This Happens To Your Body When You Eat Three Dates Per Day. I Had No Idea.

Dates are the oldest fruit cultivated by man, and there are over thirty known varieties. Apart from the delightful flavor, dates are packed with a host of nutrients that provide tremendous amount of health benefits to your body. Dates are rich in several vitamins, minerals and fiber too. These delicious fruits contain oil, calcium, sulfur, iron, potassium, phosphorous, manganese, copper and magnesium which are all beneficial for health. Here are the 6 most important health benefits of eating dates.


The natural sugars in dates, from fructose, sucrose, and glucose can provide you with a safe and effective energy boost. The dietary fiber in dates will keep you energized for longer without the “sugar-crash” that you would normally experience from any other sweet treat.


Dates contain a lot of soluble fiber, which is necessary for your digestive health as it draws water to the digestive tract – hence the potential relief from constipation. Dates are full of potassium that can also help diarrhea and an upset stomach.


Dates are rich in selenium, manganese, copper, and magnesium, and all of these are required when it comes to keeping our bones strong and healthy. Women face the major concern of bone strength, and so adding dates to the diet is a good idea.


Dates are a good source of iron, which many people struggle to get enough of in their diet. Anemia, which is due to low iron levels, is a common issue amongst most people; women and endurance athletes are especially prone to it. Anemia can leave you exhausted, but dates are there to rescue you, because of their iron content.


There have also been studies done on the ingredients in dates and their relation to brain health and it has been shown that when you have enough vitamin B6 in your system, your brain actually works better. That means that you have more focus, more accurate memories and can access information faster. Dates help keep your mind sharp and ready to learn.


  • Many studies have been done on the health benefits of eating dates, especially if you soak them overnight and then crush them before you eat them first thing in the morning.
  • The high levels of potassium are excellent for your heart and have been shown in studies to help reduce the risk of stroke and other heart-related diseases.
  • Adding dates to your diet can also lower LDL cholesterol levels (the bad cholesterol), which doctors say is a big factor in heart issues such as heart attacks and strokes.

DO NOT Ignore These 9 Symptoms Of Stress!

Stress is the main reason for the appearance of numerous medical conditions and illnesses, but not everyone is aware of this, although experts always warn about the consequences of stress.
Stress can be a very serious thing, particularly when it cannot be noticed immediately due to some unclear symptoms of stress. So experts recommend managing to lower the stress and calm down because it is very important in order to protect your health from numerous medical conditions.
Here are the usual symptoms that you are overstressed.

1. Hair loss
Carolyn Jacob, who is the medical director and founder of Chicago Cosmetic Surgery and Dermatology, says that approximately 100 hairs are lost every day and we are not even aware of this. Stress is the main reason for increased hair loss and a lot of hair is in resting phase, because stress can cause an alteration in the normal body’s physiologic functions.
After three or four months, the amount of lost hair gets bigger because the hair in the resting phase falls down. This is a very negative result. The changes in the hair are mainly due to the overstressed body says Carolyn Jacob.
If you are experiencing any hair loss, check the amount of stress in the body if you want to find out the cause for this problem.
2. Weight variations

Stress can also be the cause for some weight variations, because stress can lead to losing weight due to appetite loss, but also can be responsible for gaining weigh due to reduced metabolism. So if you notice any of these changes, you need to check the stress levels in the body and try to reduce them immediately.
3. Constantly feeling anxious and not able to sit still

Constantly feeling uncomfortable, anxious and restless is a symptom that you are overstressed. You need to take some measures in order to solve this condition and face the problem. If you do not take immediate action, it will only worsen.
4. Weakened libido

Stress can also be the reason for weakened libido, as it lowers the number of hormones for sexual activity. Stress can lead to impotence and exhaustion.
In order to preserve the love life and the sexual life, you can practice some technique to relax your body. And another solution for this may be a simple conversation with your partner about this problem.
5. Sleeping issues

Sleeping problems can also occur because of too much stress, so if you notice any changes in your sleeping routine, or you cannot sleep enough or even sleeping a lot because you feel exhausted, you should deal with the problem which causes you stress.
Your body is always fighting with stress in its own way. So you need to define the source for the problems that leave you without a good sleep.
When dealing with stress, the first thing that changes is the sleeping routine. You should find a solution to cope with stress as soon as possible, such as meditation, healthy diet, exercise or yoga.
6. Mood changes

Your mood can change drastically when stress affects the levels of your hormones. It can cause further complications like obsessive-compulsive disorder, many mental-health problems, addictions or anxiety. So consult someone about your problems as soon as possible in order to protect your overall health.
7. Body pain

Body pain is often the first symptom for a serious health issue, so you should definitely examine the source of the pain. Stress can be the reason for the body’s malfunctioning and can lead to palpitation, tense muscles, diarrhea, ulcers, stomach problems, or chest pain.
Stress can worsen your headaches, cause pain in the whole body and cause severe arthritis. So you should help your body deal with the problems by reducing the level of stress and improve your health.
8. Lack of patience

The daily problems can make you lose patience for everything and everyone around you and you will be irritated, intolerant, angry and impatient. So deal with your stress level and reduce it quickly in order to prevent further complications.
9. Thinking about your work all the time

If you are overstressed you cannot take your mind of your job, obligations and finances. You need to relax. Step away from the problem and slowly find a solution for it.
If you are constantly thinking about the problem it will only worsen your situation and lead to physical and psychological issues. Try to relax for a change, and do not worry about your work problems. Enjoy in some family time and relax.