The Best Form Of Stress Relief Based On Your Zodiac Sign


Rams are busy people, often trying to live life to the fullest. Often times, you're so energetic that you blow right through the week and don't enjoy the little things. When you're stressed out, take a day off. Go out and enjoy nature. Pamper yourself a little. Just slow down.


Taurus are hard workers that take failure very personally. Recognize that everyone fails from time to time and that it doesn't signify incompetence. When you're stressed out, go easier on yourself. Take a break from work. Meditate. Spend some time considering your options.


Geminis are complex people. They love a good conversation and enjoy having fun. When sedentary, stress builds up for you. If you're feeling that your stress is hard to manage, find a way to burn off your extra energy. Take up weight lifting or swimming. Go for a long hike.


Cancers find comfort in security, and often times, stress comes from feeling insecure. As a Cancer myself, meditating has always been important for my personal stress relief. It's been important for me to consider too that I'm not always in charge of my destiny, which can be terrifying. There's something reassuring about knowing that no one else really is either.


Leo takes it a step further than Cancer and tries to simply control everything, but this is a rather unrealistic and, in the end, unfair approach. Leos, so fiery, want to be the leaders of the world. A great deal of stress can come from losses and feeling out of control. Take a moment, take a deep breath, and cede control, even for just a little while.


Virgo and Gemini are in many ways like siblings among the zodiac signs. You're logical, but you can be too hard on yourself. You like knowing you can solve a problem, but when a problem doesn't have a clear resolution, it weighs on you, right? In moments like these, when the stress is building, write down your thoughts and ideas. Talk to other people about them. Take a few days, then come back to it.


Libra is the most easily stressed of the bunch. Conflict is a sign of imbalance to you and if there's no harmony, stress is sure to follow. Deal with this stress by reaffirming your commitment to peace and making it well known that you will not participate in any situation that ends up out of control.


Scorpio is sensitive but keeps their emotions hidden. Your need for privacy can cause emotions to build up. To keep stress from creeping in, express how you feel. Let people have it if they deserve it. Just don't bottle it all up.


Sagittarius likes being busy but hates being bossed around. You're the most impulsive of the bunch. You tend to be impatient and stress starts to build when you don't see the fruits of your labor. Take a deep breath and understand that you're not going to always get that instant gratification. Meditation helps.


Capricorns, like Virgos, can be hard on themselves. When stressed out, the most important thing you can do is chill out. Take a little trip. Go to the spa. Find a hot tub and sit in it. Eat a favorite food. Just relax.


Aquarius is witty and adventurous, often leaping before looking. You have a tendency to be detached from the world and you can be stubborn and unwilling to listen. Remember, life isn't always going to go your way. If that's what stresses you out, the best stress reliever is a reality check.


Pisces are a creative, sensitive, sometimes isolated bunch. You don't like the limelight and when you're the most exposed, you're also the most stressed. Remember to take time for yourself. Shut yourself inside sometimes. Recharge your batteries.