Those magic Words

Please and Thank You are still magical words.
I just wish some people would use them more often.
Manners cost nothing and are priceless.

Respect for ourselves guides our morals, respect for others guides our manners. ― Laurence Sterne

Respect goes a long way when you carry yourself a certain way and show manners when you first meet someone. If you do that, then it's hard for somebody not to like you.― Lamar Odom

Manners is the key thing. Say, for instance, when you're growing up, you're walking down the street, you've got to tell everybody good morning. Everybody. You can't pass one person.― Usain Bolt

Good manners are cost effective. They not only increase the quality of life in the workplace, they contribute to employee morale, embellish the company image, and play a major role in generating profit. ― Letitia Baldrige

An armed society is a polite society. Manners are good when one may have to back up his acts with his life. ― Robert A. Heinlein

“Top 15 Things Money Can’t Buy:
Time. Happiness. Inner Peace. Integrity. Love. Character. Manners. Health. Respect. Morals. Trust. Patience. Class. Common sense. Dignity.”― Roy T. Bennett

“A true gentleman is one that apologizes anyways, even though he has not offended a lady intentionally. He is in a class all of his own because he knows the value of a woman's heart.”― Shannon Alder

Everybody Is Beautiful

Some people are fat and some people are thin- So What! Beauty comes in all shapes and sizes and everybody is beautiful in their own way.

Everyone is beautiful in their own way, in and out and you have no right to tell them otherwise.

Beauty is not in the face; beauty is a light in the heart.

I still believe that everyone is beautiful in some way and by seeing the beauty in others we make ourselves more beautiful.

Everything has beauty, but not everyone sees it.

Everyone deserves to feel good about themselves, and if you don’t then start because everyone is beautiful.

For every beauty there is an eye somewhere to see it. For every truth there is an ear somewhere to hear it. For every love there is a heart somewhere to receive it.

Beauty is how you feel inside, and it reflects in your eyes. It is not something physical.