Depression is the most common issue amongst man because men always suffer through more work stress. Sometimes clinical depression causes sadness and one can lose interest from pleasurable activities.
Depresses people experience series of emotional and physical changes. And a huge possibility of facing fatigue which could lead to psychomotor retardation and slowing other physical movements such as speech and thought process.
Lack of Sleep or Over Sleeping
Waking up earlier than normal time, that is less than 6 hours or excessive sleeping is an another sign to depression.
Stomach ache or Back ache
Constipation or diarrhea, back ache and stomach ache are the common issues during depression. Because a depressed person always feel uncomfortable and realizes any pain sooner, it also set negative mind sooner than normal person.
There is no doubt that depresses person reacts faster with aggression, negativity touches the person to the small talks. Sometimes they react wrong even to the correct things.
Short of Concentration
As discussed in the earlier point, psychomotor retardation slows down thinking process and physical movements. It directly affects concentration level, because it leaves you impatient and does not let you concentrate over task or work assigned.
Depression always reflects to others in terms of anger because anger is the easiest way to react. Men are more likely to show angriness than women. They are more socially acceptable that they react instantly with anger.
Anxiety disorder is a strong signal to depression. Women are more susceptible to anxiety than men. Men tend to express their feelings rather than keeping mum.
Alcohol Effect
People consuming alcohol are more likely to suffer from depression than the normal people. Drinking in a limit once a week could be normal but taking alcohol in very little tension is a sign that you are suffering from depression.
Sexual Facts
Depression makes you lose many things. Lack of interest in work, social life and even in sexual activity is possible. It also affects your erectile dysfunction or reduces your sexual performance.
There is a group of people having hard time deciding things in daily life. But if you are good at making decisions and suddenly it has hit badly deciding things. Depression gives you nothing but makes your more impatient and crates confusion in your life.
Suicidal thought
Women are more likely to get suicidal thoughts, as they are not so strong from heart. This is nothing but the depression which always pulls you in negativity.
No doubt!
Everyone in life suffers from tension, stress and get in to depression. But the point is to overcome these stupid feelings and live your life at fullest. Please comment your positive attitude to kill depression.