Early Warning Signs of Ovarian Cancer Every Woman Should Know

Every woman should know the signs to watch out for ovarian cancer.

This disease causes cancer cells to divide resulting in abnormal cell growth in the tissue which covers the ovaries.

If left untreated, cancer can spread uncontrollably anywhere in the body.

Scroll down to know what signs to look out for.

    Risk factors for ovarian cancer include:

1. Family history of cancers such as breast, ovarian, or uterine cancer
2. Never being pregnant
3. Women over the age of 50, most cases develop after menopause
4. Some fertility and hormone medications

Ovarian cancer is uncontrolled cell growth in the ovaries. For this analysis, it is essential to find it in time.

Symptoms of ovarian cancer.

1. Gastrointestinal problems

In general women who have ovarian cancer have difficulty digesting food which can result in high weight loss.

Women may have problems such as diarrhoea or constipation.

2. Inflammation

Swelling of the abdomen and bloating is a common symptom of ovarian cancer.

Although this symptom may also be found in other diseases, it should be noted that for ovarian cancer inflammation is common and occurs over long periods.

If swelling of the abdomen is accompanied by weight loss, this may be another sign of ovarian cancer.

3. Urine problems

Frequent urination is also one of the early symptoms of ovarian cancer. However, frequent urination may also be linked to an infection or weakness of pelvic floor muscles.

It may be an itching, uncomfortable pressure, or unpleasant sensation discomfort during urination.

4. Painful intercourse

If you endure discomfort or pain during sexual intercourse, it may be a sign of ovarian cancer. In this case, we advise you to go to a doctor to find out the reason for this pain.

5. Abnormal menstrual bleeding

Changes in a woman’s period can be early symptoms of ovarian cancer are menstrual disorders.

This is due to the presence of tumors that can cause hormonal disturbances and injuries in the cervix. .

6. Pelvic or abdominal pain

Pelvic, abdominal, or back pains are symptoms that can indicate ovarian cancer, depending on how often it occurs and if discomfort appears to be manifest for no reason.

7: Difficulty Breathing:

Late-stage ovarian cancer can bring on breathing troubles. As tumors grow large, they may begin to press against the lungs and obstruct a patient’s ability to inhale and exhale.

8. Vaginal bleeding

Vaginal bleeding is the usual well-known signs of ovarian cancer.

Vaginal bleeding will have an unusual viscosity and may include pain.

Get checked out if you’re bleeding when not on your menstrual cycle, and if the colour and texture looks different to your normal menstrual cycle.

Others symptoms of ovarian cancer can include:

1. Constipation
2. Loss of energy or appetite, trouble eating, feeling full quickly
3. Fatigue (extreme tiredness)
4. Back pain
5. You urinate more often or anxious than normal

Family with mysterious facial condition are becoming an internet sensation – now they’re inspiring millions worldwide

Ever since we were little children, our parents taught us to never judge people based on their physical appearance. Sadly, there are still those who make assumptions about others based on their looks.

Although being different means being special and unique, those people who don’t fit the ‘standards’ imposed by the society can easily fall victims of stares and bullying.

A family from Indonesia, the Manurung family, are unlike the rest of the people from their village.

Four out of six siblings, together with their father, suffer from a mysterious facial condition.

Their faces look exactly the same, and according to them, they changed over time.

Unfortunately, they hadn’t visited a doctor in order to try to detect the cause of their condition until they became famous on TikTok. Even then, no one was able to detect the exact reason which lead to these people’s faces to change drastically.

Recently, sisters Sri, Mairani, Tiur, and their brother Surya appeared on camera for the YouTube channel Truly where they spoke of their condition and how it affects their lives. After considering a number of theories, the siblings settled on the idea that their condition is a result of genetics.

“I always used to think about it; Why am I so different to my sisters and brother?” Tiur, the only sibling without the condition, told Truly.

“But when I got older, what I realized was that it must be genetics from our parents. My sisters and brother inherited it from my father, and I am more like my mother.

“We think that their condition right now isn’t a problem day-to-day. If it did cause problems, like tiredness, they would go to the doctor for a check-up,” Tiur explained. “Now, their condition doesn’t affect their lives, so it’s not an issue.”

As they haven’t been provided with a diagnosis, because doctors are unable to find out what exactly caused these siblings’ faces to change, there are a few possible explanations.

According to some, the members of this family might be suffering from a rare condition called Parry-Romberg Syndrome which according to the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke is a condition “where the tissue of one side of the face gradually wastes away.” This condition is incurable but “immunosuppressant drugs and other medicines may help treat some neurological symptoms. Other treatment focuses on treating other symptoms.”

Another possible condition the Manurungs might be suffering from is Treacher Collins, a genetic disorder resulting in congenital craniofacial malformation which affects the development of bones and other tissues of the face.

A third possibility could be the so-called Barber Say Syndrome, which is usually present from birth and causes malformations in a newborn’s body.

The siblings are well accepted by the people who live in the village, but when they go to the town, they usually get stared at.

“When we walk around our village, we don’t have any problems. No one makes fun of us, no one insults us in our village,” Surya said.

“But if we leave here and go out of town, people who never seen us before for sure, they look surprised when they do. The fact is our faces changed, but we accept it and just live with it. We are thankful for it, it’s a gift from God. That’s how we see it.”

Tiur added: “I feel bad that they’re not like me. I have a normal life without bullying, without being mocked, without being ridiculed by others. When they feel sad because of that, I do too.”

The family decided to use their specific looks to gain the attention of people worldwide and spread a message that we should all embrace our physical appearance and learn to love ourselves they way we are.

They decided to start posting videos on TikTok where have over 2.9 million followers. They post videos of themselves dancing and show the world how they live. At the same time, they use the platform as a way of earning money.

“We went viral on TikTok,” mother Mardiah Manurung said. “Since then people thought we did it for pity, but that’s not true. We’ve used this as an opportunity of going viral of hoping to earn a living to raise our living standards.”

Since the documentary about this family aired on Truly some 18 months ago, Surya got married to a beautiful woman named Shasa Puspita Dew.

This family inspires many and they are the perfect proof that appearance is not everything.

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