PLEASE READ - Coronavirus - Comparing Symptoms between Cold & Flu

Coronavirus symptoms
in comparison to the common cold and flu.

Please share this link as a reference guide to help others gauge their symptoms and hopefully ease worries.


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The six mild Coronavirus Symptoms that really shouldn't be ignored

It is now been months months since the first coronavirus cases were confirmed. In the weeks since we have learned to look out for the most common symptoms like a continuous dry cough or fever but do you know what milder symptoms to look out for?

Less apparent symptoms, including loss of appetite and sense of smell, could indicate you have the Covid-19 virus.

There are now 116,658 confirmed cases in the UK, with more than 500 fatalities.

1 - Loss of sense of smell and taste

The British Association of Otorhinolaryngology warned if you lose your sense of smell and taste it could mean you have Covid-19.

Specialists recommended anyone with these symptoms should immediately self-isolate.

They believe the symptoms are caused by the coronavirus killing the cells in the nose and throat.

In a statement, they announced: “Evidence from other countries that the entry point for the coronavirus is often in the eyes, nose, and throat areas.

“We have also identified new symptoms that may mean that people without other symptoms but with loss of this sense may have to self-isolate to reduce the spread of the virus.”

Ryan Van Waterschoot ended up in hospital relying on an oxygen mask after he fell ill with Covid-19.

A day after losing his sense of taste and smell, he was unable to move.

2 - Physical Fatigue

One of the common symptoms of the coronavirus, along with cold or flu, is feeling fatigued.

Rest is recommended when you’re ill, but symptoms of the coronavirus can make rest difficult and can worsen symptoms.

Jaimuay Sae-ung, 73 was the first Thai national to contract coronavirus last year, she only knew she had the virus after going to the hospital.

She told Sky News: “I felt a bit sad, a bit shocked, tired, and fatigued, and I couldn’t eat.”

3 - Mental fatigue

Although this has not been marked as an official symptom, Covid-19 suffers have reported experiencing mental fatigue.

The Mirror Online reported: Thea Jourdan, a victim of the virus, said: “Initially I felt exhausted as if I was dragging myself through treacle and had no choice but to go to my bed.

“I had no meaningful cough, and I wasn’t running a fever, but I had a peculiar sensation of something settling deep within my lungs, almost like breathing talcum powder.”

4 - Lack of appetite

Victims of the virus have reported losing their appetite to some degree.

While some have reported only a little, others have reported no desire to eat at all.

Stephen Power believes he contracted the disease while at Cheltenham Festival, he said: “I’ve been in bed with a nasty fever, headache, mild cough and back pain fro nearly four days.

“I’m completely exhausted and have no desire to more or eat.”

5 - Stomach ache

Alongside the loss of appetite, victims have reported experiencing stomach aches.

A new study by the American Journal of Gastroenterology has linked tummy problems to Covid-19.

They found that 48.5% of 204 people infected experienced digestive symptoms such as diarrhoea.

6 - Sore eyes

Reports suggest that eye problems, such as a burning sensation or itchiness and irritation - like what you experience with hay fever could be a symptom of the virus.

The only difference between hay fever symptoms and the coronavirus cases is that the virus triggers the symptoms, not external factors.

Thank You God for giving me this life

Not everyone is given the chance to grow old. So appreciate and thank God for every single day of your life.

Because we cannot see just what God is saving us from, we vent our foolish reproaches; if we could see this, we would often kneel down and thank God for certain trials as the richest of His mercies. 

The work you do today may be difficult and tiring, but we should still thank God for it because it is His gift to us - the ability to provide for our needs. Dr. David Jeremiah

And now I speak of thanking God, I desire with all humility to acknowledge that I owe the mentioned happiness of my past life to His kind providence, which lead me to the means I used and gave them success. Benjamin Franklin

Lord, what a relief to focus on what you think of me instead of what other people think. May I always keep my eyes on you. Karen O'Connor, 

Stand up straight and realize who you are, that you tower over your circumstances. You are a child of God. Stand up straight. Maya Angelou

I thank God I'm myself and for the life I'm given to live and for friends and lovers and beloveds, and I thank God for knowing that all those people have already paid for me. Maya Angelou

Never lose hope.

