How To Find Your True Love? 2 Zodiac Signs That Are Your Perfect Match!!

At all times we need a little direction where to look for the ideal love that we have always dreamed of.
Now astrologers have the answer! Every sign in the Zodiac has two perfect partners with which you can never make a mistake.

People born in this sign are romantic, smart and constantly looking for new insights and experiences. You can trust them with your deepest secrets. They can easily fall in love and in no time they are ready to sacrifice everything for the partner they choose.
Unfortunately, they easily get bored, and getting to know new people and new experiences is what keeps them alive. Their imagination is infinite and therefore they are the biggest adventurers. When necessary, they know how to show their teeth and be dominant.
Ideal partners:
Aquarius – with these people you will have enough personal freedom. Aquarian are attractive and resourceful, which suits Arians. Arians are usually fascinated by the ideas of Aquarius and their strong life convictions, while the Aquarius sees the Aries’s incredible power and fun personality.
Gemini – They analyze everything associated with their partner even to the smallest detail, and Aries love to talk about themselves and enjoy the attention. People born in this sign are communicative, always in the company of friends and that allows the Aries to have the freedom it needs.
People born in this sign tend to love unconditionally, enjoy family gatherings and relaxed home atmosphere. They are emotional, kind and have warm personality. They are close with their parents, children and they love animals. For them heaven is a peaceful family life. If you want a serious relationship with people born in this sign you have to fit into this picture.
In love they are committed, so there is a great chance that they will forget about everything else and be with the person they love. The only problem may be the traditional values to which they want to uphold in this modern time.
Ideal partners:
Cancer – When people born in these two signs are put together, it usually ends with a wedding. People born in Taurus are supporters of the family, just like the people born in Cancer who are deeply emotional. They are raised to work in order to have comfortable life.
Pisces – this is a very romantic combination because the main features of the Taurus are composure and firmness, while the Pisces are tender and emotional. Due to the differences in their temperament they are a perfect match.

The Magical Healing Power Of Onions: Put Them Under Your Feet & See Its Benefits.

Onion, like garlic, comes from Allium family. It is rich in sulfur-containing compounds that are responsible for their pungent odors and for many of their health-promoting effects. Recent research indicates that onions contain quercitin, a bioflavonoid with antioxidant properties. Sulphur compounds and flavanoids in onion provides a natural antibiotic effect.


onion socks
Cut up a few thin slices of onion, rub the bottom of your feet with coconut oil, and put a thin slice onto the arch of each foot. Wrap your feet with cling wrap and wear socks overnight to allow the onion to help the body draw out unwanted toxins, pulling out fever.


onion press
Slice 2 peeled onions thinly. Steam for about few minutes, or until soft. Then, spread the onions out in the middle of a clean cotton towel. Fold the towel and tie it off with a string or a rubber band so that none of the onions can leak out. Apply it as warm as possible on the chest/throat area. Leave it on for a while, at least 15 minutes. The onion poultice often quickly induces a productive cough. Allow yourself to cough up as much phlegm as you can.


Mix equal amounts of onion juice and honey. Take 3-4 teaspoons of this mixture daily. It helps liquefy mucus and prevents its further formation. It is also one of the best preventive potion against common cold.


For ear pain or an ear infection, chop an onion and put it into a thin sock. Place the flattened onion sock over your troubled ear and hold it in place. Remove it when the pain subsides.


Press one white or yellow onion to drain it’s juice. Brew a strong cup of peppermint tea and let it cool. First you should drink 2 teaspoons of the onion juice and wait 5 minutes. Then, Drink 2 teaspoons of the cool peppermint tea and wait 5 minutes. Repeat again both procedures. Vomiting should stop immediately and the nausea should go away within 15 minutes.


Boil some onion in water till half of the water evaporated. Sieve the onion water, leave to cool and drink. The anti-bacterial properties help to relieve the burning sensation in urination.