Showing posts with label General Knowledge. Show all posts
Showing posts with label General Knowledge. Show all posts

11 Signs There’s A Toxic Person In Your Life

What are the signs of a toxic person? We’ve come up with 11…


Something to address, quickly: it’s normal to want to think of something to say while someone else is talking. After all, nobody likes sounding “unsure” or “dumb”.
Two things: (1) trying to think of something to say when another person is speaking is not effective (2) this is not what makes somebody a bad listener.

A lack of acknowledgement, lack of response and just plain disinterest is what makes someone a bad listener. Many times, they’ll just continue talking about themselves anyways.


To them, any adverse situation is the result of someone else’s actions. Have a break up? It’s always their evil partner. Came in late to work? Well, it’s the traffic (always (despite nobody else seeing it). Flop on the exam? Well, the questions didn’t match the study guide!

It doesn’t matter if they are at fault – they’ll never admit it. These people have usually gotten so good at making up excuses that they’re uttered semiconsciously.


Ever been somewhere and heard a toxic person make a rude comment about someone in the room that they’ve never even met? It’s weird and shocking at the same time – weird because it’s so out of nowhere and shocking because 99% of people don’t do that.

But some toxic people will say they have the magical ability to innately “feel” when something is wrong with someone else. Worse yet is when they make a crack on someone else’s physical appearance.


Then we have this group – the ones always needing attention. The easiest way to detect this is in a conversation: they’re always interrupting, dominating, and controlling.

They only time they’re happy in a conversation is when they are turning it back onto themselves. They’re also the ones who always seem to always find themselves in the middle the group picture while simultaneously being the loudest one anywhere.


It’s still shocking to people watch and witness how some folks act. People still litter, graffiti property, cut people off in traffic, don’t say “thank you” (always, always been a major pet peeve of this writer), etc. These misguided, socially wretched behaviors are very disturbing.
(Anybody else ever wonder who raised these people?)


Interrupting conversations, interrupting traffic, interrupting with their phone; these folks are constantly in “me mode” and to heck with anyone else that tries to get in their way. They’ve got better things to do than display some empathy or patience.

In seriousness, this is really annoying. It’s human nature to interject someone and apologize. It’s downright rude to be so self-centered and clueless.


Quick question: how do most people come to the conclusion that someone is exceptional (as a person or at something)? Well, we simply observe and come to the conclusion.
Michael Jordan never had to tell us he was a great basketball player. Mother Theresa never had to tell us she was a loving, kind person.

So, when we hear someone talk about how they’re great without being asked and without merit, it’s (again) weird and shocking. Most people are modest about their qualities, but toxic people are not “most people.”

This goes without saying, but physically and/or emotionally abusing another person or animal is an unconscionable and toxic act. Nothing else really needs to be said on the subject, except that if we’re being abused or know of another person or animal being abused that it should be reported to authorities immediately.


In other words, they always have to be right. No amount of evidence to the contrary can sway a toxic person’s illogical conclusion that they are right.

Some people will go to the extreme of a loud, vocal argument to “prove” they’re right. Mind you, there is nothing of substance that is being said – they’re trying to “win” the debate on noise level alone.

Bottom line: not being able to admit that they’re wrong and not being able to admit when someone is right are undesirable characteristics in a person.


A close cousin of #2 and #10, some people don’t take responsibility for anything. Unfortunately, these people can’t see that their own actions yielded an undesirable result.

As for examples, we see this when someone is arguing with an authority figure – a cop, teacher, judge, etc. – and illogically pleading a case without actually having a case. For rational folks, we simply see this as a childish attempt to deflect responsibility from where it belongs.


Ever seen the movie Clueless with Alicia Silverstone? If so, it’s quickly apparent that Cher (Silverstone’s character) and their group look down on pretty much everyone. Everyone else is dirty, badly dressed or otherwise unworthy of their recognition.

There are still people who act “as if” (get it?) it’s still high school. If someone else isn’t driving the newest car, flashing the latest threads or populating the same neighborhood, they’re simply not worth the time. Toxic people consider themselves in another class that only a few, if anyone at all, deserve admittance.

Lose up to 10kg in just 10 Days With 7-Day NO SUGAR Diet!

