10 Warning Signs that your body is full of Dangerous Parasites (Intestinal Worms)

Whenever someone imagines about having intestinal worms in the body it looks scary and weird thing. Having parasites in the body is a natural thing and many of us aren’t aware of it. These microorganisms survive off other components.

Some of them live on the food you eat; many of them survive on the red blood cells of your body. Some parasites lay eggs in the body and enhance their counts and it can make you sick and weak.

Some of the commonly known parasites are pinworm, tapeworm, hookworm, lamblia, trichinella, lice, roundworms, and bedbugs.

Parasites have different types and some of them are normal but some of them are toxicities and harmful. Fortunately, parasites are curable once diagnosed properly.

Symptoms of intestinal worms

In this article, we will discuss the warning signs, the treatment ways, and other helping information about parasites (intestinal worms) so let’s have a look at that:-

1. Digestive Troubles

If you are contracting parasites, it can ruin the digestive health and harmful for the intestine lining.

In many cases, people feel diarrhea, gas, constipation, bloating, acidity, and difficulty digestion. You may feel burning and inflammation in the abdomen and if you feel these symptoms you must consult an expert.

Add more fiber in the diet and drink plenty of water.

2. Abdominal Discomfort and Pain

The other sign of having parasites in the body is abdomen pain. The parasites can stay for a long time in the small intestine and causes pain, inflammation, and discomfort.

Mostly, roundworm, tapeworm, fluke are the parasites responsible for abdomen pain.

If you are feeling pain in the abdomen for a long time without any other cause you must contact your doctor before the condition gets worse.

3. Anal Itching

Anal itching is also a prior sign of parasites that exist in the abdomen. You may feel itching in the night or while sleeping and when you scratch it can be risky because female parasites lay eggs and scratching can cause the secondary infection.

Mostly, pinworms are the reason for anal itching and they can increase their count rapidly if not treated soon.

You must avoid sweet and sugary products, especially in children. You may feel something is crawling on the anus area that can irritate you much so don’t ignore the signs.

4. Weakness

If you are feeling excess tiredness and weakness even you are eating well and taking proper rest the parasites are responsible for that.

Parasites survive on the food and red blood cells and that makes you weak. In addition, metabolic waste products make the organs work harder and longer make you feel fatigued.

5. Weight Loss

If you feel sudden changes in your diet, mostly you may feel more hunger and still, you are losing weight it may be a symptom of the parasite in the body.

It is because, a person with parasites whatever eats, the intestinal worms eat it briskly and you have to consume more food. Your body is working harder so you lose weight and feel weakness.

6. Mood Swings

Our intestine has neurotransmitters that are connected with our nervous system and when you have the parasite in the body you may feel mood swings, mental disturbance, brain fog, and in many cases people feel hallucinations and visual views that are not real.

If you feel any of the symptoms without any other cause you must have the full diagnosis of parasite and after that, it can be curable.

7. Teeth Grinding in Sleep

A study published in the health magazine stated that children with parasites have the teeth grinding symptom so we can relate it with adults too.

The situation is also being called bruxism especially when you are sleeping. The reason behind bruxism can be restlessness, depression, and toxic effect of waste material in the body.

8. Anemia

Many studies done on children announced that though parasites like pinworm and roundworm attack the good vitamins and food we eat and eat red blood cells that causes iron-deficiency or anemia.

9. Skin Problems

Parasites in the body produce skin problems like rashes, skin allergy, hives, and dry skin tone.

It can also spoil the hair’s health and make it dull, rough, and cause hair fall.

10. Joint Pain

In very rare cases, it has been noticed that parasites can stay in a group in the joints and muscles and cause joint pain and inflammation that can sometimes recognize arthritis.

How do you Get Parasites?

There are many cases available that can give you parasite infestation:-

✓ Undercooked meat

✓ Unclean fruits and vegetables

✓ Traveling a lot to other countries

✓ Close meetings with pets

✓ Contaminated water contact

✓ Touching contaminated places

✓ Poor hygiene

If you come close contact with a person who is already infected then the parasite can easily pass through in the body.

