Nothing is Impossible

A young man working in the army was constantly humiliated because he believed in God.
One day the captain decided to humiliate him before the troops. He called the young man and said:

- Young man, take the key and go and park the Jeep in front.
The young man replied:
- I can not drive!
The captain said:

- But then ask your assistance from God! Shows us that He exists!
The young man took the key and walked to the vehicle, praying the whole time.
…As a result he parked the Jeep to the place PERFECTLY well as the captain wanted.
The young man came out of the jeep and saw them all crying.
They all said together:

Divorced Woman Revenge – Joke

A recently divorced woman is walking along the beach contemplating how badly screwed she got over the divorce settlement, when she spies a magic lamp washing up onshore.

She rubs the lamp, and out pops a magical genie!!

The genie notices her anger and lets her vent her troubles to him. As a consolation, the genie informs that he will give her three wishes. But, he cautions her that because he does not believe in divorce, he will give her ex-husband ten times the amount of whatever she wishes.

21 Truths About Depression No One Really Talks About

This topic makes people uncomfortable, but it shouldn’t. One in five Americans will be depressed at least once in their lifetime.

1. Depressed people do not cry constantly.
Depressed people don’t always appear sad and often keep intrusive thoughts to themselves.
2. Having “good” days doesn’t help.
Taking a depressed loved one on a trip will not cure their depression.
3. Failure is not the cause.
Failure is not the main cause of this illness. Many suffering from this illness may have inherited a genetic predisposition.