In today’s fast paced world of OkCupid, Grindr, Tinder, and tons of other apps, it can hard to find meaningful relationships with people. Relationships can be fickle and come with no warranties, so it’s important that we learn to make the most of them and make them as meaningful as possible. Here are 15 tips:
1. Don’t sacrifice who you are. Be yourself. If you pretend to be someone else, you’re building a relationship on lies.
2. Don’t let other people tell you how to feel. You’re smart enough to know how you feel.
3. Accept that others make mistakes. You will too.
4. Don’t let yourself suffer. Suffering is a choice.
5. Don’t try to change your partner. It won’t work unless they want to change.
7. Be positive.
8. Be authentic.
9. Let go of what others think of you. That doesn’t matter.
10. Be sure you’re in love, not just in lust.
11. Let your relationships teach you. We have a lot to learn from one another.
12. Give unconditional love. It doesn’t matter if it’s returned.
13. Have a fully open heart. Don’t be afraid of getting hurt.
14. Give people your attention. If they’re taking the time to speak to you, you’d better take the time to listen.
15. Understand yourself better. If you know yourself, you can know others better too. “Knowing others is intelligence; knowing yourself is true wisdom. Mastering others is strength; mastering yourself is true power.” – Lao Tzu