How To Stop A Heart Attack in Just 60 Seconds – Its Very Popular Ingredient In Your Kitchen

Many people are unaware that a simple but powerful ingredient can prevent a heart attack in one minute. One popular herbalist, John Christopher has discovered the most effective formula how to stop a heart attack in 1 minute. There are more than 50 herbal formulas but one of them turned up to be the most effective. No matter that he has no doctorate, his contributes in alternative medicine are very significant.
His secret ingredient is cayenne pepper! He knew that this pepper can prevent a heart attack in 60 seconds, and he also claims that this method works impeccably at saving lives. Cayenne is the most popular kind of chilli pepper. Make sure that you always have some on hand- it can save a family member from a heart attack.
How to Use Cayenne Pepper
Cayenne pepper has at least 90,000 Scoville units, according to the Scoville Heat Units (SHU). Habanero, African Bird, Thai Chi, Jamaican Hot Pepper, Jalapeño, and Scotch Bonet are species of peppers that have the same SHU value. You can find cayenne pepper in supermarkets, oriental grocery stores or health food stores.
If you have cayenne pepper at home, give the person having a heart attack a teaspoon of cayenne pepper in a glass of water. The patient has to be conscious for this to work.
If the person is unconscious, you can use cayenne pepper extract. Put a few drops under patient’s tongue for results.
Cayenne pepper is a powerful stimulant; it increases heart rate and carries blood to all parts of the body, balancing circulation. Cayenne pepper has hemostatic effect, stops bleeding instantly, and helps in heart attack recovery.
Remember, many health experts say that they have never lost a patient thanks to this instant therapy.
Dr Schulz’s Cayenne Tincture Recipe
This tincture is the best remedy for emergency cases of heart attacks. Use only cayenne pepper, which is the most popular kind of chili pepper; it is grown in India and South America.
Chili is a bushy tropical plant, and unlike peppers, it is a perennial plant. Ground chili is twenty times stronger than regular pepper, because it contains much more capsaicin, a pepper alkaloid. The heat of chili peppers is inversely proportional to the size of the pepper, so the tiniest peppers are usually the hottest. Always go for this kind.
  • Cayenne pepper powder
  • 1-3 fresh cayenne peppers
  • 50% alcohol (you can use vodka)
  • 1 litre glass bottle
  • Gloves