The amount of sugar that is put into our food supply is ridiculous. There are massive amounts of sugar in almost everything, and it’s causing all kinds of health issues.
High Sugar has been linked to arthritis, diabetes, and heart problems. It might even be causing cancer, stomach ulcers, and effecting serotonin levels. Our foods also contain a type of sugar known as refined sugar that can cause even more health issues. If you are interested in cutting out sugar, here is a 7-day detox meal plan to do it.
  • Breakfast: Cheesy spinach baked eggs
  • Mid-morning snack: Tamari almonds
  • Lunch: Green salad and low-carb cheesy sweet pepper peppers
  • Dinner: Cucumber tomato feta salad with black bean patty (Recipe below)
  • Snack: Low-fat ricotta cheese, ¼ cup part skim, a few drops vanilla stevia, and ¼ teaspoon vanilla extract
  • Breakfast: Sun-dried tomato feta frittata
  • Mid-morning snack: Tamari almonds
  • Lunch: Chicken& pepper peppers & spinach
  • Afternoon snack: Spinach dip with raw veggies
  • Dinner: Turkey lettuce cups, mushrooms, peppers, and sautéed spinach
  • Snack: A cheese stick
  • Breakfast: Peanut Butter Protein Smoothie
  • Mid-Morning Snack: Three hard boiled eggs, yolks removed
  • Lunch: Leftover Turkey Lettuce Cups along with mixed green salad with cucumber, sweet peppers, tomatoes, dressed with extra virgin olive oil ANDvinegar
  • Afternoon Snack: Feta frittata
  • Dinner: Baked salmon with sauteed green beans
  • Snack: Dairy free, sugar-free vanilla chia pudding (Recipe Below)
  • Breakfast: Sante Fe Frittata
  • Mid-Morning Snack: A cheese stick
  • Lunch: Grilled chicken made into cilantro chicken salad
  • Afternoon Snack: Sugar-free peanut butter on celery
  • Dinner: Crock Pot Chicken & Bean Stew and Mini Zucchini cheese bites
  • Snack: Half a cup low fat cottage cheese topped with cucumber slices
  • Breakfast: Sante Fe Frittata
  • Mid Morning Snack: Spicy Mediterranean feta dip with raw veggies
  • Lunch: Soup, Green salad with cucumber, tomatoes, sweet peppers, dressed with extra virgin olive oil and vinegar
  • Afternoon Snack: cucumber tomato feta salad
  • Dinner: Italian green bean salad with low carb cheesy bread Sticks
  • Snack: Dairy free, sugar-free vanilla chia pudding
  • Breakfast: Crustless Egg Muffin
  • Mid Morning Snack: Half a cup cottage cheese or ricotta with ¼ teaspoon vanilla extract, vanilla stevia
  • Lunch: Cheesy bread sticks and green bean salad
  • Afternoon Snack: Raw veggies and spicy Mediterranean dip
  • Dinner: Zucchini noodles sauteed with cherry tomatoes, kalamata olives and sprinkle of cheese.
  • Snack: Three hard boiled eggs, yolks removed
  • Breakfast: Scrambled eggs with sauteed spinach and mushrooms
  • Mid Morning Snack: Half a cup cottage cheese
  • Lunch: Light vegetable soup and zucchini noodles
  • Afternoon Snack: Roasted Almonds
  • Dinner: Chicken drumsticks and leftover green bean salad
  • Snack: Dairy free, sugar-free vanilla chia pudding.

10 Signs You Have a Thyroid Disorder



Fatigue is a symptom that generally encompasses feelings of tiredness and exhaustion. Hypothyroidism – low levels of thyroid hormones in the blood – may be a potential cause of fatigue. Consistent feelings of tiredness are often diagnosed as symptoms of chronic fatigue, which may also be a symptom of a thyroid disorder. In other cases, fatigue as a symptom may be quite subtle in nature.


A sudden, unexplainable gain in weight can be a telltale sign of a thyroid condition. Generally, weight gain is the byproduct of low levels of thyroid hormones (hypothyroidism).  Conversely, elevated levels of thyroid hormone, called hyperthyroidism, may cause unanticipated periods of weight loss. Of the two disorders, hypothyroidism is far more common.


As mentioned, thyroid hormones affect a number of vital organs. When thyroid hormone levels are too low, this may cause the heart to beat too slow. When hormonal levels are elevated, heart rate may become uncharacteristically fast. As a result, one’s blood pressure levels often become erratic. Sometimes, alterations in heart rate create noticeable sensations, such as a pounding heart or heart palpitations.


