Showing posts with label God. Show all posts
Showing posts with label God. Show all posts

Some People Are Givers And Some People Are Takers..

Some people are givers and some people are takers. There are 
times you can give someone everything and expect nothing in return,
 but it’s still not enough and they want even more… It kind of breaks 
my heart. But think about it, I guess we do that every day with God – 
look how blessed we are each and every day and yet most of us still
 are not happy with what we have been given. Please forgive us Lord…


Lord, when I lose hope because my plans have come
to nothing, help me to remember that your love
is greater than all of my disappointments.

Help me to remember that your plans for my life
are always better than my dreams.


God is always there for you.

God is always there for you. When you are down and out, when you are mad at him, and when you think he is mad at you, God is there for you. 
When you have no friends around, you feel lonely, and aren't really sure what to do; God is there for you. 
When everyone turns their backs on you, when you have no hope, no direction, and no clue; God is there for you. 
When life gives you a pouncing, when you feel weak and helpless, when you just need a helping hand to get off of the ground and want to remain more than a conqueror; God is there for you. 
When you see things' happening in your life that seem impossible in relation to our standards as humans, is when God can come in and make a miracle out of that mess, give him a chance.


FORGIVENESS IS MEDICINE. It is God’s way of healing your
wounded soul. He wants you to RELEASE YOUR SADNESS
 in order to RECEIVE HIS GLADNESS. This is a new day. A new
 day must not be poisoned with old venom. Open your heart
to God’s grace. Release the bitterness. As God forgives you,
 forgive others. Live in peace. The pain will soon pass. MAY

GOD Is Ready To Forgive Those Who

GOD Is Ready To Forgive Those Who Repent and Turn To HIM..
.HIS Arms Are Opened Wide For People Like You and Me..
HE Has Forgiven All Our Sins and Now HE Just Want Us To
Have Intimacy With HIM...HE Loves You and Me. There Is No
Better Thing We Can Do Than To Turn To HIM When We Find
That We Are Astray From HIM.. The LORD Is Kind and Full Of
Pity, Not Quickly Made Angry, but Ever Ready To Have MERCY. 

Pick Your Month Of Birth And Receive Your Blessing

Pick your month of birth and receive your blessing :

January :: May God grant you good health.

February :: May you have joy in your relationships.

March :: May God give you inner peace in your life.

April :: I declare wisdom.

May :: May God use you to advance His Kingdom.

June :: I pray for open doors regarding work and/or education.

July :: may God bless your family.

August :: You are a pillar and God will give you strength.

September :: May God break you free from curses.

October :: may God deliver you from all the enemy's plans to bring you down..

November :: may God keep you safe and under His protection always.

December :: may you find everlasting favor!!!

Mine is January month :)

Thank You For Loving Me..

Dear Lord, so often I let something or someone control me
 and I know it’s not healthy for me… Please God, I need You
to help me stand strong and to face my demons. I need to
tell them that they can’t control me anymore… I want my life
back… I want to be healthy and whole again. I want to be
able to stand strong with You Lord, by my side, guiding my
way. I know Your Love can see me through the darkest
valleys and back over any mountain blocking my way.
Thank You for Loving me. 


I pray that each & everyone who reads this status over
comes whatever they're going through. Lord help them
achieve there goals, Open doors for them no man can
close, Clear there minds, Bless there finances, Bless
those who weak with strength, peace, & prosperity. In
God Name...Amen ♡

God will answer your prayers

God will answer your prayers better than you think. Of course,
one will not always get exactly what he has asked for but
BETTER....God’s own solution is far better than any we could
conceive. BE connected to God wherever you are and your
 situation today will receive the SOLUTION for GOD is
faithful…Dont forget to pray wherever you are!

I Am Thankful For All I Have

I fall, I rise, I make mistakes,
I live, I learn, I've been hurt,
I've been broken but I'm alive.
I'm human but I'm not perfect.
I'm thankful for all I have.


‼♥‼ THE WOMAN ‼♥‼
When God created woman, he was working late on the 6th day, and an angel came by and said…
ANGEL: why spend so much time on that one?
GOD: have you seen all the specifications i have meet to shape her?
she must be
-not made of plastic,
-have more than 200 moving parts which all must be replaceable
-she must function on all kinds of food.
-must be able to embrace several kids at the same time…
-give a hug that can heal anything from bruised knee to a broken heart..
-she must do all this with only two hands.
ANGEL: *angel was impressed* just 2 hands? Impossible, and this is the standard model? Too much work for 1 day, wait til tomorrow and then complete her..
GOD: i will not, im so close to complete this creation, which will be the favorite of my heart….she cures herself when sick and can work 18 hours a day…
ANGEL: *came near and touched the woman*..but you have made her so soft Lord..
GOD: she is soft, but i also have made her strong, you cant imagine what she can endure and overcome…
ANGEL: can she think?
GOD: not only can she think, she can reason and negotiate..
ANGEL: *touched the woman cheek*..Lord, it seems this creation is leaking, you have put too many burdens on her….
GOD: she is not leaking…its a tear.
ANGEL: what is it for?
GOD: tears are her way of expressing grief, her doubts, her love, her loneliness, her sufferings and her pride…
ANGEL: Lord, You are genius, you thought of everything, the woman is indeed m marvelous.
GOD: indeed she is…
-woman has strengths that amazes man,
-she can handle trouble and carry heavy burdens,
-she holds happiness, love and opinions,
-she smiles when feeling like screaming,
-she sings when feeling like crying,
-cry’s when she is happy
-laughs when she is afraid
-she fights for what she believes in..
-stands up against in justice.
-she doesn’t take no for answer when she can see better solution
-she takes her friend to a doctor if she is afraid
-her love is unconditional..
-she cries when her kids victorious
-she is happy when her friends do well
-she is glad when she hears a birth or a wedding
-her heart is broken when a next of kin or friend dies, but she gets the strength to get on with life..
-she knows that a hug and a kiss can heal a broken heart…