According To Buddha, These are the Four Elements of "True Love"

Love is a very powerful feeling that we are all able to relate too. In fact, love has proven to be the answer to a majority of the worlds problems, if only they had time to sit down and actually think about it for a moment.
Nevertheless, we can all still individually make our way to finding our own meaning of "true love".
A majority of us have a really hard time understanding what true love really is. It's fickle, it's cruel, it's warm, it's lovely, etc. True love is an anomaly that we are all slowly figuring out as we make our way through this strange thing called life. One of the best things we can do in order to understand what true love really is, is to listen to someone who's experienced it all before.
Buddha has four key components of "true love" that we should all consider learning from his lessons of the world.

1. Practice Inclusiveness

If you are able to give to others without needing anything in return, then this is a good practice to start understanding the meaning of "true love". True love requires you to be able to give selflessly to others, never be greedy, and demonstrate your abilities in how you can benefit others by just being yourself.
Not everyone is a master at this, and it can take quite some time to get the hang of, but you will be one step closer to understanding the truth.

2. Practice Joy

Joy is one of the most contagious emotions in the entire world. It can lead to others feeling just as joyful as you are. Practice enjoying yourself in your daily routine. This is a good start to understanding what it means to have true love.
Never give in to negative thoughts and always try your best to put a smile on other peoples' faces. You might be surprised just how rewarding it really is to make others happy.

3. Practice Compassion

Being compassionate about the things that you love to do is one of the most crucial elements in finding your meaning of "true love". If you are able to display your pride over the things that you love doing, then you are one step closer to understanding what "true love" really means.

Discover What Your Birth Month Reveals About Your Sex Life

You may or may not already know this, but your birthday can actually describe pretty accurately what your sex life looks like.
You wouldn't believe it, but it's actually kind of freaky how accurate the details really are! So what does yours say about your sex life?


If you were born in the month of December, your sex life might actually be one of the most enjoyable ones there is. You are very creative when you are interested in the person you like, you love to try out new things especially when it comes to role-playing, and more importantly you are a lot of fun in bed. People truly have a good time with you when you're both under the sheets together.


If you were born in the month of November, your sex life is actually pretty kinky. In a good way, of course! You like being possessed by your significant other almost as if they owned your body, you're more than willing to try anything for the first time, and you can actually be pretty possessive yourself depending on the person. You can't help but be a little adventurous!


If you were born in the month of October, you expect the sex you have to be some of the greatest sex in the world. You never like to rush things and are extremely good at seducing the person you're enamored with. You are one of the most enjoyable people to have sex with and the person you're with knows this to be the truth and nothing but the truth.