Contrary to most signs of a thyroid disorder, swelling of the neck is often a very noticeable symptom. This is one particular sign that demands immediate attention, as it may be the result of thyroid cancer or nodules, small lumps that grow within the thyroid. Of course, other conditions exist that may be responsible for swelling of the neck.


Surprisingly, depression may be one sign of a thyroid disorder. The reason is that hypothyroidism can impact levels of the brain’s “feel good” chemical, serotonin. Also, low levels of thyroid hormone can trigger other areas of the body to decrease activity, which may have an indirect impact on overall mood.


This is one sign that may be due to hyperthyroidism – when the thyroid gland is producing an excessive level of hormones. When this occurs, our metabolism and other parts of the body may become hyperactive, creating feelings of anxiety or general “jitteriness”.


When thyroid functionality diminishes, cognitive ability often does as well. Hyperthyroidism often makes it difficult to concentrate, while hypothyroidism may create lapses in memory and decreased awareness. Notably, some women have attributed such signs to menopause, when the root cause was actually a thyroid condition.


This sign can be a standalone or a cumulative symptom. Low libido can be the direct result of hypothyroidism, but other signs – low energy, body aches, weight gain – caused by hypothyroidism may also be to blame.


In addition to swelling of the neck, dry skin may be another noticeable sign of a thyroid disorder. Hypothyroidism often slows metabolism, which can initiate changes in both skin texture and appearance. Further, an inactive metabolism often reduces sweating which limits the amount of skin moisture, causing flakiness or dryness. Also, nails may become brittle as well.


Those with hypothyroidism often complain of constipation, a likely result of decreased digestive activity from lowered hormonal production. On the flip side, hyperthyroidism or an overactive thyroid may result in bouts of diarrhea or more frequent bowel movements.

14 Early Warning Signs Your Blood Sugar is SUPER High (Eat These Foods to REVERSE it).

Keeping track of your blood sugar levels is very important, as is recognizing the symptoms of high blood sugar levels. They are easy to identify and should be treated ASAP, as they can harm your health if left untreated. The symptoms may vary depending on numerous factors, but today we’re going to show you the most common symptoms of high blood sugar levels that you need to pay attention to.

Hyperglycemia develops when the body isn’t able to produce enough insulin or can’t use it properly. Insulin is a hormone that makes helps glucose from food to enter the body cells where it’s used as energy. However, if you’re suffering from insulin deficiency, the glucose is unable to be absorbed into the bloodstream. If this goes on for a prolonged period, some body parts such as the kidneys, blood vessels, nerves and eyes may be permanently damaged.


  • Physical inactivity;
  • Fatigue;
  • The common cold;
  • Dehydration;
  • Excessive eating;
  • Excessive use of steroids.
Increased blood sugar levels don’t automatically mean diabetes, and they may be one symptom of the disease. People suffering from diabetes may not experience many symptoms, but these are the ones that indicate high blood sugar levels:
  • Frequent urination, especially overnight;
  • Blurred vision;
  • Dry mouth;
  • Thirst;
  • Impotence;
  • Difficulty focusing;
  • Slow healing of cuts and wounds;
  • Recurring infections;
  • Digestive problems;
  • Increased appetite;
  • Nerve problems;
  • Dry and itchy skin;
  • Excess belly fat and weight gain.


In order to control your blood sugar levels, it’s very important to know what foods you can eat. Foods with a high glycemic index should be avoided. The Glycemic index is a scale which shows the number of carbs in foods which may increase your blood sugar levels. The higher the number, the bigger the risk of high blood sugar levels. The numbers range from 0-100 – foods between 0 and 54 are considered low glycemic foods.


  • 1 egg: 6
  • A cup of broccoli: 10
  • A cup of hummus:6
  • A cup of nuts: 15
  • A cup of cashew nuts: 22
  • A cup of cherries:22
  • A cup of yogurt: 23
  • Medium-sized onion: 10
  • Medium-sized apple: 38
  • 1 Turkey sausage: 28
  • A cup of spaghetti: 42
  • A cup of green grapes: 46
  • A cup of peas: 54
  • 220 gr. of tomato juice: 38
  • 220 gr. of pineapple juice: 46
  • 1 carrot: 47
  • 1 orange: 48
  • 1 grapefruit: 50
  • 1 banana: 52


  • A cup of brown rice: 55
  • 1 serving of mac’n’cheese: 64
  • A tablespoon of honey: 55
  • A cup of oatmeal: 55
  • A cup of white rice: 64


  • 2 cups of popcorn: 70
  • Rice cake: 76
  • A slice of white bread: 70
  • 1 doughnut: 76
  • Medium-sized baked potato: 85
  • 1 portion of corn flakes: 92
  • 50 gr. of glucose: 100
Your diet can affect your health in general, so if you experience any symptoms of hyperglycemia, you need to change your habits before major problems occur.

