re self-assured and a goal-oriented person and need to be surrounded by people with similar traits. If you’re not quite so driven, you’re likely not an ideal match for Aries.


You’re steady and cautious and dislike disorder or feeling like you’re being rushed. Dating someone who likes to jump into things with both feet and throw caution to the wind won’t be ideal for you.

12 Things Men Secretly Adore About The Woman They Love

Love is a strange emotion that is beyond human wisdom. Although relationship therapy has made strides in redefining love, there is a lot that is yet to be discovered with regards to this complicated emotion. When a man is in love with a woman, there are certain things they adore in them that a woman may or may not be aware of. The following are some of the attributes that men adore in the women they are in love with.

• Sense of Humor
Men love it when they can exploit your sense of humor. He loves it when he makes you smile even if he is cracking dumb jokes.
• Clear View
He loves how you display clear thoughts regarding your future. He likes your maturity because you are both ambitious and have a clear plan. This quality gives them assurance that you will get him back on track when he is lost.
• Physical Contact
Men love being physical with women. Men enjoy physical acts of affection more than sex. This includes little things like when a girl sneaks in random kisses on the cheek, random hugs, places their hand on their man’s knee or their arm around their man.

8 Things You Should Never Say To A Woman

The biggest mistake most men make when talking to the women in their lives is to forget who their audience is. Most women are complex creatures because–in order to survive in a world that simultaneously exalts and devalues female sexuality—we must know how to be both virgin and whore in both the work and personal arenas of our lives.
Sounds complex, doesn’t it? It is. Now do you see why asking “direct” questions seems ever-so-charming to you but has the exact opposite impact on us?

Here are some examples of what not to do:
1) Don’t treat women as fungible objects. Just because your last five girlfriends loved getting busy in the shower to Echo and the Bunnymen doesn’t mean the next one will.
2) Don’t slam her friends. At best, it makes you look like you’re attempting to control her by isolating her from her support network. At worst, you seal your own doom. In all likelihood, her friends will be around longer than you will.

True Relationship:

True Relationship:
Love without condition, 
talk without intention, 
listen without judging, 
give without reason and 
care without expectation.

I believe that two people are connected at the heart, and it doesn't matter what you do, or who you are or where you live; there are no boundaries or barriers if two people are destined to be together. ~ Julia Roberts

We've got this gift of love, but love is like a precious plant. You can't just accept it and leave it in the cupboard or just think it's going to get on by itself. You've got to keep watering it. You've got to really look after it and nurture it. ~ John Lennon

Doctor’s Golden Advice For Wife's Temper

A man goes to the Doctor, worried about his wife’s temper.

The doctor asks, “What’s the problem?”

The man says, “Doctor, I don’t know what to do. Every day my wife seems to lose her temper for no reason. It scares me.”

The doctor says, “I have a cure for that. When it seems that your wife is getting angry, just take a glass of water and start swishing it in your mouth. Just swish and swish but don’t swallow it until she either leaves the room or calms down.”