This Is What Happens When You Place An Ice Cube At This Point On Your Head

We all want to live longer, look younger, have more energy and lead a fuller life, right? How can it be done?
Of course, eat right, be active, keep your mind sharp, and don’t do high-risk activities is one way. But it turns out, an ice cube and a few moments of your time helps too. At the base of your skull on the neck there is a point known as Feng Fu.

It’s a pressure point found at the base of the skull just below the bottom ridge of the skull cap at the top of the neck. If you put ice on it regularly, it triggers rejuvenation in your body.
Illness seems to disappear and you find yourself more energetic and just plain happier.
Lie on your stomach and put an ice cube at the Feng Fu point. Leave it there for 20 minutes. You can also use a bandage to fix it in place if you’re on the go.

Doing it once in the morning on an empty stomach and then again once before bed. What does it do?

  1. It improves your sleep quality
  2. It improves your mood.
  3. It helps regulate your gut.
  4. It relieves colds.
  5. It relieves toothaches and headaches.
  6. It may help relieve lung and cardiovascular diseases.
  7. It may help thyroid issues.
  8. It may relieve PMS.
  9. It may improve mental health.

They Say The Door You Pick Can Tell Your Future. Mine Was So Accurate, It’s Scary!

So this little quiz has been making its rounds around the internet, and it is supposed to reveal your personality enough to predict your future. Even if you don’t believe in psychics, horoscopes, or even other predictions for the future, this fun test is a great was to reveal a little bit more about you.
Take a look at the eight doors below and choose which one you would want to go through. Don’t overthink it just choose a door and read on.

Door 1

You are longing for the simpler things in life. You are seeking quiet, solitude, and you enjoy large periods of time alone.

When you are in the company of others, you prefer it to be homey — perhaps just with friends and close family. Your future is a happy one because you know what you like. You enjoy authenticity and simplicity.

You are destined for a life free from the drama of others, though be careful of getting too bored.