One Month Before a Heart Attack, Your Body Will Alert You: Here Are the 6 Symptoms!

In the last couple of years, heart attacks have become very common among the worldwide population. Unfortunately, they’re the number 1 reason for death in the world. They occur as a consequence of our stressful lifestyles and unhealthy diets.

You can protect your cardiovascular health by improving your lifestyle- follow a healthier diet and lower the amount of stress. Also, it’s good to recognize the symptoms of heart failure that usually begin to show a month before the heart experiences a failure:

1. Shortness of breath

When the lungs don’t get enough oxygen, your heart won’t get the blood which needs to pass through it. Therefore, if you have problems with breathing, immediately consult your physician.

2. Cold and flu symptoms

A lot of people, before they experience a heart attack, experience these two symptoms.

3. Chest pressure

This is a clear symptom that a heart attack can take place in the near future. It’s important to consult your physician if you experience chest ache.

4. Weakness

When the arteries tighten, proper blood flow is prevented. Hence, the muscles aren’t getting what they need, which may lead to heart failure. Therefore, if you experience constant fatigue and weakness, consult your physician.

5. Cold sweats and dizziness

Poor circulation disrupts the proper blood flow to the brain, which is crucial for the proper functioning of the brain.

6. Drowsiness

If you still feel tired and drowsy after sleeping or resting for some time, and if this goes on for days and days, you could be having a loss of blood flow to the heart.

Prevention of heart attacks is very important; noticing and treating the above mentioned symptoms timely, will significantly lower the chances for heart attacks.

How Only 15 Minutes of Walking Can Change Everything

Walking is an activity that we do every day. We take walking for granted and we are not even aware how important it is unless we are physically unable to walk. You should pay more attention to walking especially as you age.
Benefits of walking
One study that lasted 12 years included adults over 65 and it was discovered that walking only 15 minutes a day can decrease the mortality rate by 22%.
The lead researcher of the study said: “Don’t use age as an excuse not to do exercise. Doing some physical activity regularly has a better effect on general health than any medical treatment does. Less than half of older adults are able to achieve the recommended 75 minutes of exercise with vigorous intensity or 150 minutes of moderate intensity every week.”
This shouldn’t be a surprise.
Many studies have been able to prove the health benefits of walking. People should start considering walking to be an aerobic exercise. Aerobic exercise is any exercise that stimulates the heart and respiratory rates which causes more oxygen to be pumped to the muscles. You can achieve this even with walking.
Increasing the respiratory, circulatory and cardiovascular function means that the nutrients will travel where they are needed. The energy we get from the food should not be stored, instead it should be used to help the muscles, organs and bones become stronger.
A sedentary lifestyle can cause illnesses and even sedentary death syndrome which is a real and serious condition. It can lead to numerous diseases and even death.
Walk for life
One study from 2016 has shown that the lung capacity of obese children can be increased within 6 weeks if they walk for 45 minutes every day for 5 days a week. Walking fast increases the fitness level.
Walking outdoors can be very beneficial for the mental health. Spending time in the nature without electronic devices can be very helpful for reducing the everyday stress, for improving the overall mood and even for lowering depression.
Spending time in the sun is also very important because that way we get the required amounts of vitamin D. Walking inside on a treadmill can be just as beneficial as walking outdoors.
A walk in the park
Walking regularly can significantly improve the mobility which then reduces the risk of injury. Walking is particularly beneficial for people who suffer from joint pain and arthritis.
The American Heart Association recommends walking in cases of: diabetes, stroke, hypertension and high cholesterol. You don’t have to walk for 30 minutes at once every day. You can walk twice for 15 minutes. Start slowly and then gradually increase the pace.
If you have trouble sleeping, taking a walk is also very beneficial.
The obvious
One 11-year study that included participants from 7 countries has shown that walking regularly can reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases by 31% and the mortality risk by 32%. Walking for just 5.5 miles a week at 2mph can prevent the deadliest diseases.
The modern lifestyle sometimes makes it hard to go to the gym, however everyone has time to walk for just 15-30 minutes a day. So, grab your comfortable snickers and start walking today.

