10 Bad Habits That Drain Your Energy

Are you tired of being tired? If so, you’re not alone. Millions of Americans report feeling tired during the day. In most cases, this issue can be attributed to lifestyle factors. Here are ten bad habits that drain your energy.

1. Dehydration

Without enough water, you blood becomes thicker and requires more effort from your heart to circulate. Blood is also less able to transport nutrients and oxygen, making you feel tired easily.

2. Going to Bed Too Late

Researchers have found that the most critical stages of sleep occur between 10pm and 1am. If you feel like hitting the snooze every morning, consider adjusting your bedtime.

The worst type of crying is the silent one.

The worst type of crying is the silent one. The one when everyone is asleep. The one where you feel it in your throat, and your eyes become blurry from the tears. The one where you just want to scream. The one where you have to hold your breath and grab your stomach to keep quiet. The one where you can't breath anymore. The one that you realize that the person that meant the most to you, is gone...--

“Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened.” ~ Dr. Seuss

“Sometimes crying or laughing are the only options left, and laughing feels better right now.”~ Veronica Roth

7 Things Every Woman Should Know About Men

Men and women are created differently by God. Things that matter a lot to women don’t matter as much to men and vice versa, for the most part. Theories about men’s behavior have evolved based on studies conducted on men aged 18 to 22. Women often complain that men’s behavior seems odd to them. Here are a few things women should know about men:

• Actions speak louder than words 
Men cannot read minds and they are not as expressive as most women are. Tell your man what you want and he will try to give you that. Stop expecting him to understand and fulfill your expectations on his own. Tell him what you expect and want. For example if you want him to surprise you with a special date tell him you love it when he surprises you with a date.