Showing posts with label Relationship. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Relationship. Show all posts

Never beg someone to love or be with you

Never beg someone to love or be with you, because when you do, you give them the power to use and walk all over you. When someone truly loves you, their actions will show and prove it to you, and you will never have to convince or beg them to love or be with you.

Never beg people to stay against their will. Sometimes the gift of goodbye opens another door for you. Move on, and create the next chapter of your life.

Never beg people to stay against their will. Sometimes the gift of goodbye opens another door for you. Move on, and create the next chapter of your life.

Never beg for a relationship. Be brave to accept the one who really wants to be with you and reject the one who just pretends to be with you.

5 Rules of a Relationship

5 Rules of a relationship.
1. Stay Faithful. 
2. Make them feel loved and wanted. 
3. Respect your partner. 
4. Don't flirt with others. 
5. Have time for each other.

11 Things Man Should Do Consistently To Make His Wife Happy

The relationship between a man and a woman is fluid and subject to many external influences. There are always people interacting with the husband and the wife, including family members, friends, and co-workers. They will express their opinions, which can range from positive to negative. These influence each partner’s perspective on the status of the marriage. With that being said, there are things that a man can consistently do to make his wife happy. His efforts will serve to minimize the influence of people on the outside of the relationship and reassure his wife of the depth of his feelings.

1. Wake up in the morning and give your wife a hug and a kiss. There is no better way to start. This gesture can sustain her throughout the day.
2. Leave little notes to her that you’re thinking of her. Plant one in the laundry basket because she is about to wash laundry on Saturday morning, or you might email her a romantic electronic greeting card at work.
3. Get home early and cook her favorite dinner. If your wife works, raises the kiddos, or keeps the home, she is subject to feeling burnt out too at the end of the day. Throw in a bottle of wine or her favorite dessert to make it special.
4. Schedule a romantic getaway for a weekend during her busiest time of year. This might take some convincing to get her away from her obligations, but she can relax away from the usual sources of stress.
5. Pick up flowers on the way home from work. If you can’t get there in time to cook dinner, this is something to do when you know she had a bad day.

10 Seemingly Small Things That Mean the World to Women

Are you baffled by your beloved’s behavior? Grandiose gifts leave her lukewarm. Your professions of love seem to fall on deaf ears. It’s got you scratching your head in confusion. What’s a guy to do? Learn the little things that capture a woman’s heart and confirm she’s a special lady. Here we present small things that mean the world to women and why.

1. Hold her hand.
There are two reasons why holding her hand sends her over the moon. One is scientific, and the other is romantic. Research proves that holding hands reduces stress. MRIs show a significant reduction in stress-related brain activity with hand-holding. That’s the scientific reason she loves it so much. The romantic reason is that this spontaneous gesture reflects the genuine state of your heart. So squeeze a little hand-holding into her day. Reach for her hand while having dinner, watching TV, or just walking together. Then get ready for a beaming smile to shine your way.
2. Listen without trying to fix what’s wrong.
When she’s struggling with a problem, you naturally want to fix it. Men are wired this way. But she doesn’t necessarily want a solution, or at least not just yet. She wants to feel better. Listening with empathy will help her sort out conflicting emotions and thoughts. Then she’ll set her sights on a solution. Talking about the problem is her strategy for fixing it. She’ll get to the answer eventually. Meanwhile, just listen attentively.
3. Give her compliments.
Compliments convey your appreciation. They make her feel valued and special. Here are five sample compliments for a five-star partner rating:
  • “I don’t know what I’d do without you.” You’re saying she’s irreplaceable. You need her. She’s vital to your very life.
  • “You are my sunshine.” Acknowledging how happy she makes you will send her spirits soaring.
  • “You’re perfect just the way you are.” This conveys your unconditional love. She doesn’t have to do or be anything specific for you to adore her.
  • “I’m so proud of you.” Paying attention to your partner’s achievements demonstrates your support. It’s another way to validate her.
  • “I love your new [hairstyle, dress, lipstick,” etc. Fill in the blank.] This shows you’re attentive to details and to her.