Do You Have Gap Between Teeth? Is it a sign of Good Luck or Bad Luck? Here’s What it Means.

Physical features have been the objects of study in deciphering the character traits of people. Though not that prominent, the gap between front teeth has always been interpreted in different ways. It is estimated that in India alone there are more than a million people with gap between their front teeth. If you are one among the group or would have an acquaintance with such a feature, then this article shall be of high interest to you in order to be able to understand the personality better.

If you have a gap between your two front teeth, it is considered to be lucky. But, then again there are some people who spend a lot of money on dental care trying to cover the gap. The gap between your teeth surely looks ugly if the gap is wide enough to pull your tongue through it!
Take a look at some of these facts, it is quite interesting and you might change your mind after reading these facts about the gap in your front teeth.


It is said that if you have a gap between your two front teeth, you are considered to be very intelligent. It also means that you have very good creative skills. So, if you have a gap between your two front teeth, you are surely Einstein!


Do you know why you are a jabber mouth? One of the reasons why you love to talk is because it is said that people who have a gap between their front teeth have this personality in them. They love to talk right through the day.


It is said that people who have a gap between their two front teeth knows how to deal with financial matters in a fine manner. It also means that they have the ability to be at extreme ends where they can save their money or be a spendthrift too.


Those who have a gap in their front teeth are considered to be healthy eaters. They love to eat and try their palates to different types of food. Is this true with you?


Among all the luck in the world, it is said that when it comes to career, people who have a gap between their two front teeth will have a steady career. They will also grow up to be a very successful people too. So, if you are one of those people who have a gap between the two front upper teeth, you are in luck. These are some of the facts about having a gap between your two front upper teeth.

Early Warning Signs Your Blood Pressure Is DANGEROUSLY High (1 In 5 Don’t Know They Have It!)

Hypertension or high blood pressure is one of the most common heath issues among people. High blood pressure is represented with blood flow higher than normal.

It is known that American Society spends lots of money for hypertension, to be exact $46 billion each year. In these costs are included: medications, treatments, cost of the health care services and missed days at work.
Patients with high blood pressure must use dangerous beta-blockers, ACE inhibitor drugs and diuretics. The patient should also restrict salt in the diet. These things can help just for the moment, but they don’t get to the root of the problem. Even though we’ve been encouraged to fear salt when it comes to our health, extreme salt reduction for high blood pressure still remains controversial and questionable.
What is the biggest problem with hypertension? Most of the people are not even aware of the symptoms even when their pressure is extremely high.
The blood pressure is consisted of two pressure components systolic and diastolic pressure.
Systolic pressure is the pressure when the heart beats pumping blood while diastolic pressure is when the heart is in the rest mode or between two beets.
Blood pressure ranges include:
  • Normal: Less than 120/80
  • Prehypertension: 120–139/80–89
  • Stage 1 high blood pressure: 140–159/90–99
  • Stage 2 high blood pressure: 160 and above/100 and above
Familiar warning signs of high blood pressure: headaches, chest pains, nosebleeds, vision changes, tiredness, ear noise or buzzing, and confusion.
America is facing with the fact that high blood pressure is primary or contributing cause for more than 360,000 deaths per year. This is a frightening number; in average it is equal to 1000 deaths each day.
High blood pressure increases the risk of:
  • Chronic heart failure: Seven out of ten people with chronic heart failure have high blood pressure.
  • Memory issues: people with high blood pressure are more prone to memory issues or thinking, learning and remembering.
  • Eye problems: High blood pressure can result in vision loss since it causes thickened, narrowed and torn blood vessels in the eyes.
  • Aneurism: It is formed as a result of high blood pressure since it causes your blood vessels to weaken. Aneurism rupture is life-threatening.
  • First stroke: Nearly seven people of every ten have high blood pressure when they have their first heart attack.
  • Metabolic syndrome: Metabolic syndrome is a combination of three or more of the following health issues: high triglyceride levels, abdominal obesity, high blood sugar, high blood pressure or low HDL (good) cholesterol. High blood pressure symptoms increase the risk of this syndrome.
  • First stroke: About eight out of ten people having their first strokes have high blood pressure.
What is the difference between high and low blood pressure?
High blood Pressure
Since there are no symptoms for high blood pressure, however there are some warning signs such as:
  • Tiredness
  • Headaches
  • Confusion
  • Vision changes
  • Chest pains
  • Nosebleed
  • Ear noise or buzzing
  • Irregular heartbeat
  • Here are some more alarming facts about high blood pressure and its symptoms
  • Prehypertension, which nearly one of three adults in America has, is a blood pressure that is higher than normal but not yet in the high blood pressure range.
  • Nearly one out of every three adults in America, or about 70 million people have high blood pressure.
  • Only about half of people with high blood pressure or 52% exactly, have the condition under control.
  • Hypertension costs USA even $64 billion each year. This total includes medications for treatment of this condition, health care services and missed days out of work.
Low Blood Pressure
Here are some stats on low blood pressure:
As a result of plague build up in blood vessels, blood flow to the heart muscle and brain declines with age.
When blood pressure drops suddenly, the brain is deprived of an adequate blood supply, and this low blood pressure is concerning. It can lead to lightheadedness and dizziness.
Estimated 10% to 20% of people over age of 65 have postural hypotension.
Postural hypotension or orthostatic hypotension is sudden drop of blood pressure which happens when people suddenly rise from a sitting position to standing. On the other hand, neutrally hypotension is a type of blood pressure when someone is standing for a long period of time.
Chronic low blood pressure with no symptoms is almost never serious.
Low blood pressure is only taken serious by the doctors if it causes noticeable signs and symptoms such as:

