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Show Respect and be Thankful.
Never sit in a Table that speaks bad about anyone
If people say something bad about you, Judge you as if they know you, Don't feel bad Just remember "Dogs bark if they don't know the person".
You can not hurt someone
Hurting them back only means that both of you hurt then, and you caused them hurt. If you love someone you will do all you can to never intentionally cause them pain, even if they have caused you unbearable pain at times, you would rather cut out your own heart than to hurt them. In short, true love doesn’t seek it’s own, rather it seeks the best for the other always. It doesn’t matter in the long run what they may do to you, what really matters is what you about it. You don’t have to put up with their stuff, you can just walk away, and if that hurts them, then they only have themselves to blame, but never hurt back if you truly love them ~ Frank Hancock