Also, using dirty washrooms and not washing hands properly can contract parasites easily.    

Life cycle of ascaris
Life cycle of Ascaris

Treatment Option

The doctor will prescribe the stool test for diagnosing the parasites and it is the most conventional and trusted way for testing.


The doctor will prescribe drugs and needed medicines to treat intestinal worms. The treatment can last for a week or two weeks and you have to follow all the steps prescribed by the doctor.
Conventional method

There are some alternative and convenient ways available that can treat intestinal worms. Once the doctor has to find out what kind of parasites is infesting you then you can go for the treatment.
Nutritional Guide to FollowAvoid excess eating of carbs, and avoid excess sugar like sweets, cakes, refined items, etc.Eat more vegetables and add more garlic beets, carrots, and green leafy veggies in the diet.Drink plenty of water to keep yourself hydrated and flush out toxins.Add more fiber and vitamin C in the diet.Add zinc in the routine, as zinc keeps the immune system strong and maintain bowel management.

Dos and Don’ts


✓ If you notice any symptom immediately consult an expert.

✓ Colonic hydrotherapy can solve any type of parasite all you need to follow the prescription and the medication course.

✓ Some herbal ways can also help but if the condition gets worse try the advanced way instead of the conventional ways.


✓ Don’t drink cold drinks, energy drinks, and others that contain excess sugar.

✓ Don’t avoid the signs and don’t scratch the skin much.

Top 11 Signs You are Consuming Too Much Salt

Salt, an essential mineral for our bodies’ optimal functioning, is frequently found in our meals from a variety of sources. While a moderate amount is required for fluid balance, nerve cell function, and muscle contractions, an excessive amount can cause a variety of health problems.

It’s essential to be cautious of our salt consumption in modern society, where processed foods and dining out are common.

Are you subconsciously consuming more salt than your body requires? The indications may not always be obvious, but they can have a significant impact on your general well-being.

In this article, we’ll look at Signs You’re Consuming Too Much Salt:

Signs You are Consuming Too Much Salt

In this article we have describe the signs you are consuming too much salt

1. Persistent Thirst

It’s essential to be mindful of how much salt we’re consuming. Did you know that one of the early signs of excessive salt intake is persistent thirst?

When you consume too much salt, your body tries to dilute it by retaining more water, which can lead to increased appetite as your body signals the need for more fluids in order to balance out the levels.

2. Swelling or Edema

It’s essential to keep an eye on your salt intake. Too much salt can cause fluid retention and lead to swelling or edema in various parts of the body, such as ankles, legs, and hands.

If you notice any unexplained swelling, it might be a sign that you should take a look at how much salt you are consuming each day.

3. High Blood Pressure:

Too much salt can lead to elevated blood pressure, which is a severe health concern. Salt attracts water, and when there is excess in our bloodstream, it increases the volume of our blood and raises our blood pressure levels.

Monitoring your blood pressure regularly through doctor visits or at-home tests will help keep us informed about how healthy we are overall.

4. Frequent Headaches

Did you know that excessive salt intake can be linked to headaches and migraines in some individuals? The exact mechanism is still not fully understood, but scientists believe that high levels of salt can affect blood flow and contribute to these types of headaches. So next time you reach for the saltshaker, remember this!

5. Kidney issues

Your kidneys play a vital role in regulating the amount of salt in your body, and if you consume too much, it can put pressure on them and cause problems over time.

If you find yourself experiencing any changes in urination patterns or discomfort around the kidney area, then that could be a sign that it’s time for you to cut back on the amount of salt that you’re consuming.

6. Persistent Fatigue

While fatigue can be caused by a number of factors, excessive salt intake is one of them.