Never lose hope. Just when you think it's over, God sends you a miracle.

“Never lose hope. Storms make people stronger and never last forever.”Roy T. Bennett

“We truly believed in something back then, and we knew we were the kind of people capable of believing in something – with all our hearts. And that kind of hope will never simply vanish.”Haruki Murakami

“We must accept finite disappointment, but never lose infinite hope.” Martin Luther King Jr.

“Hope. It’s like a drop of honey, a field of tulips blooming in the springtime. It’s a fresh rain, a whispered promise, a cloudless sky, the perfect punctuation mark at the end of a sentence. And it’s the only thing in the world keeping me afloat.” Tahereh Mafi

“Hope itself is like a star – not to be seen in the sunshine of prosperity, and only to be discovered in the night of adversity.” Charles Haddon Spurgeon

“They say a person needs just three things to be truly happy in this world: someone to love, something to do, and something to hope for.” Tom Bodett

“Faith goes up the stairs that love has built and looks out the windows which hope has opened.”
Charles Haddon Spurgeon

“Hope can be a powerful force. Maybe there’s no actual magic in it, but when you know what you hope for most and hold it like a light within you, you can make things happen, almost like magic.”~ Laini Taylor

I thank God everyday

I don't wait until Sunday to thank God.I thank God every day.

“Thank you for being the reason I smile.” —Anonymous

“Thank you for being you.” —Anonymous

“Here’s to those who inspire you and don’t even know it.” —Anonymous

“Thank you for brightening my world.” —Anonymous

“Let us be kinder to one another.” —Aldous Huxley

“You’ve always believed in me. Thank you!” —Anonymous

“Thank you for being an important part of my story.” —Anonymous

“Saying thank you is more than good manners, it is good spirituality.” —Alfred Painter

“Kindness is a language which the deaf can hear and the blind can see.” —Mark Twain

“When I started counting my blessings, my whole life turned around.” —Willie Nelson

“There is always, always, always something to be thankful for.” —Anonymous

“When we give cheerfully and accept gratefully, everyone is blessed.” —Maya Angelou

Rule No. 1

Rule #1 - Put God at the center of everything!

“God doesn’t bless us just to make us happy; He blesses us to make us a blessing.” – Warren W. Wiersbe

“God’s work done in God’s way will never lack God’s supplies.” – Hudson Taylor

“It is like the dew of Hermon, which falls on the mountains of Zion! For there the Lord has commanded the blessing, life forevermore.” – Psalm 133:3

“It’s a fact of earthly life that when God opens the windows of heaven to bless us, the devil opens the doors of hell to blast us. When God begins moving, the devil fires up all his artillery.” – Adrian Rogers

“He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep, to gain what he cannot lose.” – Jim Elliot

“Your life will never make sense until God is in it. Accept him as your personal savior and you will have the strength to be content in all you go through.” – Nemalili Vhutshilo

“God is most glorified in us when we are most satisfied in Him” – John Piper

“What can I give back to God for the blessings he’s poured out on me? I’ll lift high the cup of salvation – a toast to God!” – Bono

“Some of your greatest blessings come with patience.” – Warren Wiersbe

“An infinite God can give all of Himself to each of His children. He does not distribute Himself that each may have a part, but to each one He gives all of Himself as fully as if there were no others.” – A. W. Tozer

“Where I lack, God’s got my back.” – Roy Dela Calzada

“When we lose one blessing, another is often most unexpectedly given in its place.” – C.S. Lewis

The Lord will make it happen!

I don't know who needs to see this, but Isaiah 60:22 says, "when the time is right, I, the Lord, will make it happen." Sleep in peace tonight, God is in Control.

“When the time is right, life will have a meaning. When the time is right, world will be bright again. When the time is right, things will fall into place. Just remember, never regret.”

"Never Stop Believing In Hope Because Miracles Happen EVERYDAY!"

"When God doesn't grant your miracles, remember that you are the miracle he sent for somebody else." ~ Nick Vujicic

"Believe in miracles. I have seen so many of them come when every other indication would say that hope was lost. Hope is never lost." ~ Jeffrey R. Holland

"There are two ways to live your life. One is as though everything is a miracle. The other is as if nothing is." 

