I don't know why

I don't know why, but sometimes, I show the worst of myself to the person I love the most.

because LOVE is unconditional,
because LOVE understands.

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8 Common Secret Woman Hide From Men.

A woman may give you her heart and her body, but there are certain things a woman will always keep from the man she’s in a relationship with. They keep these secrets for their own personal reasons, mainly to spare your feelings or because they’re too afraid to admit what’s really on their minds.

1.They Fantasize about S3x a lot With Their Man

Women want s3x far more than we’ve been allowed to believe. Sometimes they’re just too shy to share their most erotic thoughts and graphic fantasies with you.

2. They Still stalk Or Check On Their Exes

Women regularly check in on what their exes are up to via social networking sites. As long as we have the technology, they will never be fully out of our lives or minds. This doesn’t mean they still love them; they’re just curious and are hoping they rot in eternal loneliness.

3. Their feelings about your family

Even if a woman doesn’t like her partner’s family, she will never verbalize that because she doesn’t want to jeopardize their relationship and she also doesn’t want to hurt her loved one’s feelings. Most women will simply avoid being around them whenever they can.

4. They Keep Memories From Past Relationships

Most women are not still crying over that douche bag who cheated … but they are saving that first love letter they received when they were 16 for memories of their younger days.

5. Most Of the Time They Make Excuses To Avoid Sex

Women are constantly finding new ways to delicately sidestep having to engage in ultimate pleasure between the sheets. Don’t let it hurt your ego. Yes they love you and want to get it on with you, but not every time you are ready to go.

6. Most Women Fake Orgasm.

Yes, women do indeed fake orgasms, and have been doing so for quite some time now! A woman is always looking to please her man, and faking an orgasm can put a smile on his face and boost his ego at the same time.

7. They Are Afraid and Worried Of Commitments.

Commitment-phobia is considered more of a male trait; however, most women are also scared of devoting their lives to someone in a committed relationship.

8. They Never Want to Talk About Past Relationships.

The last thing women want to hear about are intimate details about your exes.