Is it possible that men may have hidden fears? They look so strong and decisive! "By no means," is the phrase many women would say. However, this is just a stereotype imposed by society. We are proving the opposite to you! Here are six things most men never talk about!
1. Money
Money is one of the most common reasons why men worry. They have grown up with the idea of â??â??persons who will provide the family bread in the future. A man may not have a boyfriend or family, but he still worries about his money. Care and attention are much more important to women.
How can one not worry if one of the main characteristics of "an ideal man" is height? If women care less about height, then guys who are not that tall would be more likely to worry.
From a very young age, women are taught to think that their body should be ideal all the time. They think they have to constantly work with themselves and follow a diet. There are no such stereotypes about men, but that does not mean that they do not care about their physical shape or compare it to the model men that appear in magazines. Otherwise, why would men spend so much time in the gym? Their worst fear is someone mentions their belly and compares it to a beer bottle.
4. Jealousy
Jealousy of men is not usually as evident as in women, however it damages their self-esteem just as much. Your partner may show no signs of concern when you tell him about a male colleague with a great sense of humor. But, you should know this: he worries a lot, and compares himself to a potential competitor. To erase his fears, you need to talk to him honestly and explain that there is absolutely no threat.
5. No $exual experience
The image of a macho man is the worst nightmare of any man because it makes them try to look like experienced lovers and lie about the number of ex-girlfriends they had. In fact, they are afraid to do something wrong. Support and honesty in all things related to your relationship will help you feel more secure.
6. Hair
Hair on the body and head is always a problem for men. A small amount of them on the body, maybe makes it not look so much macho? Too many hairs, is something scary or messy, let’s say. And being bald is often the worst thing that can happen. You can make things worse if you mention these problems to your partner.
5. No $exual experience
The image of a macho man is the worst nightmare of any man because it makes them try to look like experienced lovers and lie about the number of ex-girlfriends they had. In fact, they are afraid to do something wrong. Support and honesty in all things related to your relationship will help you feel more secure.
6. Hair
Hair on the body and head is always a problem for men. A small amount of them on the body, maybe makes it not look so much macho? Too many hairs, is something scary or messy, let’s say. And being bald is often the worst thing that can happen. You can make things worse if you mention these problems to your partner.