If There Is Someone You Can’t Get Out Of Your Mind

If there's someone you cannot get out of your mind, whisper a prayer for them,that's how God moves.

When someone’s name crosses your mind. Stop for a moment and say a little prayer. You never know that they may need the help from an angel at that moment. ~ Marie Spencer 

There are experiences in life we look back on and experience grief. We do make mistakes and the consequences can be very painful. The pain is part of the healing. Slowly we reach inside and build the strength and courage to move forward with trust that armed with our new wisdom and growth we will face the future in such a manner that we will attract new and better experiences and people into our lives. The past cannot be changed but it never has to be re-lived. ~ Troy

People are on your mind for one reason or another. Some to whisper a prayer for them, some to send positive thoughts their way, and some because they’re thinking about you, too. ~ Cynthia Webb