When You Truly Care For Someone

When you truly care for someone, their mistakes never change your feelings because it's the mind that gets angry but the heart still cares.

Relationships don't last because of the good times, they last because the hard times were handled with love and care.

When I cry, I carry you in my tears. When I sleep, I carry you in my dreams. My ambition is to love and care, for I will always love you and you will be in my heart forever.

Sometimes when you show someone that you love and care for them, you only end up hurting yourself, because they never cared to bother and appreciate it.

5 Great Lessons for Sensitive People

Sensitive people are often so giving of their time and energy that they forget to care for themselves. It’s an innate quality that can be difficult to navigate with outside influences establishing the expectations of how you should act.

Here are 5 great lessons for sensitive people:

1. Embrace and control your emotional responses.

Sensitive people see the world differently and with that vision comes great power and responsibility. Because we feel what others are feeling, we often feel a moral obligation to help, and we react with bigger emotion and more rapid action. On the surface, this appears to be a good thing, an admirable trait.

There are many challenges with reacting to a situation in the heat of heightened emotion. The other person might not want help, we might not be able to provide the right kind of help or we might offer help that ends up doing more harm than good to them and us.

It’s not about the desire to help; it’s about understanding the true nature of any situation outside of the emotional connection that is felt. Take the time to think both logically and emotionally before jumping into action. Know the whole world can’t be saved no matter how hard we try. The responsibility comes in choosing our reactions wisely.

4 Differences Between Soul Mates And Life Partners

Let’s get some basic terminology down:

soul mate is a person who is aligned to your soul and can change or influence your soul in some way or another. After that lesson has happened, separation usually happens.
life partner is a friend or companion who you can lean on and are secure in. You can trust them through life. Feelings of love and respect are mutual and you’re both in sync with the needs and wants of the other person.

How do these differences manifest?