Overeating salt causes your body to retain extra fluid in order to dilute it, which puts added strain on your cardiovascular system and can make you feel tired and sluggish. So try to do the salty snacks sparingly!

7. Digestive Issues

It’s essential to be aware of how much salt you’re taking in each day. Too much can have a negative impact on your digestive system and contribute to stomach bloating and discomfort.

It can also exacerbate conditions like irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). That’s why it is so important to monitor your digestive health and take note of any changes that may occur as a result of salt intake.

8. Difficulty Losing Weight

If you’re feeling discouraged about not being able to lose weight despite your best efforts, it might be worth taking a closer look at your salt intake.

Too much of this mineral can lead to water retention, which makes it harder for us to drop those extra pounds.

9. Increased Blood Sugar Levels

Recent studies suggest that high salt intake could be linked to elevated blood sugar levels. This is especially concerning for those of us with diabetes or at risk of developing it in the future.

That’s why it’s so important to stay on top of our health and monitor our blood sugar levels regularly – not just for diabetes but also for overall well-being too!

10. Cardiovascular issues

We all know that high blood pressure can be dangerous, but did you know that excessive salt intake is also linked to various cardiovascular issues?

This includes an increased risk of heart disease and stroke. Reducing your daily salt consumption can help keep your heart healthy and reduce the chances of these severe conditions occurring down the line.

11. Excessive Thirst During the Night

If you find yourself waking up in the middle of the night feeling thirsty and needing a drink, it could mean you’re overeating salt.

The body is trying to balance itself by increasing fluid intake, even during sleep. So, if this happens regularly, it may be worth considering reducing your salt intake or speaking to a doctor about other options.


Maintaining excellent health requires being careful of your salt intake. Excessive salt consumption may show up in subtle ways, so it’s essential to pay attention to your body’s signs. If you recognize any of the above symptoms, consider making moderate changes to your diet.

15 Cancer Symptoms in Women You Should Never Ignore!

Here we would like to talk about the common symptoms of cancer that women ignore to create general awareness among them.

How does Cancer Spread?

Before entering into the main discussion, here are a few lines about cancer.

Cancer, the most deadly disease, is a group of diseases that involve the unusual growth of affected body cells. It slowly invades the other parts of our body if not taken into account at the right time.

Cells are the human body’s primary unit that divides and grows to form a new cell. New cells grow, and old cells are damaged and stop their function.

So our body growth occurs by following this rule. Cancer starts when the normal procedure of cell division gets obstructed by any genetic changes.

As a result, cells began to grow abnormally and gather in the shape of a tumor that can be benign or cancerous.

Therefore, it’s essential to know your body first to identify any unusual changes or persistent pain in any parts of your body as soon as possible before the situation gets worse.
Cancer Symptoms in Women

1. Unexpected weight Loss

Weight loss is not always a positive sign for health, though women never take it seriously. On the contrary, they seem happy as staying slim and thin is their dream.

But abrupt weight changes are a matter of concern.

Sudden changes in weight without doing any exercise or diet may indicate pancreatic, liver, or colon cancer.

2. Sudden Changes In Bowel Habits

Women do not pay much attention to their bathroom habits, but there is no easy way to discover the sudden changes in your bowel frequency inside of your body.

If you are suffering from frequent bowel movements for a long prolonged period, it is not just diarrhea; it may be due to some cancerous cause inside.

3. Development of Moles

Moles are spot on the skin, and they occur when skin gathers in clusters. Moles get darkened when exposed to the sunlight.

So far, there is nothing to worry about moles if they exist in few numbers. Still, if the development of moles increases and spreads throughout the body, which women overlook most of the time, it is a matter of medical advice.

Also, any changes in the mole’s appearance could signify skin cancer.

4. Frequent Cold and Cough

Cough and cold are normal during season changes, and it often heals by themselves. But the concern starts when a cough persists for a long time.

Cough with blood is the first and foremost symptom of lung cancer that women ignore most.