Top 10 Promises Men Make To Their Future Wives Without Realizing It

If you have been in a relationship for a significant amount of time, and these topics have never come up, it might be time to ask your man outright – Are we ever going to get married?

Top 10 Promises Men Make to their Future Wives without Realizing it:

1.) Exclusivity – Easily the top sign that your man has marriage on the mind, and a definite must. If he is unwilling to be exclusive, there is a good chance he’s just not ready to grow up and be a husband. Better to know now, rather than after the fact. Some men will give into pressure and simply marry women their families approve of, but won’t stop going out and meeting others. Don’t even think about marrying a man who won’t make you his one and only.
2.) You’ll have children – Men only discuss children with women they can see as the mother of their own. If your man discusses plans for schools, names, or other important factors that come with having children, he definitely wants you to be his wife. There may simply be other factors preventing him from popping the question.
3.) Building a home together – Asking for your input on a future home means that your man intends to have you in his life for a long time. He might not be so obvious about the subject, bringing up topics like decorating, or even features of a home he’d like to own someday. Nevertheless, these discussions are reserved for women with whom men plan to build a life with.

The Right man for you will pursue you

Ladies, the wrong man for you might pursue you actively too. They are called players. Choose a man of good character (which is very hard to find these stupid-crazy times). You certainly can’t find him in a night club or strip club, or among the gang bangers. Ask God for a good man and you will get him (when you are ready to receive him.) ~ Marlon Martin

Everyone says love hurts in life

Everyone says love hurts, but that is not true. Loneliness hurts. Rejection hurts. Losing someone hurts. Envy hurts. Everyone gets these things confused with love, but in reality love is the only thing in this world that covers up all pain and makes someone feel wonderful again. Love is the only thing in this world that does not hurt.

Love doesn’t hurt. Cheaters hurt! You just have to find the one that loves you for who you are!

Only true love can heal and that’s not going to happen unless we accept that some issues in life will cause problems if we allow it. Trying to work on whatever the issues are then and only then will a relationship work. I’m not giving up on myself. God has to have a plan for me but I need to let him take over and let him do his thing. ~ El Pinchi Pelon

This Is What Every Zodiac Sign Needs In A Relationship According To Stars

For millions of years, people have contemplated the concepts of fate and humans’ role in the universe. Although we now have a technology and every digital outlet we could dream up, the stars and our plants still have plenty to say. Our tech-connected world makes it easier than ever for us to find out what the celestial spheres have in store for us on a monthly, weekly and even daily basis thanks to a host of sites and magazines.

Maybe you’re a firm believer of the zodiac signs and their subsequent predictions, or perhaps you’ve reached a new point in your life where your curiosity yearns for answers deeper than what your own thoughts and exploration can provide. Either way, your horoscope can tell you exactly what you need in a relationship, which can lead to a better understanding of your emotions, as well as deepen your connection with your significant other by knowing their sign and the key points that they thrive off of.
Aries are strong and independent people with a vulnerable side that has to be nourished in a specific way. They don’t like to take the back seat or play the damsel in distress for a second. As an Aries, you need action and admiration from a partner to feel your most loved. It doesn’t mean they have to worship the ground you walk on or that you’re egotistical; you just want to feel cherished for the qualities someone appreciates most and feel like you’re genuinely wanted for legitimate reasons rather than simply be one-half of a pair of oblivious lovebirds.
Tauruses like security and crave stability in relationships. You need to know that your partner is in this for the long haul, so you need consistency in the form of couple rituals and plenty of one-on-one contact.
Geminis are fun-loving go-getters that need a relationship fueled by spontaneity. Strong communication and adventure are best for your relationships, as they’ll leave you feeling closer to your partner but never bored or stuck in the same place.