"We live on a blue planet that circles around a ball of fire next to a moon that moves the sea... and you don't believe in miracles?"

"Miracles don't happen to you. They happen through you." ~ Mary Davis

"There is little you can do about the stars in your eyes and the stardust in your hair. I guess you just have to face it: You're a miracle." ~ Noah Tinker

Trust God. No evil will conquer you.

This Corona virus got everybody going crazy y'all better open y'all Bibles, believe what you read and TRUST GOD. "No evil will conquer you; no plague will come near your home. For He will order His angels to protect you wherever you go." Psalm 91:10-11.

Christians can pray “Guard my life” -- Psalm 86:3

Guard my life from the Coronavirus -- Bible Verse -- Guard my life, for I am faithful to you; save your servant who trusts in you. You are my God; have mercy on me, Lord, for I call to you all day long. Psalm 86:3

God says do not be anxious -- Philippians 4:6

Fear is natural, faith is supernatural. Remember what God’s Word says, “Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.” Philippians 4:6

All who touched Jesus where healed -- Mark 6:56

Touching is a dangerous act with the fear of Coronavirus -- but a touch from Jesus would heal any disease. And wherever He went--villages and towns and countrysides--they laid the sick in the marketplaces and begged Him to let them just touch the fringe of His cloak. And all who touched Him were healed. Mark 6:56

God says, “Do not fear -- for I AM with you” -- Isaiah 41:10

Even for those who become very sick -- God promises to be present with them and uphold their live with his power. So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand. Isaiah 41:10

Coronavirus is not a joke

Coronavirus is not a joke! God, Please protect my family, friends and humanity.

Coronavirus: Ten reasons not to panic - PLEASE READ.

Regardless of whether we classify the new coronavirus as a pandemic, it is a serious issue. In less than two months, it has spread over several continents. Pandemic means sustained and continuous transmission of the disease, simultaneously in more than three different geographical regions. Pandemic does not refer to the lethality of a virus but to its transmissibility and geographical extension.

What we certainly have is a pandemic of fear. The entire planet’s media is gripped by coronavirus. It is right that there is deep concern and mass planning for worst-case scenarios. And, of course, the repercussions move from the global health sphere into business and politics.

But it is also right that we must not panic. It would be wrong to say there is good news coming out of COVID-19, but there are causes for optimism; reasons to think there may be ways to contain and defeat the virus. And lessons to learn for the future.

1. We know what it is

The first cases of AIDS were described in June 1981 and it took more than two years to identify the virus (HIV) causing the disease. With COVID-19, the first cases of severe pneumonia were reported in China on December 31, 2019 and by January 7 the virus had already been identified. The genome was available on day 10.

We already know that it is a new coronavirus from group 2B, of the same family as SARS, which we have called SARSCoV2. The disease is called COVID-19. It is thought to be related to coronavirus from bats. Genetic analyses have confirmed it has a recent natural origin (between the end of November and the beginning of December) and that, although viruses live by mutating, its mutation rate may not be very high.

2. We know how to detect the virus

Since January 13, a test to detect the virus has been available.

3. The situation is improving in China

The strong control and isolation measures imposed by China are paying off. For several weeks now, the number of cases diagnosed every day is decreasing. A very detailed epidemiological follow-up is being carried out in other countries; outbreaks are very specific to areas, which can allow them to be controlled more easily.

4. 80% of cases are mild

The disease causes no symptoms or is mild in 81% of cases. Of course, in 14% it can cause severe pneumonia and in 5% it can become critical or even fatal. It is still unclear what the death rate may be. But it could be lower than some estimates so far.

5. People recover

Much of the reported data relates to the increase in the number of confirmed cases and the number of deaths, but most infected people are cured. There are 13 times more cured cases than deaths, and that proportion is increasing.

6. Symptoms appear mild in children

Only 3% of cases occur in people under 20, and mortality under 40 is only 0.2%. Symptoms are so mild in children it can go unnoticed.

7. The virus can be wiped clean

The virus can be effectively inactivated from surfaces with a solution of ethanol (62-71% alcohol), hydrogen peroxide (0.5% hydrogen peroxide) or sodium hypochlorite (0.1% bleach), in just one minute. Frequent handwashing with soap and water is the most effective way to avoid contagion.