But you should keep in mind that bleeding with a cough can occur in other physical issues like bronchial infection or tuberculosis.

So never ignore if such things happen to you. Do proper investigation.

5. Bleeding after Menopause

It is natural to bleed while you are going through a period, but not having a period for one year means your menopause phase has started.

Therefore any abnormal genital bleeding must be treated with extra care and attention.

Such bleeding can occur due to hormone replacement therapy or any non-cancerous polyp growth inside the vagina.

At the same time, it can be a sign of uterine or cervical cancer. So let’s not make the situation worse by ignoring it.

6. Stomach Pain and Nausea

Stomach pain or nausea may occur due to indigestion and overeating, and so most of the time, we handle them with an antacid.

But if the stomach cramp and nausea lasts for 2 or 3 weeks, it is a matter of further investigation.

7. Throat Pain

We all have to suffer from throat pain and difficulties in swallowing food at some point in our life.

What women commonly do in this situation is try to modify their food habits— from hard to soft food, gurgle with warmth to ease the situation.

But it is beyond our imagination that there could be a more serious issue behind this. So if you are experiencing similar problems for a prolonged time, don’t delay.

8. Bloating

Though bloating is common to all genders, women are bloaters by nature. Abdominal bloating may appear at any age with a gastrointestinal disorder.

Besides this, women may also experience bloating during their periods. But don’t take it casually if the symptoms do not disappear within a few days. It could be the early sign of cancer in the ovary or uterine.

9. Fatigue

Unexplained fatigue is not normal, though women ignore it to a great extent. We take it as a side effect of household work or office work. But things are not so easy if you find yourself tired after a sound sleep at night.

If this continues and makes you less energetic day by day, you must check it. It could be a sign of leukemia that affects the red blood cells, resulting in persistent fatigue.

10. Headache

Anything from overstressing to indigestion, migraine to sinus could cause a headache.

But suppose you have no history of sinus and migraine. In that case, a sudden headache may indicate a serious matter, so it would be wise to treat a headache seriously.

The increase inside the brain pressure causes a headache that directly relates to tumor growth.

11. Blood In stool

Presence of blood while passing urine or stool is an indication that something wrong is going to happen inside your body.

Even it could be the early sign of bladder cancer or anal cancer. So don’t just ignore it. As unusual blood in stool and pee may occur due to other physical issues, too, it is subject to investigation further.

12. Long Term Fever

Women do not bother with fever and take it lightly always. Yes, occasional fever is not concerning, but unexplained fever needs to be monitored as it can indicate blood cancer or leukemia.

So if you are suffering from fever without any solid reason, pay enough attention and seek medical advice.

13. Sore

Developing a sore from any wound or injury is not a concerning issue. But you have to pay attention if the sore does not heal within 5 to 10 days.

Among all types of sores, mouth and throat sores can take a dangerous turn if not treated in time. So ladies, don’t ignore the burning and scratchy feeling inside the throat and any mouth soreness due to the cold.

14. Changes In Breast

Breast cancer develops in the breast cell and spreads only due to the ignorant attitude of women. We often ignore the changes in the breast, as a result of which the cancerous cell spreads and invades the healthy cells around and the lymph nodes.

So please consult before you get delayed. Get alert when if you find any…

  • Any dimple or crease on your breast skin
  • Changes in nipple color.
  • Discharge of fluid from the nipple.
  • If the nipples turn inward.
  • Redness around the nipples.
  • A lump-like growth inside the breast.
15. Changes in Skin

The cancer-like disease can be slowed down by early prevention. Therefore it’s the basic need to notice any changes to the skin surface, such as skin color, development of moles, new spots, excessive bruising, etc.

As we all know, starting from puberty to menopause, women’s bodies have to cross different stages.

Each step brings lots of changes at different ages. Some changes are regular, but we must pay attention to the unusual and abnormal modifications as they may be the starting of any cancerous growth. So ladies, stay aware of your body and make others aware too.