Here Is What Your Kissing Style Says About Your Relationship

Couples want to accurately predict the future of their relationships, to know if they have what it takes to last or if their days together are numbered. While it’s impossible to confirm the future without a crystal ball, the kissing style has been shown to be a predictor of certain relationship qualities. Here is a list of kissing styles and what they may say about your particular romance:

The Gentle Kiss: This is a tender kiss in which two people gently brush their lips together. Gentle kisses are indicators of anticipation; they can be tantalizing and full of desire for more. These kisses would more often be found between two people who feel comfortable and close with one another.
Single-Lip Kiss: This kiss is performed when two people focus on kissing with one part of their mouth only, using just one lip. This kiss is not as aggressive as Frenching (see below) but is more romantic than other two-lipped short kisses. It is focused romantic attention from one partner to another, usually occurring between two people who are deeply in love.
The Peck: The Peck is usually one of the first ways a couple explores their physical relationship. It is a way to see if the other person is interested and to test out a couple’s chemistry. The Peck is a quick kiss on the lips, fun and casual. Couples who have been together for a long time may also use the Peck as a regular greeting or parting kiss.
Frenching: This is one of the most intense types of kissing, including mouth and tongue. Couples who engage in french kissing are comfortable exploring each other physically and passionately. French kissing can be an important marker in a relationship, as some people will determine whether or not a person is a “good kisser” at this point.

8 Definite Signs Your Woman Truly Loves You

Sure, she says she loves you, but words are cheap. Short of seeing her reaction when you ask her for one of her kidneys, is there any way to tell whether she’s really feeling that love? Thanks to science and a little bit of psychology, there is!

She loves the way you smell. Do you catch her burying her nose in your pillow after you get out of bed? Or does she reel in disgust when you skip your shower? If you’re sure you’ve been laying off the garlic but she’s still turning up her nose at you, you may have trouble. Studies have shown that women use the sense of smell in determining a life partner.
She’s happy for your successes. A woman who celebrates with you when your life goes well is truly invested in you and your future together. Does she belittle your accomplishments? That’s a sign of resentment. Not good.

She’s always touching you. Does she have trouble keeping her hands off you? Touching, especially non-sexual touching like smoothing your hair or leaning against your shoulder, is a sign she cares deeply for you. It makes her happy to know you’re within reach.
She actually means it when she asks how your day went. A person in love wants to empathize with the object of her affection. Knowing every little detail of your day helps her strengthen her connection to you.

When a Man is truly a Man?

A man is truly a man when he wins the love of a good woman, earns her RESPECT, and keeps her TRUST.

A man who shows respect and good manners to all at all times, will win the heart of a woman he loves and this woman will want to respect him, and if he continues showing her respect and good manners, he will never lose her respect and trust but this goes to say about anyone’s trust and respect as unfortunately many times people show respect and trust until they think they possess/own the other and the respect and good manners go out the window and then obviously respect and trust is destroyed. Show respect and trust and you will receive respect and trust as it is earned. ~ Stéphanie Carter 

A real man loves his wife, and places his family as the most important thing in life. Nothing has brought me more peace and content in life than simply being a good husband and father. ~ Frank Abagnale

If you want to be a real human being - a real woman, a real man - you cannot tolerate things which put you to indignation, to outrage. You must stand up. I always say to people, 'Look around; look at what makes you unhappy, what makes you furious, and then engage yourself in some action.' ~ Stephane Hess

7 Things Men Really Want In A Relationship.

We have often written about how to impress women and what they, now its time we talk about what men like and need in their relationships. Men are often reluctant to discuss things they need emotionally and prefer to be quiet and suffer inside, but as a wonderful partner you probably want to know what your man really needs from your relationship. Here are some obvious needs for men:

• Appreciation
Men often complain that their partners don’t appreciate them or say what they like about them. The term ‘male ego’ is famous, and as a partner you must take care of your man’s ego. Praise him and appreciate his effort, efficiency, love, and sexual prowess. They really love to hear how good they are in bed. Most men don’t require constant appreciation but when something is good why not just say it and improve his day? Keep telling your man about his good looks, gestures, and whatever you like about him.