Top 10 Brain Damaging Habits

Top 10 brain Damaging habits:

1. No Breakfast 
People who do not take breakfast are going to have a lower blood sugar level. This leads to an insufficient supply of nutrients to the brain causing brain degeneration. 

2. Overeating
It causes hardening of the brain arteries,leading to a decrease in mental power.

3. Smoking
It causes multiple brain shrinkage and may lead to Alzheimer disease.

4. High Sugar Consumption
Too much sugar will interrupt the absorption of proteins and nutrients causing malnutrition and may interfere with brain development.

5. Air Pollution
The brain is the largest oxygen consumer in our 20 body. Inhaling polluted air decreases the supply of oxygen to the brain, bringing about adecrease in brain efficiency.

6 . Sleep Deprivation
Sleep allows our brain to rest.. Long term deprivation from sleep will accelerate the death of brain cells..

7. Head Covered While Sleeping
Sleeping with the head covered increases the concentration of carbondioxide and decrease concentration of oxygen that may lead to brain damaging effects.

8. Working Your Brain During Illness
Working hard or studying with sickness may lead to a decrease in effectiveness of the brain as well as damage the brain.

9. Lacking in Stimulating Thoughts
Thinking is the best way to train our brain, lacking in brain stimulation thoughts may cause brain shrinkage.

10. Talking Rarely
Intellectual conversations will promote the efficiency of the brain..!! 


Take A Glass Of This Drink And The Liver Will Be Like New Again!

A diet full of nutrients and healthy lifestyle habits are essential for properly functioning and healthy liver. Sadly, modern lifestyle is making this very difficult to pay more attention to what we eat and exercise more. Most of us don’t have enough time to cook at home so we choose to eat fast food and other unhealthy foods which make our bodies exposed to toxins.
The liver is a vital organ which removes the toxins from the body. This is why it is extremely important to take proper care of this organ and to perform liver detox.
The toxins that accumulate in the liver need to be removed because the liver works harder if it is overloaded with harmful substances that prevent protein absorption.
The drink that works as a miracle for the liver
Don’t wait until you start noticing that there is something wrong with your liver. Start taking care of this organ right away by cleansing it and eating healthier. If this organ becomes damaged you will be more prone to minor but also more serious illnesses.
You can cleanse your liver with the help of this natural, easy and simple remedy.
  • Lemon juice
  • Orange juice
  • 1 handful of fresh mint leaves
  • Organic honey
  • 1 liter of water
Preparation and use:
Put the water in a pot and turn on the heat. Once the water starts boiling add the mint leaves and boil them for about 5 minutes. Then, remove the pot from the heat and wait until it cools a bit. Then, add the orange and lemon juice and a little grated lemon peel. In the end add the honey and stir.
You can consume this beverage either warm or cold. It will do wonders for your liver and your digestive system too.