It is important to keep in mind that getting enough sleep at night can provide incredible health benefits. It can help us recharge to wake up refreshed and ready to start our days, it can help improve our memories, it can help us lose weight, and it can even make us happier.
So when you’re lying in bed with one of these 9 common sleep problems, here’s what you need to do.
1. If you have problems falling asleep-Refuse tea and coffee 7 hours before going to bed.
-Exercise every morning.
-Exercise every morning.
2. If snoring torments you-Go to sleep on your side with your hands under your head.
-Rinse your nose with saline before sleep.
-Avoid alcohol.
-Rinse your nose with saline before sleep.
-Avoid alcohol.
3. If your neck hurts

- Sleeping on your stomach or sleeping with excessive number of pillows under your head can put your neck in a bent position which can cause neck pain.
- The pillows should be just above your shoulders. Keep your neck in a neutral position.
- Some experts suggest using a rolled-up hand tower to support the neck.
4. If you suffer from heartburn-Go to sleep on your left side with your head on a large raised pillow.
-Consult your doctor.
-Consult your doctor.
5. If it’s hard to wake up-Wake up every day at the same time (even on weekends).
6. If your back hurts

- Lying on your back, place a rolled towel or pillow under your knees. This way, you’ll effectively minimize back pain.
- Another option is to lie on your side, then place a pillow between the knees for extra support. This is also good for people with hip and knee problems.
- It’s not advisable to sleep on your stomach.
7. Cramps and muscle spasms-Try massaging the hurt area.
8. If you often wake up in the night-Make sure the temperature in the room is 20-22°C.
9. If your shoulder hurts

Avoid sleeping on the side with the painful shoulder. Sleep on your back. Or if you sleep on the other side, place a big pillow at chest height and rest your arm on it.
Avoid sleeping on the side with the painful shoulder. Sleep on your back. Or if you sleep on the other side, place a big pillow at chest height and rest your arm on it.