A blonde woman in financial trouble

A blonde woman in financial trouble

One day a blonde woman found herself in financial trouble after her business went bust, so she started resorting to prayer.

“Please god, help me.” said the blonde, “I have lost my business and if I don’t get some money soon then I will lose my car too. Please let me win the lottery.”

She waits for lottery night and watches aghast as someone else wins.

“Please god,” prayed the woman.

A few days later, “Let me win the lottery. I have lost my business, my car and my children are starving.”

She waits for lottery night and watches aghast as someone else wins.

“God, why have’nt you helped me?” begged the blonde, “I have lost my business, my car, my house, my children are starving and I have been a good servant all my life. Please let me win the lottery.”

Suddenly a blinding flash appeared and the heavens opened up and the blonde is confronted by a huge vision of god.

“Sharon,” boomed the godly voice, “meet me half way on this. Buy a fucking ticket!”