8. Science is on it, globally

It is the age of international science cooperation. After just over a month, 164 articles could be accessed in PubMed on COVID19 or SARSCov2, as well as many others available in repositories of articles not yet reviewed. They are preliminary works on vaccines, treatments, epidemiology, genetics and phylogeny, diagnosis, clinical aspects, etc.

These articles were written by some 700 authors, distributed throughout the planet. It is cooperative science, shared and open. In 2003, with the SARS epidemic, it took more than a year to reach less than half that number of articles. In addition, most scientific journals have left their publications as open access on the subject of coronaviruses.

9. There are already vaccine prototypes

Our ability to design new vaccines is spectacular. There are already more than eight projects underway seeking a vaccine against the new coronavirus. There are groups that work on vaccination projects against similar viruses.

The vaccine group of the University of Queensland, in Australia, has announced it is already working on a prototype using the technique called “molecular clamp”, a novel technology. This is just one example that could allow vaccine production in record time. Prototypes may soon be tested on humans.

10. Antiviral trials are underway

Vaccines are preventive. Right now, the treatment of people who are already sick is important. There are already more than 80 clinical trials analysing coronavirus treatments. These are antivirals that have been used for other infections, which are already approved and that we know are safe.

One of those that has already been tested in humans is remdesivir, a broad-spectrum antiviral still under study, which has been tested against Ebola and SARS/MERS.

Another candidate is chloroquine, an antimalarial that has also been seen to have potent antiviral activity. It is known that chloroquine blocks viral infection by increasing the pH of the endosome, which is needed for the fusion of the virus with the cell, thus inhibiting its entry. It has been demonstrated that this compound blocks the new coronavirus in vitro and it is already being used in patients with coronavirus pneumonia.

Other proposed trials are based on the use of oseltamivir (which is used against the influenza virus), interferon-1b (protein with antiviral function), antisera from people who recovered or monoclonal antibodies to neutralise the virus. New therapies have been proposed with inhibitory substances, such as baricitinibine, selected by artificial intelligence.

The 1918 flu pandemic caused more than 25 million deaths in less than 25 weeks. Could something similar happen now? Probably not; we have never been better prepared to fight a pandemic.

Be careful who you trust.

Be careful who you trust.Salt and sugar look the same.

Don’t trust the person who has broken faith once.– William Shakespeare

Trust takes years to build, seconds to break, and forever to repair.

Trust is like a mirror, you can fix it if it’s broken, but you can still see the crack in that mother f*cker’s reflection. – Lady Gaga

“It was a mistake,” you said. But the cruel thing was, it felt like the mistake was mine, for trusting you. – David Levithan

Trust is built when someone is vulnerable and not taken advantage of. – Bob Vanourek

After all, damn it, what does being in love mean if you can’t trust a person. – Evelyn Waugh

Prayer for the day

Lord,I put my family in your hands today. I can't control everything that happens to them,but I can remember to cover them in prayer!

The prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective.” Anonymous

 “Prayer should be the key of the day and the lock of the night.” George Herbert

“God can handle your doubt, anger, fear, grief, confusion, and questions. You can bring everything to him in prayer.” Rick Warren

 “If you only pray when you’re in trouble, you’re in trouble.” Anonymous
“Prayer does not change God, but it changes him who prays.” Soren Kierkegaard

 “Our prayers are sometimes answered without us realizing.” Catherine Pulsifer

 “Don’t forget to pray today, because God didn’t forget to wake you up this morning.” Anonymous

“When you can’t put your prayer into words, God hears your heart.” Anonymous

“I do believe in the power of prayer.” Anonymous

“Prayer is the greater work.” Oswald Chambers

Coronavirus: Ten reasons not to panic - PLEASE READ.

Regardless of whether we classify the new coronavirus as a pandemic, it is a serious issue. In less than two months, it has spread over several continents. Pandemic means sustained and continuous transmission of the disease, simultaneously in more than three different geographical regions. Pandemic does not refer to the lethality of a virus but to its transmissibility and geographical extension.