• Communication
Often women feel their men should get their clues or hints to find out what’s missing or bothering them, but men actually need good communication to know these things, and will rarely get your clues. Lack of communication leads to disappointment in women (as to why he is not getting any clue) and irritation in men.

• Live your own life
Men want their partners to have their own life and keep their own identity. This does not mean they don’t love you or are not interested in you, they will support you in your activities and plans. Have your own set of friends, goals, activities, and passion. You must have a life which is going to surprise your partner every day in a happy manner.

Third Eye Kiss

The 3rd Eye Kiss can be an uplifting experience. Kiss the center of the forehead in between their eyebrows, with a thought of compassion for that person. It activates the pineal and pituitary gland of the person and brings a sense of security and well being to that person. Try it with folks you love and care about; the experience may be very healing. You will find the pineal gland mentioned in many ancient scriptures.

Third eye center is situated between the eyebrows. It is generally dormant spiritual center but it’s activation gives you insight , intuition and connection to your higher centers. If you genuinely love someone and care for , Third eye kiss can be a great uplifting experience for both of you.

7 Signs Your Relationship Worths Keeping

We can sometimes wonder if our relationship is worth saving. No relationship is perfect, but that does not mean you should end it because of inevitable ups and downs. There may be several issues on which you don’t agree, but often opposites attract. In spite of having several differences if you notice the following signs this relationship is worth keeping and don’t let her/him go:

• He/She is one of your favorite people
We may have many friends and love to spend time with them, finding your best friend in your partner is incredible. If you love doing many of the same things, enjoy spending time together as friends, and he or she is one of your favorite people to spend time with then your relationship is worth it. It’s hard to find a friend in your partner, if you have one don’t let them go.

• You Grow Together
Growth is important in every relationship. If you can both see a good future together and you are growing and discovering yourself being with your partner, keep your relationship safe. You have a similar mindset about the future, and that is worth keeping.

• You are not thinking about anyone else romantically
It’s normal to notice attractive people, there is a difference between noticing them and seeking them out or calling and emailing them. If you want to indulge in any type of relationship with someone else you should end your current relationship.

Top 5 Things Single Men Are Looking For In A Relationship

It is one of the age-old questions. In this post, we will explore the top five things single guys are actually looking for in a relationship. Take good notes:

1. Loyalty
Yes, this may sound cliche but the truth is that while men are stereotypically cast as commitment-phobic, when a man is wanting to settle down, he wants the same loyalty from his partner. Being loyal, which can encompass everything from fidelity to simply defending his honor in front of your sometimes caddy girlfriends, is of the upmost importance.

2. Room for Growth
In the ongoing assumption that many single men fear commitment, often times the fear comes from an innate nature to explore, expand, and try for more. A relationship with someone who still encourages room for growth and, perhaps, wants to grow as well allows the man to feel as though he still has a certain degree of freedom to explore and expand his horizons.

3. Companionship
There is a reason they call dogs “man’s best friend.” Now, before you get up in arms for fear that you have been compared to a dog, know that this means you’re hoping to join in adventures with him, happy to be at his side and go out into the world together, as partners.

10 Things A Woman Should Never Do For A Man

Research indicates that women tend to be discussion-oriented and strive to communicate through dialogue. Emotion takes center stage book-ended by multiple choices and over analyzing problems. Men, on the other hand, are more straight to the point, or action-oriented.
Part of being in a relationship includes compromises. Those compromises usually involve doing things for our partner that we would not normally do. What is important for women to remember is that it is alright to take a stand every now and then. Giving in isn’t always the answer no matter how much you love someone.

Here is a list of ten things that women should never do for a man:

• Give Up Your Dog – If your lover is allergic they have medications for it. You should never have to give up something you love just to please someone else.

 Starve – Exercise is great, but don’t starve yourself just to please him.

• Have Children - Having kids is a serious commitment that you BOTH have to be on board with for it to work out. Don’t have kids just to please him if you aren’t ready for them.

