When a Woman no longer gets frustrated with you

When a woman no longer gets frustrated and upset with you, you can almost guarantee that she doesn't care any more.

People who have treated their partners badly over and over, they point out that she/he no longer questions or complains and they think i’s because their actions have finally been forgiven or just accepted and they are now trusted. Not true – their partners have just given up and no longer care. They stick around simply for kids, money – something. If your actions/words no longer seem to affect a person, then they no longer have the strong feelings towards you they once did. ~ Rhiannon Friend

“Laughter and tears are both responses to frustration and exhaustion. I myself prefer to laugh, since there is less cleaning do to do afterward.” ~ Kurt Vonnegut

You've done it before and you can do it now. See the positive possibilities. Redirect the substantial energy of your frustration and turn it into positive, effective, unstoppable determination. ~ Ralph Marston

If the woman barking your important to her, but if she stop, then your nothing anymore. You have no place in her heart. ~ Dolly Laudato

A Man has two options in a relationship:

A man has two options in a relationship: Either stand up and be the man she needs or sit down, so she can see the man behind him.

“A loving relationship is one in which the loved one is free to be himself — to laugh with me, but never at me; to cry with me, but never because of me; to love life, to love himself, to love being loved. Such a relationship is based upon freedom and can never grow in a jealous heart.”~ Leo F. Buscaglia

“Relationships-of all kinds-are like sand held in your hand. Held loosely, with an open hand, the sand remains where it is. The minute you close your hand and squeeze tightly to hold on, the sand trickles through your fingers. You may hold onto some of it, but most will be spilled.
A relationship is like that. Held loosely, with respect and freedom for the other person, it is likely to remain intact. But hold too tightly, too possessively, and the relationship slips away and is lost.”~ Kaleel Jamison

Marry A Good Man

DON`T marry a rich man. Marry a good man. 

He will spend his life trying to keep you happy. 

No rich man can buy that.

Don't marry the person you think you can live with; marry only the individual you think you can't live without. ~ James Dobson

I believe in soulmates, yes, but I believe you also have to work at love. I happen to believe your soulmate doesn't have to be your partner - your soulmate could be your best friend, your sibling, it doesn't have to be the person you marry. ~ Cheryl Cole

If you would have a good wife, marry one who has been a good daughter. ~ Thomas Fuller