Showing posts with label Woman. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Woman. Show all posts

I am the kind of girl who never gives up and fights till the end.

I am the kind of girl who never gives up and fights till the end. Maybe I am a little shattered but I m not broken. I may be a little disheartened but I have not given up the hope to achieve what I want from my life. I have some scars on my heart and soul but I’m still beautiful. I have forgiven people and I am trying to forget what they did to break me down.. But I don’t regret my past anymore because I just want to live my life beautifully. I am confident that somehow I will make it through. Aarti Khurana

No Woman Deserves Pain And Agony…

Women are meant to be admired, cherished, treasured and loved. A woman falls in love with a man to give him everything she has with all her vulnerability, honesty and sincerity. She doesn’t deserve to be dumped or abandoned without even an explanation. She doesn’t deserve comparisons and jealousy. She doesn’t deserve pain and agony just because she fell in love. So every man who gets into a relationship for physical pleasure and sexual satisfaction is a coward because No WOMAN deserves…Tears ,Shattered hopes ,Broken promises, Heartbreaks ,Physical abuse, Emotional cheating, Disrespect and Disloyalty. If a man can’t treasure the love of a woman and stay sincere to her for an entire lifetime he actually doesn’t deserve the love of a woman…Aarti Khurana

When a girl tells you about her problems

When a girl tells you about her problems, it does not mean she complains. It means she trusts you.

To all us girls: Place your heart into the hands of God and he will place it into the hands of a mans who believes he deserves it.

People talk a lil too never know just who to trust.

Cannot trust anyone these days. Fake is becoming the new trend.

Smart girls are the over thinkers, the insecure ones, the different ones. They know what the real world is like. They analyze every little thing in life. Why? To avoid getting hurt. To find happiness. They stay up at night trying to think about every possible situation to get through all problems. They think too much. They trust less people. Their insecurity proves their respect toward themselves. Of course they live away from a drama-filled life. Smart girls know their worth, now that's the ones worth keeping by your side.

Behind every untrusting girl, is a boy who lied, cheated, broke his promises to her.

8 Secret Woman Keep From Men

A woman may give you her heart and her body, but there are certain things a woman will always keep from the man she’s in a relationship with. They keep these secrets in the vault for a reason, mainly to spare your feelings or because they’re too afraid to admit what’s really on their minds. Here are eight of the most common secrets women keep hidden from the men in their lives.

Silence is deadly

When a woman no longer gets frustrated and upset with you, you can almost guarantee that she doesn't care anymore. Silence is deadly.

Sometimes being a friend means mastering the art of timing. There is a time for silence. A time to let go and allow people to hurl themselves into their own destiny. And a time to prepare to pick up the pieces when it's all over. ~ Octavia E. Butler

No durable things are built on violent passion. Nature grows her plants in silence and in darkness, and only when they have become strong do they put their heads above the ground. ~ Annie Besant

I love my friends and family, but I also love it when they can't find me and I can spend all day reading or walking all alone, in silence, eight thousand miles away from everyone. All alone and unreachable in a foreign country is one my most favorite possible things to be. ~ Elizabeth Gilbert

How to find the right woman in your Life?

A son once asked his father, ''Father how will I ever find the right woman ? His Father replied, "Forget about finding the right woman, focus on being the Right Man.''

All children need a father and a mother, but sometime it is not possible so you have to do what you can. They have big brother and big sisters program that is good for children that may be missing a parent, it is an excellent program. If you have children make sure they know that you are for them no matter what, and don’t forget your children have feelings and what is said to them may affect them the rest of their lives. My father didn’t want me and it was hard growing up in the foster system when you didn’t know what to do or how to act all you know you just wanted someone to love you. ~ Claire Cook

“If he’s not calling you, it’s because you are not on his mind. If he creates expectations for you, and then doesn’t follow through on little things, he will do same for big things. Be aware of this and realize that he’s okay with disappointing you. Don’t be with someone who doesn’t do what they say they’re going to do. If he’s choosing not to make a simple effort that would put you at ease and bring harmony to a recurring fight, then he doesn’t respect your feelings and needs. “Busy” is another word for “asshole.” “Asshole” is another word for the guy you’re dating. You deserve a fcking phone call.” ~ Greg Behrendt

What Men Want From Woman But Don't Tell Out

Listen up ladies… I know you are keeping lots of secrets from men, and even though you think you’ve got men all figured out, just know that your man is hiding few things himself and no single day his tongue will slip to let them out like;
1. Don’t Do Lots of Makeup
Men love their wives the way they woke up in the morning without lots of makeups. It is only that he can’t say it out but inside he burns for your change. Just do a little of it without much exaggeration. Natural is sexier!
2. Leave the Eyebrows Alone
I’m sure we spend lots of money just to look good for our men, how will you feel i9f all the efforts you are showing goes unseen? I believe you will be discouraged and may be feel that he is seeing someone else out there, that’s not the point, you are doing a lot of it, to him you are like a scarecrow. Plucked eyebrows aren’t pretty.

7 Unrealistic Expectations Women Have Of Men

Here are 7 unrealistic expectations women have of men.


One of the unrealistic expectations women have of men is that they should know the right things to say. We are all familiar with the scenes in romantic movies when the main male lead knows exactly what to say and how to say it so that the girl he loves falls for him. The main female lead suddenly gets smitten and they live happily ever after. Unfortunately, in reality that rarely happens. Sometimes it is more likely that men say the exact opposite of what we want to hear. We set ourselves for disappointment when we use fictional characters as a guide to choosing a partner.

She’s the girl who would love to be loved

Shes the girl who believes that what comes around goes around. The one who hopes for a better day. The one who wont give up on you.

Shes the girl who’s unlike the rest. The one who spent her days smiling, and her nights crying. She’s the girl who would love to be loved. The one who looks so damn strong, but feels so weak.

Shes the girl who picks herself up every time she falls.

Be a girl who respects herself.

And now she is loved by an angel cowboy who catches her when she falls, is there to wipe away the tears with his kisses, holds her when she is feeling weak, cherishes her when she is strong and adores her when she is just being a girl. Thank you God for saving the best for last. I LOVE MY BF - Kasandra Smith

Why A Girl Remain Single?

“She’s single because she refuses to change her relationship status for someone who falls short for what she deserves. Knowing her self value, she’s chosen to preserve a spot in her heart for a real man, someone mature enough to understand that loyalty, commitment, and honesty is a priority and not an option.”

A true girl

A true girl doesn't demand, she thanks.
and a true man doesn't promise,
he commits.

Women Don’t Cry On Silly Things..

You are mistaken if you think women cry because they are weak. When a woman cries it is not for one small silly thing but it’s built up prolonged anger and emotional burst that she’s been holding in for too long. This is the moment when she wants to be with someone who can just hug and say that her tears are more precious than diamonds and she looks beautiful even when she is in a mess. At this moment She just needs someone who can make her feel loved to the core .

Seven Complicated Facts About Women

Seven complicated facts about Women:

1. They believe in saving.

2. Believe in saving but buy expensive clothes.

3. Buy expensive clothes but never have anything to wear.

4. Never have anything to wear, but always dressed beautifully.

5. Always dressed beautifully, but never satisfied.

6. Never satisfied, but still expect men to compliment them.

7. Expect men to compliment, but don't believe them if complemented.

Extremely Complicated! :D