Dear Woman

It takes a real man to handle you, embrace your imperfections, tell you the truth no matter how brutal it is, never give up on you no matter how hard it is, pleasure you, treat you like you're the only one, and give up the game.

Note to guys: When you go days without talking to a girl, you leave her questioning. You make her doubt you ever cared that you're not talking, and she'll eventually convince herself that you don't. You may not think that it's a big deal now, but when she starts talking to someone else I bet you will. She won't wait around for you forever. So be the man and just talk to her.

Dear Woman, Sometimes you’ll just be too much woman. Too smart. Too beautiful. Too strong. Too much of something. That makes a man feel like less of a man, which will start making you feel like you have to be less of a woman. The biggest mistake you can make is removing jewels from your crown to make it easier for a man to carry. When this happens, I need you to understand, you do not need a smaller crown — you need a man with bigger hands. ~Michael E. Reid.

No Matter What's Happening In Your Life Right Now, You Must Read This Short Story :)

I quit my job, my relationship, my spirituality… I wanted to quit my life.
I went to the woods to have one last talk with god
“God”, I asked,
“Can you give me one good reason not to quit?”.
His answer surprised me…
“Look around”, He said. “Do you see the fern and the bamboo ?
“Yes”, I replied.
“When I planted the fern and the bamboo seeds, I took very good care of them.
I gave them light.I gave them water.The fern quickly grew from the earth.

The Painful Part Of Parenthood - Real Story In London

A poor couple who lived in a small village in London. They had only one son. Gave him the best education. Son graduated as an Engineer in the nearby city. Eventually,got married to a rich girl.

Initially, they lived with his parents in the village. Soon the wife got tired of village life and persuaded the husband to move to the city leaving the old parents in the village.

As time passed by the husband seen an advert in the newspaper about a vacancy in Barnet. He was successful and lived in Barnet for years with his wife. Regularly he used to send money to parents.

Eventually with time he stopped and forgot about his parents ever existed.

Every year he made Hajj(pilgrimage) and immediately after that he used to see someone telling him in a dream that his Hajj is not accepted.