What we certainly have is a pandemic of fear. The entire planet’s media is gripped by coronavirus. It is right that there is deep concern and mass planning for worst-case scenarios. And, of course, the repercussions move from the global health sphere into business and politics.

But it is also right that we must not panic. It would be wrong to say there is good news coming out of COVID-19, but there are causes for optimism; reasons to think there may be ways to contain and defeat the virus. And lessons to learn for the future.

1. We know what it is

The first cases of AIDS were described in June 1981 and it took more than two years to identify the virus (HIV) causing the disease. With COVID-19, the first cases of severe pneumonia were reported in China on December 31, 2019 and by January 7 the virus had already been identified. The genome was available on day 10.

We already know that it is a new coronavirus from group 2B, of the same family as SARS, which we have called SARSCoV2. The disease is called COVID-19. It is thought to be related to coronavirus from bats. Genetic analyses have confirmed it has a recent natural origin (between the end of November and the beginning of December) and that, although viruses live by mutating, its mutation rate may not be very high.

2. We know how to detect the virus

Since January 13, a test to detect the virus has been available.

3. The situation is improving in China

The strong control and isolation measures imposed by China are paying off. For several weeks now, the number of cases diagnosed every day is decreasing. A very detailed epidemiological follow-up is being carried out in other countries; outbreaks are very specific to areas, which can allow them to be controlled more easily.

4. 80% of cases are mild

The disease causes no symptoms or is mild in 81% of cases. Of course, in 14% it can cause severe pneumonia and in 5% it can become critical or even fatal. It is still unclear what the death rate may be. But it could be lower than some estimates so far.

5. People recover

Much of the reported data relates to the increase in the number of confirmed cases and the number of deaths, but most infected people are cured. There are 13 times more cured cases than deaths, and that proportion is increasing.

6. Symptoms appear mild in children

Only 3% of cases occur in people under 20, and mortality under 40 is only 0.2%. Symptoms are so mild in children it can go unnoticed.

7. The virus can be wiped clean

The virus can be effectively inactivated from surfaces with a solution of ethanol (62-71% alcohol), hydrogen peroxide (0.5% hydrogen peroxide) or sodium hypochlorite (0.1% bleach), in just one minute. Frequent handwashing with soap and water is the most effective way to avoid contagion.

8. Science is on it, globally

It is the age of international science cooperation. After just over a month, 164 articles could be accessed in PubMed on COVID19 or SARSCov2, as well as many others available in repositories of articles not yet reviewed. They are preliminary works on vaccines, treatments, epidemiology, genetics and phylogeny, diagnosis, clinical aspects, etc.

These articles were written by some 700 authors, distributed throughout the planet. It is cooperative science, shared and open. In 2003, with the SARS epidemic, it took more than a year to reach less than half that number of articles. In addition, most scientific journals have left their publications as open access on the subject of coronaviruses.

9. There are already vaccine prototypes

Our ability to design new vaccines is spectacular. There are already more than eight projects underway seeking a vaccine against the new coronavirus. There are groups that work on vaccination projects against similar viruses.

The vaccine group of the University of Queensland, in Australia, has announced it is already working on a prototype using the technique called “molecular clamp”, a novel technology. This is just one example that could allow vaccine production in record time. Prototypes may soon be tested on humans.

10. Antiviral trials are underway

Vaccines are preventive. Right now, the treatment of people who are already sick is important. There are already more than 80 clinical trials analysing coronavirus treatments. These are antivirals that have been used for other infections, which are already approved and that we know are safe.

One of those that has already been tested in humans is remdesivir, a broad-spectrum antiviral still under study, which has been tested against Ebola and SARS/MERS.

Another candidate is chloroquine, an antimalarial that has also been seen to have potent antiviral activity. It is known that chloroquine blocks viral infection by increasing the pH of the endosome, which is needed for the fusion of the virus with the cell, thus inhibiting its entry. It has been demonstrated that this compound blocks the new coronavirus in vitro and it is already being used in patients with coronavirus pneumonia.

Other proposed trials are based on the use of oseltamivir (which is used against the influenza virus), interferon-1b (protein with antiviral function), antisera from people who recovered or monoclonal antibodies to neutralise the virus. New therapies have been proposed with inhibitory substances, such as baricitinibine, selected by artificial intelligence.

