Psychology Story

One day, during an evening class for adults, the psychology Teacher entered the class and told students, “Let’s all play a game!” “ What Game?”
The Teacher asked one of the students to volunteer.

A lady, Aliza came forward.

The Teacher asked her to write 30 names of most important people in her life on blackboard.

Aliza wrote names of her family members, relatives, friends, her colleagues and her neighbors.

The Teacher told her to erase 3 names that Aliza considered most unimportant.
Aliza erased names of her colleagues.
The Teacher again told her to delete 5 more names. Aliza erased her neighbor's names.

This went on until there were just four names left on the blackboard. These were names of her mother, father, husband and the only son...

The entire class became silent realizing that this wasn’t a game anymore for Aliza alone.

Now, The Teacher told her to delete two more names.

It was a very difficult choice for Aliza.
She unwillingly deleted her parents names.

8 Tips to Overcome Loneliness, A Guide for Women

Loneliness can be frightening. While some people enjoy being single, its difficult for others to get through this. Loneliness can have severe effects on your mental health, even leading to depression and anxiety. Many think that single people are lonelier than others, but the American Psychological Association states married women are actually lonelier and more stressed than women who are single. Loneliness can be avoided by doing simple things. Here is a list:

1. Take time for yourself
The best way to avoid loneliness is to spend time making yourself a better person with each passing day. Focus on what you want to change and work on self-improvement. Spend time doing what matters to you like time with family, career, and hobbies. Doing what you love will uncover new traits in your personality.

2. Analyze your loneliness
Loneliness is a feeling, not a fact. Our brain pays more attention to pain and danger so it gives more attention to feelings of loneliness. Its important to make yourself believe that you are not actually lonely. Surround yourself with people who support you and love you.

3. Get enough sleep
One of the biggest indicators of loneliness is lack of sleep. When we feel lonely we sometimes beat ourselves up emotionally questioning our life and choices. This overthinking can keep us awake. Lack of sleep during the night makes you feel sleepy during the day. Moreover, lack of sleep deteriorates mood and worsens feelings of loneliness. If you are not able to sleep involve yourself in physical activities and make yourself tired. Avoid overthinking.