15 Ways To Keep A Relationship Working (advice)

15 Ways To Keep A Relationship Working (advice)

1. Love each other
2. Don't lie
3. Keep communication open
4. Stay sweet
5. When you get hurt just forgive and forget
6. Never talk about break-ups
7. Never say it's okay even when it's not
8. Forget about "pride"
9. If you say sorry mean it
10. Don't compare your past with your present
11. Don't talk about your stupid ex's
12. Give and take process
13. Beware of his/her feelings
14. When you had a fight, don't let the day pass
15. Don't be the perfect one, be the right one.

10 Type Of Woman And Men You Should Never Marry


1. The Late Night Texter
You know, the girl who only texts you after midnight. She’s the girl who only contacts you when she wants something, or someone to talk to. You can go weeks without hearing from this person, only to rarely get a text full of smiley faces and a message that reads, “Hey! How are you?” They aren’t consistent. Don’t fall into the trap.

2. The Gold-digger
She’s the woman who loves your wallet, bank account, and credit cards. Be sure to stay away from a woman who is only interested in material things, and how much of these things your salary can buy her.

3. The Flirt
This woman loves to flirt with strangers, waiters, and even your friends. The woman you should seek is one who flirts with you and only you, no matter the circumstance. That last thing you want is to be married to someone who will deliberately flirt with people in front or you, let alone behind your back.

4. The Liar
Don’t trust a woman who is constantly lying to you. If you continue to ignore her inconsistencies, she could eventually do something detrimental to your relationship.

5. The Flake
This is the woman who calls off dates, constantly changes plans and never shows up when she promised she would. If you think this will change once you’re married, you’re wrong. A flakey woman will never put her man first.

6. The Partier
Stay away from her. Although she may seem as a fun and outgoing, I guarantee you will be better off with someone who stays away from gatherings full of bad mistakes and regretful decisions. The lifestyle of a partier never fits well with the maturity that is needed in marriage.

Top 10 Turn-Ons For Women Every Man Should Know

Whereas men are most visually and physically stimulated, much of a woman’s ability to be turned on relies on what’s going on her mind, emotions, and the gradual building of desire. For those who find women’s requirements for a horizontal tango a bit tricky, here are 10 turn-on tips you must know.

Improve The Atmosphere
Filthy surroundings, bad smells, or distractions such as loud noises and barking dogs will kill the mood for a girl in no time. To turn her on improving the environment by keeping it clean, improving smell by lighting some scented candles or playing some music you know she enjoys.

Start Off with Sensual Touches
Women like to ease into romance moment, so when first initiating start out with long, gentle caresses that will tease her into wanting more. Starting out too rough or groping will feel jarring and put her off.

Whisper in Her Ear
This is easy, yet very effective way of turning her on, especially when out in public. Whispering what you want to do with her later will give her the excitement of anticipating getting to be alone with you later.

12 Things Every Person Who Loves A Woman Should Know

The internet is full of relationship and dating advice devoted to what women really think, or what they secretly want. Even when you are in love with a woman it can be hard to understand what she really needs from you as a loving and caring partner. Although no dating advice is perfect, these 12 relationship guidelines will help you to love and respect her even when things get a little stormy.

1. Her Body, Her Choice
This goes for everything from her hairstyle to her birth control choices. Respect her right to choose

2. Always Root For Her
Being her biggest fan is the best way to show emotional support. If you love her, she should always know you are in her corner.

3. Trust And Honesty Are Crucial
If you don’t have her trust, you don’t have anything. Trust can only be built through sincere and honest communication.

4. Work To Keep Her
The journey isn’t over once you’ve won her heart. Many men tend to stop trying once the girl of their dreams is by their side. Show her daily that she was worth the effort.

5. Little Details Make A Difference
Paying attention to the details isn’t just about noticing when she gets a new haircut. Active listening during conversations will help her to feel like you notice and care about the details.

6. You Don’t Always Have To Be The Solution
Sometimes, people just need to vent. When she’s upset, she doesn’t necessarily want you to fix everything for her. Sometimes, it’s enough that you just be there to listen and hug her.