The 1918 flu pandemic caused more than 25 million deaths in less than 25 weeks. Could something similar happen now? Probably not; we have never been better prepared to fight a pandemic.

God, protect my Family

Dear God, protect me and my family from any sickness and viruses. You are our shield and only hope. You are greater than any disease. We trust you.

My family to me, protect me, make me happy, do the best for me. Love my family ever ever than everything.

May the Strength of God Pilots us, May the Power of God Preserve us, May the Wisdom of God Instruct us, May the Hand of God Protect us.

Being a Mother is a gift from God, a special gift that God puts into all Moms, a gift to love their kids and protect them even if it meant putting their own life at risk to make sure that there is no danger against their kid's! It is a trust from our Heavenly Father that he puts into every Mother, to look after his own's kids while they live on this earth!

May God bless you and your family today and always.

To the family who took time of our their life to help me and my family, I want you all to know that you are in my heart and I am very thankful for all that you have done for me. There are a lot of people in need and I pray to God that he will watch over your family for helping my family.

Being worried is a sign of being afraid, so stop worrying because God is always there to protect us.

I am mighty pleased to know that god has gifted you and your family with a sweet angel. I wish love and happiness to your entire family. God bless the new life.

I am mighty pleased to know that god has gifted you and your family with a sweet angel. I wish love and happiness to your entire family. God bless the new life. Congratulations!

Lord, cover us with the blood of Jesus

Dear God, Protect me, my family and my friends from the Coronavirus. Cover us with the blood of Jesus and keep all illness and sickness away. Take away our fears and worries and place your peace in our hearts. Thank you for taking care of us. Amen!

Psalm 23:1-4,6
The Lord is my shepherd, I lack nothing. He makes me lie down in green pastures, he leads me beside quiet waters, he refreshes my soul. Even though I walk through the darkest valley, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me ... Surely your goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever. (NIV)

Joshua 1:8-9
Keep this Book of the Law always on your lips; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful. Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go. (NIV)

Psalm 23:1-4,6
The Lord is my shepherd, I lack nothing. He makes me lie down in green pastures, he leads me beside quiet waters, he refreshes my soul. Even though I walk through the darkest valley, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me ... Surely your goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever. (NIV)

Psalm 27:1
The LORD is my light and my salvation—whom shall I fear? The LORD is the stronghold of my life—of whom shall I be afraid? (NIV)

Psalm 71:5
For you have been my hope, Sovereign LORD, my confidence since my youth. (NIV)

Lamentations 3:25
The LORD is good to those whose hope is in him, to the one who seeks him; (NIV)

Micah 7:7
But as for me, I watch in hope for the LORD, I wait for God my Savior; my God will hear me. (NIV)

Matthew 5:4
Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted. (NIV)

Join me in thanking and praising God

When we get through this there will be no doubt that it was GOD who brought us out. So who's not afraid to join me in thanking and praising Him in advance?

“Father God, we thank you for your grace and your mercy, for allowing us to be together under your covenant and God we thank you for the revelations and for the breakthroughs; for your direction and for your healing. We thank you God for the opportunity to just be a vessel for your kingdom. God we trust you, we love you, we honor you, and all glory is yours. Amen”― Germany Kent

“Brighten the corner where you are. You don’t blame God for placing you in a dark corner… You rather have to thank him for giving you the light to make it bright!”― Israelmore Ayivor

“With God, what’s possible will always be infinitely greater than what we believe to be probable. And we can be thankful that such a reality means that where we see a wall, God wishes to unveil a horizon.”― Craig D. Lounsbrough

“Thank you Lord. Thank you Lord for the gift of life. Thank you Lord for divine protection. Thank you Lord for daily guidance.”― Lailah Gifty Akita

“It was surprisingly difficult to find prayers of thanks—the least represented of any type of prayer.”― Marie Noël, Catholic Prayers of Thanks

“Life is a celebration. Consider everything that makes you happy as a gift from God and say, 'Thank you.'― Francis Lucille

Lord, heal those sick persons

Lord, please heal those sick with Coronavirus and keep all my loved ones safe. Amen

Pray for people who are infected with COVID-19 or facing quarantine.

