People Judge Your Personality Based On These 5 Small Things

1. Your clothing color choices.
According to Psychology Today, the color of clothes you wear says more about who you are than many other superficial features. People who choose darker, earth tones, blacks or grays tend to be more sensitive and artistic. People who wear red tend to be perceived as lively people.

2. Nail biting.
Some body focused behaviors, like nail biting, can indicate to people that you're impatient, frustrated, or that you react ti certain situations with anxiety or boredom.

3. The shoes you wear.
It may sound a little catty, but some psychologists think you can judge a person by their shoes. Examining the cost, style, color and condition of a shoe can tell you much about someone's income, political affiliation, gender, and possibly even age.

4. Your handshake.
This shouldn't come as a surprise to anyone, but your handshake can exude confidence or weakness. You can also determine a lot about how introverted or extroverted a person is based on the strength of their handshakes.

5. Your handwriting.
According to one study, people with small, meticulous handwriting come off as shy, where as people with larger, sloppier handwriting appear more outgoing. They also found people who were careful about how their writing appeared and wrote slowly were more empathic and sensitive.

I Think One Of The Greatest Feelings In The World

I think one of the greatest feelings in the world is when someone openly tells you how much you mean to them.

I love that feeling of being in love, the effect of having butterflies when you wake up in the morning. That is special. ~ Jennifer Aniston

I think that one of the things that you do learn is that falling in love and being in love with someone is a rarity. That you don't fall in love as many times as you think you're going to. And then when you do, it's really special; it's really important. ~ Julianne Moore

They say marriage will change you but it didn't change me. Being in love changed me. ~ R. Kelly

31 Life Changing John Lennon Quotes

1. "Life is what happens when you are busy making other plans."
2. "Time you enjoy wasting, was not wasted."
3. "Music is everybody's possession. It's only publishers who think that people own it."
4. "Only by trying on other people's clothes do we find what size we are."
5. "Produce your own dream. If you want to save Peru, go save Peru. It's quite possible to do anything, but not if you put it on the leaders and the parking meters. Don't expect Carter or Reagan or John Lennon or Yoko Ono or Bob Dylan or Jesus Christ to come and do it for you. You have to do it yourself."
6. "Declare it. Just the same way we declare war. That is how we will have peace… we just need to declare it."