Father And Daughter:
( A Daughter’s Note)
FATHER", he is a best gift of god given to a daughter.
They are the heroes of our life.
From the day we were born he was the one who loved us unconditionally.
They say that from the instant he lays eyes on her, a father adores his daughter..
Whoever she grows up to be, she is always to him that little girl . As we grow old, our father starts spending less and less time with us because of his work..From the day we were born he was the one who loved us unconditionally.
They say that from the instant he lays eyes on her, a father adores his daughter..
And we start to think that he does not love us. But, give a thought, if he is not giving you time now does it means he doesn't love us ??
Absolutely not.. he is busy in working so that you will not face any problem in the future. He is working for that day when his daughter will be someone's wife. He want you to give all the happiness which you deserve . He is not spending time with you because he wants to full fill all your requirements. He is earning for you.
Fathers don't buy new clothes for themselves thinking that money can be utilized to buy a dress for her daughter and he can make her happy. Never doubt on the love of your father. He loves you a lot, just he is unable to show it.
Respect your father, whatever you are today is just because of the sacrifice he had made for you.
Love U So Much Dad <3
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