I may not understand why everything is happening in my life right now but I just wanted to say I trust you and love you.
“God knows what you're ready for. He knows what your arms are able to carry. He knows what your heart can contain. He knows what’s coming, and He knows how and when to prepare you for it. He knows the right time, the right place, the right person, the right answer. He knows, so you don't have to.”― Mandy Hale
Pray with love and trust that God always answers prayers. Oliver Powell, Prayer
It’s amazing what we can do if we will trust God enough to step out of our comfort zones! Brett Harris
God knows how to turn things around. He can turn your sorrow into joy – just let him in. Richard Daly
"Every difficulty you face, in every waiting place, you're being given the chance to trust in the things unseen and to be abundantly blessed." Cherie Hill
God calls those who are underprivileged. He calls them because he knows that they are more readily available to receive his grace and not trust in their own effort or ability. Sahne Callahan
When you're really believing, when you're in peace, you're showing God by your actions that you trust Him. Joel Osteen