Jesus, during Your ministry on Earth You showed Your power and caring by healing people of all ages and stations of life from physical, mental, and spiritual ailments. Be present now to people who need Your loving touch because of COVID-19. May they feel Your power of healing through the care of doctors and nurses.

Take away the fear, anxiety, and feelings of isolation from people receiving treatment or under quarantine. Give them a sense of purpose in pursuing health and protecting others from exposure to the disease. Protect their families and friends and bring peace to all who love them. 

Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.—Philippians 4:6 (NIV)

Pray for people at higher risk of developing the disease.

Dear Lord, we lift to You our concern for people who are more likely than others to become severely ill from COVID-19 — the elderly and people with chronic health conditions. Protect them from harm and be their comfort in this time of uncertainty and, for many, preventive isolation from loved ones.

Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you.—1 Peter 5:7 (NIV)

Pray for medical professionals, caregivers, and researchers responsible for fighting the new coronavirus.

God, as more people get sick, healthcare workers and first responders are working longer hours with fewer supplies and with more risk of contracting the new coronavirus themselves. Renew their energy and sustain them on long shifts. Bring Your protection upon them as they work with patients. Multiply their supplies so they have the protective items needed to stay safe on the job.

Inspire and invigorate the research doctors developing better tests to diagnose the virus, create vaccines to prevent it, and identify protocols to eliminate the disease’s spread.

Even though I walk through the darkest valley, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me.—Psalm 23:4 (NIV)

Honesty is the best gift you can give

Anyone can give material things, but giving attention, loyalty, effort, and honesty is priceless.

Honesty is priceless. Yes, you can choose to only hear what you want to hear, and deceive yourself only to get a peace of mind. But how often? And how long? Can you stand it? You prefer suffering this way? Sometimes head is necessary, not always the heart!!!

It's really sad when material things is the only thing someone has to give... it's easier for them to spend their money on you than to be honest or loyal. This shows a true lack of respect as they are "buying" you and think that lying to you will be tolerated because they "bought" you something.

“Be honest in your life it creates positive energy.” Fathima Bibi Joosab

“Honesty is more than not lying. It is truth telling, truth speaking, truth living, and truth loving.” James E. Faust

Have faith all things are possible

“Don’t worry about a thing, ’cause, every little thing is gonna be alright!”– Bob Marley

“Take a deep breath, and relax, it’s all going to turn out better than you expected.”

“What happened is for the good, what is happening is for the good and what will happen is for the good. So relax and let go.”

“Even the darkest night will end and the sun will rise again.” – Victor Hugo, Les Misérables

“You can cut all the flowers but you cannot keep spring from coming.” – Pablo Neruda

“Keep your best wishes, close to your heart and watch as your world turns around.” – Tony Deliso

“Even in the worst of situations – even when it seems no one in the world appreciates you – as long as you have hope, everything can get better.” ― Chris Colfer, The Wishing Spell

“There’s always more to life than we expect, even in our darkest hours.”

“Always remember: if you’re going through hell, keep going.” – Winston Churchill

The Lord heals all your diseases!

“[F]or I am the Lord who heals you.” – Exodus 15:26 

Such a prayer offered in faith will heal the sick, and the Lord will make you well. And if you have committed any sins, you will be forgiven. – James 5:15 

Jesus said to the woman, “You are now well because of your faith. May God give you peace! You are healed, and you will no longer be in pain.” – Mark 5:34 

So Jesus healed many people who were sick with various diseases, and he cast out many demons. But because the demons knew who he was, he did not allow them to speak. – Mark 1:34

They begged him to let the sick touch at least the fringe of his robe, and all who touched him were healed. – Matthew 14:36 

Jesus saw the huge crowd as he stepped from the boat, and he had compassion on them and healed their sick. – Matthew 14:14

“Lord, help!” they cried in their trouble, and he saved them from their distress. He sent out his word and healed them, snatching them from the door of death. – Psalm 107:19-20 

The Lord nurses them when they are sick and restores them to health. – Psalm 41:3

Have compassion on me, Lord, for I am weak. Heal me, Lord, for my bones are in agony. – Psalm 6:2

“I will give you back your health and heal your wounds,” says the Lord. – Jeremiah 30:17